フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ メディカル ]
“早产儿Growing”是到目前为止中国唯一 一款专门针对早产儿的家庭健康监测软件。为了帮助更多的早产宝宝能够获得合理的成长建议及有效的医疗资源, 帮助早产宝宝摘掉三顶帽子(脑瘫、智力低下、心理行为问题),完成两个追赶(生长追赶、发育追赶),实现一个回归(回归正常的社会生活) 早产儿家庭监测工具——覆盖90%早产儿生长发育问题的家庭监测工具,并提供帮助家长在家中及时发现宝宝的各种异常问题,做到早发现,早干预,有效降低早产儿脑瘫、智力低下的发生率。 早产儿分享视频———网罗国内外早产儿相关视频资料,第一时间为您展现,帮助家长学习更实用生动的早产儿知识,...
[ ゲーム ]
Growing Up tells a story set in the United States during the 1990s. In this game, you will experience life as a child of an ordinary family, throughout 18 years of change and development. Your life is in your hands! Sculpt your childhood as well as parenthood with endless choices. Take control of what you learn, who you befriend, and find that special someone in this coming-of-age game. [Game Feature] -Chilling in the 1990s Lose yourself in the lavishly handcrafted sceneries straight from the 90s. In an era of rapid social change...
[ ゲーム ]
■ MazMメンバーシップ ■ MazM会員に登録している場合、同じIDでログインすると、このゲームのすべてのコンテンツを無料で利用できます。 「カフカの変身」は、チェコの作家フランツ・カフカの人生と、彼の最も有名な短編小説「変身」に基づいた感情的なショートフォームストーリーゲームです。ゲームは、カフカが「変身」を執筆した1912年の秋を背景にしており、作家として生きたいという願望と、若者、会社員、長男としての役割を強いられる人間としてのカフカの姿を描いています。これを通じて、カフカがなぜ「変身」を書くに至ったのかを独自に考察し、表現しようとしていま...
[ ゲーム ]
■ MazMメンバーシップ ■ MazM会員に登録している場合、同じIDでログインすると、このゲームのすべてのコンテンツを無料で利用できます。 「黒猫」は、アメリカの作家エドガー・アラン・ポーの古典的なホラー小説「黒猫」と「アッシャー家の崩壊」にインスパイアされたミステリースリラーのストーリーゲームです。このゲームでは、ポーの文学と人生に描かれる「死」と「悪」のテーマを現代的な視点で再解釈し、プレイヤーは隠された悲劇や影の中を緊迫した旅へと進んでいきます。 エドガー・アラン・ポーの作品は単なるホラーにとどまらず、「死」「悪」「ミステリー」、そして...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Are you too busy to keep up with the slips of paper and charts from the pediatrician? Would you like to let your friends and relatives know about your child's growth and achievements? Use Growing Up to capture and share your child's growth and development with just a few quick taps! Optionally use iCloud to make data available on all your iOS devices. Growing Up lets you record and track height, weight, head circumference and milestones for any number of children from birth to age 20. Each measurement or milestone is added to a ...
[ ゲーム ]
FACT: Growing up is hard to do. Fictional FACT: Growing Up ENCHANTED is also hard to do. Gaming FACT: Growing up ENCHANTED is even harder to do...as a GAME on the iPhone! The Growing Up Enchanted game is based on the Eisner-nominated all-ages fantasy adventure graphic novel series of the same name. Join young Olianna and her family & friends in her first gaming adventure as she tries to learn life's mundane lessons while practicing magic and avoiding trouble! This gaming adventure stars the young sorceress-in-training as she and ...
[ 教育 ]
This is an original 3D story series for cultivating children’s abilities in their critical period of growth. Children’s critical growing period lies in their 3-6 years old. In this period, children’s personality, ability and living habits are gradually formed. This 3D app is designed according to kids’ reading ability, which is more suitable for Chinese children aging 3-6. Stories in this series are set in Jeremy’s daily life. By describing Jeremy’s better and better behaviors and habits, each story combines the cultivation of chil...
[ 教育 ]
This is an original 3D story series for cultivating children’s abilities in their critical period of growth. Children’s critical growing period lies in their 3-6 years old. In this period, children’s personality, ability and living habits are gradually formed. This 3D app is designed according to kids’ reading ability, which is more suitable for Chinese children aging 3-6. Stories in this series are set in Jeremy’s daily life. By describing Jeremy’s better and better behaviors and habits, each story combines the cultivation of chil...
[ 教育 ]
This is an original 3D story series for cultivating children’s abilities in their critical period of growth. Children’s critical growing period lies in their 3-6 years old. In this period, children’s personality, ability and living habits are gradually formed. This 3D app is designed according to kids’ reading ability, which is more suitable for the early education of Chinese children aging 3-6. Stories in this series are set in Jeremy’s daily life. By describing Jeremy’s better and better behaviors and habits, each story combine...
[ 教育 ]
This is an original 3D story series for cultivating children’s abilities in their critical period of growth. Children’s critical growing period lies in their 3-6 years old. In this period, children’s personality, ability and living habits are gradually formed. This 3D app is designed according to kids’ reading ability, which is more suitable for Chinese children aging 3-6. Stories in this series are set in Jeremy’s daily life. By describing Jeremy’s better and better behaviors and habits, each story combines the cultivation of ch...
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