フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Download Livestream’s iOS app to search, explore and stream your own content live. Explore events from hundreds of thousands of broadcasters around the world. Follow your friends and favorite accounts to get notified when they go live. Broadcast live from your iPhone or iPad to viewers watching on Facebook, Twitter, Livestream or any other website. Engage with viewers via the built-in chat. Enjoy live events on your big screen with Chromecast, Roku or Apple TV. Supports live streaming from GoPro Hero® cameras via your iPhone 4G...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
即刻下载Go4短视频,让制作视频比拍照更简单。 Go4短视频的一切都是为了让你制作出令人惊艳的视频佳片。无论是充满速度感的单板滑雪还是自由惬意的旅游聚会,Go4短视频神奇的剪辑能力都能满足你的视频制作要求。 功能介绍: 1. AI视频剪辑:Go4短视频会根据你选择的视频和音乐自动选择每个片段的长度,让你轻松化身蒙太奇大师。 2. 电影级滤镜:无数次精心调整的滤镜,为你的视频赋予电影般的震撼色彩。 3. 超嗨的音乐:Go4短视频内置上百首精心挑选的各类音乐,让你的视频的表现力无与伦比。 4. 动感特效与模版:只需简单的切换选项,便可以将剪辑高手们的创意赋予你...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
あなたの360゜ビデオを輝かせろ! VeeR Eidtor はVR/360゜ビデオ編集や写真編集を今までない簡単さにすることを実現させました。幅広い種類のフィルターとBGMを提供しており、たったワンタップでVeeRにアップロードし、ソーシャルメディアのメインストリームに共有することが可能になりました。 主な特徴: 1. VR/360体験:視点の初期設定、360/VRコンテンツのライブプレビュー 2. アニメーションのステッカーとテキスト:GIFを使って写真やビデオをより面白くすることができます。 3. 多くの著作権で保護された音楽提供:BGMであなたのスタイルを変え、サウンドトラッ...
[ スポーツ ]
CoachMyVideo's Pro Version: Ultra-Zoom+, Slo-mo 60/120/240 FPS* high-speed video capture & frame-by-frame playback, Email+ full-quality HD video-sharing, AirPlay HDTV mirroring and remote control from any Bluetooth connected headset/remote -- for anyone demanding Professional-Grade Video Analysis tools that area also EASY. By Coaches, for Coaches™ CMV's Video Analysis Pro enables Anytime, Anywhere Video Analysis™ with features easy to learn and easy to use: *60/120/240 FPS video capture is not available on all iOS devices: - 60...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Hello Adventure Lover! Controlling your "Hero7 Black™" camera has never been this easy. Thanks to this easy, fast and source-friendly app, the battery lives of your camera and mobile phone will last much longer. Switch between the modes, change the settings and get information about the status of your camera. By Bluetooth Low Energy protocol, get the most out of your battery just for excellent shooting. Turn off high power consumption features like Wireless, GPS and Voice Command with adjustable starting tasks. With this app...
[ 教育 ]
CMV's Academic Edition: no Login Required! For PE Students & Instructors, Cheerleaders or even the Physics lab for observing the effects of gravity. 100% private video capture and sharing: no GPS tracking* Slo-mo & frame-by-frame playback, Email+ full-quality HD video-sharing, AirPlay HDTV mirroring: Professional-Grade Video Analysis tools that area also EASY. Anytime, Anywhere Video Analysis™ with features easy to learn and easy to use: - High-resolution Image-Capture from your video in Full HD Resolution - iOS 7+: Lossl...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
“ReVu…is a video editor that makes editing a bit like a game.” –MacTrast “ReVu is sure to help millions of people fix and improve their video footage.” –Appcessories.co.uk (Named ReVu among BEST VIDEO EDITING APPS of 2016) “Improving how iPhone and iPad Video Footage Can Be Edited,” –HelloTesla.com Looking for a video editor app that will help you make quick fixes “on the fly” to your iPhone and iPad video footage? ReVu is here to help, with a range of features set to improve video editing. Dynamic crop with picture-in-picture z...
[ エンターテインメント ]
BMW M Laptimer App Share the excitement of driving in tenths of a second and m/s². BMW M Laptimer* is a tool for analysing data on racetracks and automatically calculating lap times. The app records precise BMW sensor data directly from every BMW model fitted with BMW Apps†. You can analyze the data to increase your driving skill and precision. Or you can share a summary of your track day on Facebook and Twitter or email a recording of your laps to a friend and compare your track performance turn by turn.   BMW M Laptimer now inte...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Hello Adventure Lover! Controlling your "Hero9 Black™" camera has never been this easy. Thanks to this easy, fast and source-friendly app, the battery lives of your camera and mobile phone will last much longer. Switch between the modes, change the settings and get information about the status of your camera. By Bluetooth Low Energy protocol, get the most out of your battery just for excellent shooting. Turn off high power consumption features like Wireless, GPS and Voice Command with adjustable starting tasks. With this app...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Lens Corrector corrects/removes radial distortions which occur with wide angle lenses, such as used in GoPro Hero cameras, and fish eye lenses. Lens distortions are especially visible on aerial photography where straight lines, such as the horizon, show significant curvature. Features: - Correct lens distortions in images* - Adapt curvature and zoom correction factors - HQ and fast mode - Save full resolution result to photo gallery - EXIF tags are kept (copied without modification) - Support for custom presets * Lens distortions...
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