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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
**** Special discounted price for all our Jigsaw Apps ****
From the creators of
--- Michelangelo Jigsaw
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--- Raphael Paintings Jigsaw
--- Alfred Stevens Paintings Jigsaw and many more.
Vincent van Gogh born on March 30, 1853 and died on 1890 in Groot-Zundert, Holland, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression. He was son of a pastor & brought up in a religious and cultured atmosphere.
He was a post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Experience Vincent Van Gogh like never before! The Definitive HD collection.
As a post impressionist painter and one of the most famous artists of all time, Vincent van Gogh has become a true icon. His work has had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art as a result of its vivid colors and emotional impact. This collection showcases his brilliant masterpieces in and incredible multi-dimensional format. With 9 different viewing modes, including an interactive museum experie...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
A giant art museum devoted just to Vincent Van Gogh. In your pocket! Van Gogh Envi brings thousands of Web-based works by the master artist to your iPhone or iPod touch. It's a near-complete collection of paintings and drawings by one of the greatest and most influential artists of all time.
From "Starry Night" and "The Potato Eaters" to "Bedroom in Arles" and numerous self portraits. Sunflowers, fields, landscapes and portraits of others. Van Gogh Envi displays the artist's paintings, watercolors, drawings and even sketches from ...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Vincent Van Gogh sur iPhone et iPad : ses plus grandes œuvres réunies dans cette application inédite.
Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)
Le premier autoportrait de Van Gogh nous le montre comme un jeune homme sérieux de dix-neuf ans. À l’issue d’une discussion particulièrement violente au moment des fêtes de Noël en 1881, son père, pasteur, ordonna à Vincent de quitter le domicile familial. Avec cette ultime rupture, il abandonna son nom, signant ses toiles d’un simple « Vincent ». Il se rendit à Paris et ne retourna jamais en Holland...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
This calendar contains over 50 high resolution pictures of Vincent Van Gogh's most paintings.
"Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. He suffered from anxiety and increasingly frequent bouts of mental illness throughout his life and died, largely unknown, at the age of 37 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.- Wikipedia"
- Show month, date, time with Vincent van Gogh...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
- 2000 drawings, watercolors, graphic works, letter sketches, and Van Gogh's paintings
- Ability to search for a painting
- Ability to share a painting by email
Van Gogh was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact.
As a post impressionist painter and one of the most famous artists of all time, Vincent Van Gogh has become an icon.
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[ 教育 ]
Gallery of Vincent van Gogh
Now you have the opportunity to add The Sunflowers, The Potato Eaters or the Cafe terrace at night Place du Forum to your collection, on-line on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch with much detailed information.
Our collection consists of more then 100 paintings, a fine selection of his most-known paintings of the 19th century.
With the provided extensible selection you can easily select your favourite painting. Of all the paintings we show information when it was painted, the current museum and dimensi...
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[ 教育 ]
Galerie van Vincent van Gogh / Gallery of Vincent van Gogh
Beschikbaar op iPad, iPhone en iPod Touch!
Nu krijgt u de mogelijkheid om de Zonnebloemen, de Aardappeleters of het Café Terras bij Nacht, Place du Forum van de Nederlandse schilder Vincent van Gogh aan uw collectie toe te voegen, on-line op de iPad, iPhone en iPad Touch met veel gedetailleerde informatie.
Onze collectie bestaat uit meer dan 100 schilderijen. De meest bekende meesterwerken uit de 19e eeuw van Vincent van Gogh zijn zorgvuldig geselecteerd.
Met onze uit...
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[ ブック ]
*** On sale now, limited time only!
Art lovers search no more. The artworks of Vincent van Gogh are now available on your iPhone. Enjoy high resolution images of all of Van Gogh's major works, with the option to save each image to your iPhone Photo Album and set the image as your wallpaper.
The Potato Eaters, Sunflowers, The Starry Night, Irises, Portrait of Dr. Gachet, and At Eternity's Gate. View all Van Gogh's famous paintings, as well as some of his lesser known paintings with the Van Gogh Collection app today!
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[ 教育 ]
Laat Vincent u met zijn eigen woorden begeleiden op een reis door zijn leven en zijn kunst…
Je Vincent is een unieke applicatie die wordt aangeboden door het Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. In deze applicatie worden de tijdgeest en het leven van een van ’s werelds beroemdste en meest onbegrepen kunstenaars toegelicht aan de hand van zijn brieven.
We kennen hem als een gekweld genie dat op jonge leeftijd stierf zonder erkenning voor zijn kunst. Hier kunt u voor de eerste keer in de gedachtewereld van Vincent zelf kruipen en zijn ware ...
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