フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ミュージック ]
Euclid Goes to Party is a synth with a PWM oscillator and an euclidean sequencer. You can create techno bass lines very easily with its sequencer. It has a mono PWM oscillator with an adjustable LFO that modulating the pulse width. You can shape the sound with its low pass filter. You can control the VCA's amplitude with an envelope generator. The attack and decay portions of the EG are adjustable. The envelope generator also modulates the cutoff an adjustable amount. The sequencer can create euclidean rhythms up to 32 steps. Y...
[ ゲーム ]
Join Ryan as he goes Shopping on a shopping experience. This game is all about his Shopping Experience and you can help him at instances where he gets stuck! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHAT WILL YOU DO IN THIS GAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ryan would like to do Shopping from various sections... * DAIRY * * BAKERY * * FRUITS * * VEGETABLES * * SPORTS * * COSMETICS * But he's just a kid and cannot reach some higher shelves, Can you help him getting the products he wants? Ryan goes shopping is a wonderful virtual shopp...
[ 天気 ]
The SSEC - GOES App brings near real-time GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) imagery and related data from NOAA and academic researchers to the palm of your hand. The data products are hosted by the University of Wisconsin – Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) with visualization powered by the SSEC RealEarth™ platform. - Includes the latest available imagery (GOES-16) - Select products to display by category, name, and time - Pan and zoom map interface dynamically - Display current location ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Beato Goes To Greenland is an augmented reality children’s picture ebook about an animated cat who travels around the world, teaching young readers about the places he visits. In Greenland, Beato visits an Inuit family, hikes on glaciers and ice sheets, and comes across Arctic animals. The app features 3-D, sound, motion, interactive touch screen activities, and read-to-me story telling making reading fun and engaging. Learn about different countries with the Beato Goes To series. Other books include Beato Goes To Israel and Beato...
[ ニュース ]
Welcome to EGG 2016+! Electronics Goes Green 2016+ September 7 - 9, 2016 | Berlin, Germany Welcome at the Electronics Goes Green - the place to show your results and innovations to the community. Get familiar with the future trends and solutions towards sustainable development in the electronics sector and wherever systems are employed! This application provides following features: * Access to up to date agenda (sessions, speeches, speakers) * Easy access to conference’s key information (venue, accommodation, sponsors etc.) *...
[ ニュース ]
Met de Goes App van CityInformation blijf je op de hoogte van alles wat er speelt in jouw stad! Lees het laatste nieuws, bekijk de lokale evenementen, beluister de radio, check het lokale weer en lees alles over jouw favoriete sportclub. De Goes App biedt je tevens een up-to-date agenda en je vindt er ook de actuele vacatures. Avondje uit? Bekijk het bioscoop- en theateroverzicht en reserveer binnen drie clicks jouw ticket! Reserveer daarna ook direct een tafeltje in een van jouw favoriete restaurants. Vind tevens in een handomdraa...
[ ゲーム ]
Purple Car Lands on the Moon! Due to a freak accident at the Fireworks Factory, Putt-Putt® is blasted to the moon. There he meets Rover, a lovely little lunar terrain vehicle left behind by the astronauts. Putt-Putt® and Rover must work together to rebuild a rocket, and accomplish a few good deeds for the Moon People before they meet the Man in the Moon and are homeward bound. Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon teaches the benefit of cooperation and the lasting value of friendship. Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon is an adventure game desi...
[ ゲーム ]
Hey you, get ready to dance together with plenty of colorful balls! The game Color Dance Goes Round may look rather elementary at first sight but don’t let the simplicity fool you! Color Dance Goes Round is extremely simple but very addicting arcade game for everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are! You will love this awesome game and its dynamic gameplay! Don’t know how to kill time waiting for your friend? Try our new endless arcade Color Dance Goes Round right now. The player doesn’t need any special skills to play Color Dance Go...
[ ゲーム ]
Inspired by the bible, Elijah Goes Up Pro is the ADVERTISEMENT FREE version of this Christian theme game, offering a new way to jump high in the sky and reach the heavens. Elijah Goes up is quite similar to the famous Mega Jump game in which player jumps upside through the clouds. The game play features the same theme, in which God took Elijah straight up to heaven. Coupled with high quality visual effects and sound effects, Elijah Goes up offers players a highly addictive game play. Download the game now and we bet you will...
[ メディカル ]
Children who suffer encopresis often begin to feel that there is little more to them than the problem itself. In 'Poo Goes Home to Pooland', the problem is embodied in a troublesome character and placed externally to the child. This process aims to place some distance between the child and the blame shame of soiling. This helps to free them from their fears and may mobilise previously beleaguered resources within the child and their family.

'Externalising' stories have proved valuable in engaging children in behavioural treatment ...
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