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[ ゲーム ]
Press Quote: ★★★★★ Most addictive game since Angry Birds! - GameVillage ★★★★★ Cool "Tetris" Mechanics - Androidgaming Do you like to play Tetris? Then "Gu Morning" is a game you won't want to miss! It's a fresh variation of the classic console game while also bringing you the most creative and innovative gameplay. Use the blocks to build a path and fill up dangerous holes for Chick Gugu, guide him to his daddy Colonel Rooster so they can salute the rising sun together! What's New In Version 1.4 Welcome to the newest update for...
[ ユーティリティ ]
行動裝置動態密碼產生器(OTP), 加強帳號安全保護。
[ ゲーム ]
在人們酣酣入睡,進入漩渦般的夢境之際,故事書裡的童話角色全都活過來了! 這裡就是傳說中的艾芙特夢境,愛麗絲正要跟點心師的達克醬一起展開冒險喔! 快加入夢遊者的行列,跟我們一起遊歷這個顛覆童話的奇幻世界吧☆ 遊戲特色: ✔逗趣而溫馨的冒險物語 ✔搖擺你的手機,新奇體感射擊玩法 ✔宛如繪本一般的精緻美術風格 ✔選擇扮演點心師或茶壺將軍,一樣的關卡,截然不同的玩法 ✔支援GameCenter成就系統 支援各機種與作業系統版本 iPhone 3GS iPhone 4 iPhone 4S iPod Touch 4 iPad iPad 2 通通都可以玩喔! 想知道遊戲更新消息?限時特價即時報?遊戲心得與攻略? 快來逛逛官方粉絲團:http:/...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Find the monsters that hides around your and capture their souls! This is a secret seldom known to most – monsters from the East are hidden and lurk around you. They enjoy making troubles and playing tricks on the public. Now, the public have a way to fight back! Take up your iphone, turn on your camera and their presence will be reveal! Defeat them and capture their souls! All monsters’ habits are different; appear in different time and hidden in different places. Up to hundreds of monsters waiting to be discovered, capture and...
[ ゲーム ]
今年最都會時尚的戀愛遊戲 #《戀愛習題》不刪檔封測開跑囉 ○●○●○●○●○●心動預備備 (*´∀`)~○●○●○●○●○● 【劇情簡介】 陰錯陽差的一夜纏綿後,她離開,他用全國最大的廣告橫幅出天價尋回,全民廣告逼得她不得不現身……她氣憤地問他:“你要得是甚麼?”他冷酷的問:“那一夜,你有沒有留下我的種?”看著他森冷的雙眸,她決斷地否認。“妳最好不要騙我,因為妳,承擔不起我的憤怒。”六年後,她成了金馬獎人氣影后,在全國觀眾前牽著心愛的女兒登上頒獎臺……他坐在電視機前,臉色一凝,女人,你惹了不應該惹的人…… 【遊戲特色】 『言情小說劇情』 還記得那些年,熬夜偷偷追看的總裁系列嗎...
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