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[ ライフスタイル ]
Welcome to the official mobile application of the Coalition of Clean Air Advocates of the Philippines. Climate change can have a disastrous effect on our planet, and unless something is done about it—fast—life on Earth as we know it will be gone. Eighty percent (80%) of air pollution in Metro Manila comes from unabated motor vehicle emissions (mobile source) and twenty percent (20%) comes from industry and natural sources. They all produce greenhouse gases. All cause deadly human diseases (respiratory and cardiovascular) and th...
[ 教育 ]
環境省・宇宙航空研究開発機構・国立環境研究所は現在、共同で世界初の温室効果ガス観測専用衛星「いぶき」(Greenhouse gases Observing SATllite, GOSAT)の後継機「GOSAT-2」を、2017年度の打ち上げを目指して開発しています。当アプリによりGOSATによる主な温室効果ガスである二酸化炭素・メタンなどの観測原理や「GOSAT」の観測結果、「GOSAT-2」の概要及び最新開発情報をご覧になれます。 The Ministry of the Environment, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and the National Institute for Environmental Studies are jointly developing the successor of th...
[ 教育 ]
Mobile App for Colonial Greenhouse, your local Litchfield, CT Florist. Stay up to date with our specials and promotions.
[ ブック ]
In this book Supreme Master Ching Hai presents the major factors associated with global warming, and more importantly, its root cause: the livestock industry. ** This version is optimized for iPhone. Please look in our other apps for the iPad version. ** In fact, many scientific studies support Supreme Master Ching Hai’s view, which she has expounded for over twenty years. The raising of animals for food not only wastes massive amounts of precious water, land and energy, but also contributes to a staggering 51% of the planet’s gr...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
This app is intended for use only with Zwart Systems Perfect Rain irrigation booms. This will allow the user to interact with their greenhouse irrigation boom equipment from anywhere in the greenhouse environmental zone. This technology takes controlling the irrigation equipment in your greenhouse to a new level and into the next decade. You can program your boom wirelessly, changing crop commands, adjusting the water schedule and set the time on all your booms with the touch of a button. You can call your boom to the aisle, adjust...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
A growing number of people at least have one greenhouse story to share. The idea of growing food at controlled temperatures all year round and extending the growing season have set fire to people’s imaginations. No wonder the greenhouse building industry has recorded phenomenal growth.
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Locally Green App will help you to understand and make a difference to your local environment in London. It is an invaluable resource when you are looking for a place to rent or buy or if you simply wish to connect better with your local environment. This app will help you to: - Compare differences between areas in London such as, access to sustainable transport (public, bikes and car sharing), recycling (rates and quality) and exposure to pollution. - Connect with similar minded individuals by allowing you to showcase your l...
[ ブック ]
In this book Supreme Master Ching Hai presents the major factors associated with global warming, and more importantly, its root cause: the livestock industry. ** This version is exclusive for iPad ** In fact, many scientific studies support Supreme Master Ching Hai’s view, which she has expounded for over twenty years. The raising of animals for food not only wastes massive amounts of precious water, land and energy, but also contributes to a staggering 51% of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions. Livestock farming is also the g...
[ ビジネス ]
The purpose of this app is to register pest and disease observations in your greenhouse. After synchronizing your data with Fusion server, you are ready to analyze the data and determine your methods for crop protection. This app can only be used in professional greenhouse farms.
[ 教育 ]
CO2Go shows you how carbon dioxide can help solve Climate Change! Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the major contributor to the challenge of Climate Change, and many see it as a waste and a problem. But Nature uses CO2 as a resource! Mankind can also use CO2 to make many of our daily products, if not now, then in the near future. The utilization of CO2 as a raw material for our daily products will also contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions and help mitigate Climate Change! See what we can make from CO2 and how the pro...
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