フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
*** Hi! I'm here *** This application allows you to communicate your current location to other people. It is different from other location apps because allows you to adjust your position and hence to provide your receiver with your precise position. Hi! I'm here! is useful when you have to meet someone in large and crowded places. Take a picture of the place where you are and send it: this allows your friends to find you easily. 'Hi! I'm here' provides you with one of the largest map view never seen on an iPhone application ...
[ ゲーム ]
Volkswagen Touareg Challenge Pure off-road feeling with an SUV in a class of its own: the new Volkswagen Touareg! The Touareg V6 TDI BlueMotion Technology and the Touareg Hybrid are available to choose from. From ocean drive to off-road adventure: experience the versatility of the new Touareg on six distinct on and off-road courses, over gravel, mud, or ice. Give it a new look with unlocked pain jobs and rims. If you choose the Touareg Hybrid, you will also earn additional points for efficient driving. So that your test drive is ...
[ ゲーム ]
AN ARTISTIC ACTION RPG The developer of ZENONIA and HYBRID: Eternal Whisper takes you on another breath-taking journey to the era of the Three Kingdoms. VANQUISH: The Oath of Brothers, is gracefully presented through the use of innovative ink and wash painting graphics. It is a fast paced action RPG following a dramatic storyline. ───────────────────── CRITICS SAY "GAMEVIL's talented artists have really poured a lot into Vanquish" - IGN "This game will be heralded for its impressive visual appeal" - Slide To Play ───────────...
[ ミュージック ]
Epic 64-voice Virtual Analog / PCM iPad Synth Inspired by the Digital Synths of the 80s, 90s, 2000s FULLY LOADED w/ 900+ presets by Analog Matthew, Brice Beasley, DMT Cymatics, Moby Pixel, Red Sky Lullaby, Jakob Haq, Electronisounds (Dean Daughters), Sound of Izrael, Brian Funk, and more "A Perfect Synth" - App Advice "Fans of the D-50, JD-990, 01/W, Wavestation... Rejoice!" - Music Radar Includes iPhone, iPad and iOS AUv3 versions: Use as a plug-in in DAWs like GarageBand & Logic for iPad, Cubasis, AUM, and more! The Sound. Oh...
[ 天気 ]
Wisuki is a powerful wind, waves, weather and tide forecast app with advanced features that allows you to instantly find best spots based on your preferred conditions, and analyze forecast data with an unprecedented level of detail. Wisuki helps you to plan even better your outdoor activities like surfing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, fishing, sailing, paragliding, biking and more. COMMUNITY • Post sessions, share private or public, like and comment. • Posting sessions will link them with forecast at the exact session time. • Bette...
[ ゲーム ]
期間限定特別セール!なんと定価より60%-66% OFF! - Baseball Superstars® 2010 - ZENONIA® - ZENONIA® 2 - HYBRID 2: Saga of Nostalgia - Soccer Superstars™ 歴史に残るスタイリッシュアクションRPG 英雄グレイの壮大な旅は続く。HYBRID 2: Saga of Nostalgiaでグレイは愛するフェアリーを探す冒険へと旅立つ。聖人との遭遇は彼女の存在を危険にさらすこととなり、魂の同伴者は歪んだ次元をバラバラにしてしまう。 HYBRIDの戦士グレイよ、次元を旅し歪んでしまった王国を元に戻すのだ! 迫力のコンボアタック、数百種類以上に及ぶユニークなアイテム、改良されたクエスト...
[ ゲーム ]
Cartoon Wars is an arcade war game which combines the formulas of defense and real-time strategy games. ───────────────────── SCENARIO Two tribes existed in the Cartoon World; the vicious, Color Tribe and the slaves, Black and White Cartoon Tribe. For generations, the Color Tribe were treated as properties and forced to work under a slavery system. Fortunately...good existed amongst the evil Black and White Cartoon Tribe. They gathered and began a revolt to free the slaves. The inevitable war begins...become the hero of the Bla...
[ ゲーム ]
期間限定特別セール!なんと定価より60%-66% OFF! - Baseball Superstars® 2010 - ZENONIA® - ZENONIA® 2 - HYBRID 2: Saga of Nostalgia - Soccer Superstars™ 君のサッカーチームをマネジメントし、スーパースターを目指せ! Superstarsシリーズの最新作! シーズンモードでチームを世界一に導き、カップモードでトロフィーを獲得。ドラマティックモードでは記憶に残る瞬間を体験しよう! ----------------------------------------- 批評家の声 "アニメ調のずば抜けたサッカータイトルだ。アニメバトルスタイルでプレーヤーを自由自在に操れる。" PocketGamer "中毒...
[ ゲーム ]
VANQUISH is now FREE!! ───────────────────── AN ARTISTIC ACTION RPG The developer of ZENONIA and HYBRID: Eternal Whisper takes you on another breath-taking journey to the era of the Three Kingdoms. VANQUISH: The Oath of Brothers, is gracefully presented through the use of innovative ink and wash painting graphics. It is a fast paced action RPG following a dramatic storyline. ───────────────────── CRITICS SAY "GAMEVIL's talented artists have really poured a lot into Vanquish" - IGN "This game will be heralded for its impres...
[ 教育 ]
Hand in Hand is a comprehensive seven-level course designed to transform students into confident English speakers and capable global citizens. At the heart of Hand in Hand is the recognition that global awareness, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and 21st century skills are necessary components for students to succeed in today’s world. The series combines steady vocabulary and grammar progression with the functional objectives of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and Young Learners Engl...
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