フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Rotate drops! Mix drops! Unmix drops! Group, match and FREEZE drops! Red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, green, white and black! A lot of colored drops! 3 Play Modes: TIME MODE +Drops keep coming! Try to make them disappear as fast as possible. +If the board gets full, its GAME OVER! +FREEZE drops to make them disappear! -To FREEZE drops: Form 2x2 same color squares or place a drop on a matching color panel and press the FREEZE command! ... but be careful, frozen drops take some time to disappear, also frozen drops don't move...
[ ビジネス ]
With the SAP HANA Info Access mobile app for iPad, you can visualize and explore your business numbers anywhere and anytime. This app connects to SAP HANA and allows information workers to analyze measures right from their iPad.
[ ゲーム ]
Move the fish seek smaller prey and also stay away from the enemy to determine. ------------------------------------- In the game, Big Fish Hana will be participating journey brutal survival with small fish. Where larger more powerful than the will to destroy the weak. Move the fish seek smaller prey and also stay away from the enemy to determine. Wish you play the Big Fish Hana have moments of relaxation and delightful.
[ 旅行 ]
Hawaiian Airlines’ inflight magazine Hana Hou! provides readers with a savvy insider’s view of the people, places and cultures that make our Islands so extraordinary. Features long-form stories covering Native Hawaiian culture, natural history, the arts, science, sports and much more. Recipient of numerous national photography and design awards. Hana Hou! Subscriptions Available: 1-year subscription: $19.99 (6 issues, published bi-monthly) Single issue: $3.99 (no subscription) Subscription and Payment Details: - Payment for all p...
[ ファイナンス ]
외환(FX)은 KEB하나은행에서 !! KEB하나은행이 자신있게 제공하는 환율앱~!! 스마트폰 이용이 불편한 고객님도 쉽게 이용 가능한 최고의 환율파트너!! 해외여행을 위한 환율조회 및 권종계산기와 이종통화 계산기 제공~ 스마트폰/인터넷/영업점용 환율우대쿠폰은 보너스!! - Hana 1Q 환율 소개 - 1.환율정보제공 - 자주 보는 환율을 설정한 My환율 / 상세조회/ 차트 (1개월, 3개월, 6개월, 12개월) 2. 계산기 기능 -다양한외화에대하여원화를외화로/외화를다른외화로빠르고정확하게계산 3. 새소식/ 이벤트/ 메시지함/ 설정(위젯, Push 통지 등) 4.바탕화면에서바로환율...
[ ビジネス ]
SAP HANA e-Book App è una App rivolta a manager e decisori aziendali che illustra i benefici di SAP HANA, la tecnologia In-Memory di SAP. Questa soluzione permette alle organizzazioni di gestire una crescita sempre più rapida, in termini di volume e di eterogeneità, dei dati da gestire. Allo stesso tempo, permette di "far parlare" le informazioni per ottenere una visione più chiara del business. Poter analizzare grandi volumi di dati in pochi secondi non significa soltanto gestire più celermente la complessità. Può aprire nuove st...
[ ショッピング ]
美容コスメ・スキンケアショップ【スマイル華hana】の公式アプリです。 【スマイル華hana】では、ヴィヴィアーニのコスメを主に取り扱っており、 ベースファンデーションやフェイスマスク、美容液、洗顔ソープなどの様々な美容コスメやスキンケア商品を販売しております。 【スマイル華hana】では、微弱電荷技術を取り入れた次世代コスメや無着色・無香料・無防腐剤・無界面活性剤・無抗菌剤・無鉱物油のコスメを多数お取り扱いしております。 フェイスマスクや美容液は保湿状態を高めることができるので、お肌にハリや潤いが欲しいという方におすすめです。 お肌を美しく保ち...
[ ブック ]
Hana Yori Dango is the best-selling shōjo manga in Japan of all time. Makino Tsukushi is the only poor student at Eitoku Gakuen, the school of the ridiculously rich and privileged that is ruled by Flower 4 or F4, a group of four boys who come from extremely powerful families: Domyoji Tsukasa, the leader and heir of the Domyoji World Finance Group; Hanazawa Rui, the introverted son of a large company; Nishikado Sojiro, a player who is the heir of a tea ceremony school; and Mimasaka Akira, a madam killer with ties to the undergroun...
[ エンターテインメント ]
HanaはDENSOが第43回東京モーターショーに出展した、人と車を繋ぐ未来のインターフェース~コミュニケーションロボット~です。 Hana AR Viewerは、スマートフォンの画面を通して、Hanaがそこにいるかのような体験ができるアプリケーションです。 ※AR: Augmented Reality(拡張現実)の略で、現実空間に仮想の存在を重ねて表示する技術です。
[ 教育 ]
The FINAL SALE, a week later, the APP WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE STORE. HURRY UP TO GET! Unfortunately the source code for the application is lost and the income does not pay for new development. I decided to remove the app from the store! The best app for preparation to pass of the SAP HANA Certification and Interview. Being a SAP certified professional guarantee a better future and success for you. Our SAP certification preparation exams would prove themselves to be the most helpful step in the direction of that SAP goal. Improv...
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