フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 教育 ]
Leave the expensive classes and books behind! With Ready4 GRE (Formerly Prep4 GRE), you can study for FREE with our GRE questions, practice tests, flashcards, and score reports with detailed analytics. Best of all, you can access these features anywhere and any time when you download our app.
Our Smart Guide helps you learn the critical concepts tested on the GRE with detailed flashcards and practice questions. As you practice GRE questions on Ready4 GRE, the app tracks your performance and highlights your test strengths and weakn...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Lidow Photo Editor is the all-in-one photo editor that offers insta square and photo mirror and color splash and collage maker and selfie cam and so on for everything you could wish for in photography.
As a professional photo editor satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals, it’s Photo Editor and Collage Maker and Selfie Cam features that allow the story-telling for you Facebook and Instagram.
Photo Editor Lidow of insta square provide blur background, now just feel easy to insta square photo without cropping a...
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[ スポーツ ]
Glück auf, liebe Schalker!
Mit der offiziellen FC Schalke 04-App kannst Du Deinen Verein ab sofort noch intensiver (er-)leben. Im Stadion den schnellsten Weg zum nächsten Kiosk finden und während der Partie aktuelle Statistiken lesen - all das kannst Du spielend leicht mit Deinem Smartphone.
Die App ist nicht nur in puncto Design, sondern auch technisch auf neuestem Stand und bietet viele ´tolle Features. Alle im Ticketshop erworbenen Tickets und Dauerkarten können direkt in der App angezeigt werden. So wird Dein Smartphone zu D...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
The SC-323PU is a multi functional calculator. It is designed in a way, that it simulates the visual and operational aspects of a true pocket calculator, such that the user will be immediately familiar with its interface. A complete operation manual is included within the App.
The SC-323PU offers the following calculator modes for different tasks:
- LOGIC CALCULATOR (n-base conversion)
• Full operating instructions are included in the App (visible when device is in lan...
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[ ミュージック ]
PianoApp is a unique way to learn the piano...right on your phone!
Berklee Grad, Willie Myette, teaches you how to play the piano in a variety of styles including Jazz, Blues, Latin, Funk, Gospel and more.
Using your iPhone, iPad or iPod you can learn how to play the piano. The video lessons are appropriate for students of all levels. Sheet music is included for the lesson that you can email and print.
---Important Notes---
1) Videos stream to the phone, even over 3G. WiFi is recommended for best performance.
2) You can downloa...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Verwandle Dein Telefon in eine hochpräzise Wasserwaage.
◉ 2 verschiedene Modes zum Ausrichten von Gegenständen oder Ebenen
◉ Genau bis auf 1/10 Grad.
◉ OneTouch - Super einfache Kalibrierung.
◉ Mit Kameraunterstützung.
◉ 5 coole Farbschemata.
Wie kalibriert man:
◉ Richte das Telefon an einer waagerechten oder senkrechten Kante aus und tippe auf 'Kalibrieren'.
◉ Das war's schon!
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Unleash your inner artist! Choose a photo canvas and express your creativity with Foto Brush Lite. Just use your finger to make personal works of art that you can easily share with all of your networking friends or export and view on your computer. You can work with photos up to 2 mega pixels in size, so go nuts. Keep reading to learn why you should download this App today!
You just took that new picture of you with your friends and it turned out great. It’s the last photo of you all together. Everyone is off to pursue their caree...
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[ 教育 ]
Upgrade to Flash Cards Pro now and study smarter like 1,000's of others are already doing!
Try the easiest, sleekest and FASTEST flashcard maker available. Great for anyone studying for exams, practicing for homework or cramming for SAT, GRE, MCATs, LSAT, NCLEX, PSAT, ACT or any other major test. Flashcards are the best way to learn quickly and ace your next test or homework assignment, guaranteed!
+ 100% Easy to add Decks and Cards
+ Faster, easier, simpler, cleaner, better than the rest
+ iPhone 4, iP...
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[ ナビゲーション ]
Hilf dabei die Kurve abzuflachen indem du öffentliche Verkehrsmittel vermeidest und lieber aufs Rad wechselst!
WienMobil Rad (ehem. Citybike Wien) ist ein Bike-Sharing Service zur Verfügung gestellt von nextbike, bei dem du dir Fahrräder für eine Stunde lang kostenlos ausleihen kannst. Es ist die billigste und umweltfreundlichste Wahl, um durch Wien zu reisen.
Derzeit gibt es über 100 Radstationen von nextbike in ganz Wien, die rund um die Uhr (24/7) verfügbar sind. Du kannst dir jederzeit an einer der vielen nextbike Stationen ei...
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[ 教育 ]
Storytelling is a most powerful way to learn languages. Follow the hen and her friends in their adventure and learn to speak like them in Chinese or English. Teaching lesson plans available at http://www.analomba.com [Can’t hear the story? It's the bell icon in your iPad's control center! Click this support link to see how to unmute the bell icon: http://www.analomba.com/faqs/]
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