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[ ビジネス ]
Offline Kiosk turns your existing website into a full-featured offline kiosk in minutes and without coding. The app automatically downloads your entire site to device local storage, including all documents, video, and client-side interactive features, so it works offline — without any network connection. Offline Kiosk is the perfect app for a trade show booth, self-service kiosk, or museum exhibit. Use Offline Kiosk to engage visitors, collect customer sign-ups, conduct surveys, even push marketing materials to your own sales team...
[ ビジネス ]
Access your Process Platform inbox and applications Process Platfrom App is a Mobile App (native container) developed by Opentext and it facilitates the following: Access to all the mobile applications developed using the Process Platfrom HTML5 SDK Enables access to the native functions of the mobile device by acting as a native container to any Web page designed using the Process Platform HTML5 SDK.
[ 仕事効率化 ]
*** Winner of the FWA Mobile Of The Day (MOTD) Award! *** Procoding is a mobile code sketching IDE for HTML5/JavaScript and comes as a universal app, running both on the iPad and the iPhone. Create interactive visuals with Procoding for iOS. Code your favorite sketches for generative design on your iPad or iPhone. Featuring a clean and beautifully integrated interface, individually optimized for the best JavaScript coding experience on iPad and iPhone, including a Syntax Highlighting Editor and an easily accessible reference. Ne...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Спутник – это первый российский браузер для тех, кому важна скорость и удобство работы! Безопасный интернет без навязчивой рекламы – только у нас есть постоянно обновляемый список рекламы и опасных сайтов, которые будут блокироваться в нашем браузере. Мы поможем вам сэкономить интернет-трафик и время! Только в Спутнике: – Блокировка рекламы Ходите по сайтам, подключайтесь к бесплатному wi-fi, смотрите фильмы, – все это без рекламы! Мы постоянно работаем над расширением списка блокируемой рекламы, чтобы вы экономили свой интернет-...
[ ニュース ]
手游之家- wap游戏相关网址导航,游戏视频,游戏论坛 游戏wap网址导航:提供 知名游戏网站的导航,支持iPhone和iPad,让你一键到达 视频:提供游戏相关的视频:LOL,Dota,Dota2,风暴英雄【无广告哦】 游戏论坛:游戏心得,晒游戏,招募游戏队友 支持发帖,回帖,发图片,发起投票 小说:提供在线小说下载,本地小说阅读(无广告哦,可以离线阅读哦) 目前小说库里包含了100多篇经过筛选的保证优质的小说资源:网络小说,青春小说,文学小说,其他热门小说 资料:目前仅仅内置了风暴英雄游戏的资料,其他游戏资料,通过HTML5的方式展示(我们也在不断...
[ 教育 ]
* * * * * GoLearningBus: A complete education journey from school, college to professional life * * * * * More than 4 million paying customers from 175 countries. Get on the GoLearningBus today and take a complete education journey from school, college to professional learning. Access all 300 apps for lifetime for only $9.99 via GolearningBus Library. Learn via more than 300 apps for learning and training. GoLearningBus brings you a simple, crisp and to-the-point app for "Web Development by GoLearningBus". You have limited ac...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
** Includes HTML 4.01 and HTML 5 ** More than just a cheat sheet or reference, the HTML Pro provides beginners with a simple introduction to the basics, and experts will find the advanced details they need. Loads of extras are included: HTML5 elements, HTML5 attributes, HTML5 events, syntax, document structure, DOCTYPE declarations, colors, font styles, HTML5 version information, and browser compatibility tables for the most popular browsers. The HTML tags are categorized and searchable. Each tag information screen contains a des...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
性能和体验的差距,一直是mobile app开发者放弃HTML5的首要原因。 浏览器天生的切页白屏、不忍直视的转页动画、浮动元素的抖动、无法流畅下拉刷新等问题,这些都让HTML5开发者倍感挫败; 另一方面,浏览器默认控件样式又少又丑,制作一个漂亮的控件非常麻烦,也有一些制作简单的ui框架但性能低下。 mui框架有效的解决了这些问题,这是一个可以方便开发出高性能App的框架,也是目前最接近原生App效果的框架。
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Snaml Card is a 2-Dimensional Web Organizer, a 4-Way Web Navigator, and a Web Browser for iPhone with a Carousel style control. It is a full function Snaml Card except iAd on display. So user can tap a .sml file link on web to load a new group. 1. INTRODUCTION Snaml Card organizes web sites in the architecture of Library, Category, and Card. Each Card can be a HTML5 page. A Category includes a group of cards. A set of Snaml Card files are stored in a database as a Library. Snaml Card allows you to organize web pages in categ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Pr is the most advanced and fastest Mobile Kiosk App for iOS. Build with the latest Web Standards and Hardware Accelerated Webview (thanks to Xcode 6) - Pr offers amazing Speed to view your Web Content offline or online. AirPlay is fully supported :-) Full iOS Metal support! HD Video Playback with or without controls Pr support 28 Languages - if i you miss your language please contact me. Important Standart Login & Password: Login = admin pass = pass You can change this in the Settings Menu to your own needs. If you forgot the P...
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