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[ 教育 ]
あなたの経営大学院の入学試験(GMAT)のためのGMAT模擬テストプレップ無料アプリ試験準備。このアプリでは、あなたのGMAT模擬テストのための2500+複数の選択肢の質問を提供しています。このGMAT模擬テストプレップ無料アプリは、あなたのGMAT試験に合格するのに役立ちます。 アプリの特長: 2500+ GMAT模擬テスト複数の選択肢の練習問題 いつでもどこでも、でも接続せずにGMAT模擬テスト練習クイズ 前の質問を確認してください。 即答 あなたがクイズを開始すると、タイマーが開始され、 五つの異なるクイズモデル あなたは答えの根拠を確認することができます 免責事項:こ...
[ 教育 ]
*** PROMO: Free 7-Day Trial. Your free GMAT test drive also includes the new GRE & college math questions - 5,171 questions in total, with complete rationale. Yes, 100% FREE for ALL the questions...No payment is required! *** Ace the GMAT with the #1 GMAT Testing System. What's on the GMAT - TestBank will help you maximize your score. New! See your personal GMAT ranking vs. other students. It's all in ONE app! GMAT TestBank practice questions for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch is now in one app! • Complete rationale for ev...
[ 教育 ]
More than 5,900 graduate management programs around the world rely on the GMAT exam as the most reliable predictor of your success. The GMAT exam is required for admission to many of the world's top business schools *** - No Internet Required - No In-App-Purchase or Subscriptions - Latest Update 2017 - Based on Latest Official Curriculum 2017 - Detailed Answers and Explanations - Study Mode Option - App Can Be Used for Training & Certification - Virtual Exam Mode - Test Taking Strategy - Tracking and Progress Report.
[ 教育 ]
The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a 3½-hour standardized exam designed to predict how test takers will perform academically in MBA (Masters in Business Administration) programs. GMAT scores are used by graduate business schools to make admission decisions. Wisdom Prep App Features: - No Internet Required - No In-App-Purchase or Subscriptions - Latest Update 2018 - Based on Latest Official Curriculum 2018 - Detailed Answers and Explanations - Study Mode Option - App Can Be Used for Training & Certification - Virtual...
[ 教育 ]
Put aside your books and try an effective, inexpensive way to prepare for the GMAT! Receive GMAT question daily in your inbox. Just swipe to download new questions throughout the day. Practice when you have time, for as long as you want, and improve your score one question at the time. Answer new questions, get hints on tough questions and review them later. Measure your accuracy, average answer time, percentage of questions answered, and more. FEATURES: • 400+ high quality questions • 60+ strategies to help you smartly tackle ...
[ 教育 ]
This app Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) for self Learning and Exam Prep +4700 Flashcards contains the Text to speech feature, you can now listen to your study notes and exam quizzes while your are driving, riding, cycling or simply taking some rest or relaxing. This app is a combination of sets, containing practice questions, study cards, terms & concepts for self learning & exam preparation on the topic of Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learn...
[ ゲーム ]
GMAT词汇APP,是根据新东方GMAT高频核心词汇教材配套开发的单词游戏,包含单词、词义、词根记忆、标准美语发音、例句、单词变形等内容,旨在通过瞬间记忆、浏览记忆、图像记忆、听写记忆、词根记忆、单词例句等来加深对单词的学习。 GMAT词汇APP应用采用游戏关卡设置,让你在游戏中学习单词,记忆单词。一个月轻松搞定GMAT词汇。 APP功能简介 1.关卡设置 按照教材单词表顺序设置关卡,每关28个单词。每关学习时间5-10分钟。你每天只用花费5分钟的时间就能通过游戏记住核心单词。 2.游戏模式【每天登录拿金币!!分享拿金币!!!】 APP支持单词消消乐、看单词猜图、看图猜单词、...
[ ゲーム ]
GMAT词汇APP,是根据GMAT词汇教材配套开发的单词游戏,包含单词、词义、词根记忆、标准美语发音、例句、单词变形等内容,旨在通过瞬间记忆、浏览记忆、图像记忆、听写记忆、词根记忆、单词例句等来加深对单词的学习。 GMAT词汇APP应用采用游戏关卡设置,让你在游戏中学习单词,记忆单词。一个月轻松搞定GMAT词汇。 APP功能简介 1.关卡设置 按照教材单词表顺序设置关卡,每关28个单词。每关学习时间5-10分钟。你每天只用花费5分钟的时间就能通过游戏记住核心单词。 2.游戏模式【每天登录拿金币!!分享拿金币!!!】 APP支持单词消消乐、看单词猜图、看图猜单词、看词猜词义、看...
[ 教育 ]
GMAT Quants is designed to personalize and improve your command in the field of mathematics. We all know the subject of mathematics is vast and it becomes very difficult to solve questions in a particular time frame. To score good in the competitive exam, one should keep the time factor in mind and move on with a quick pace. Keeping in mind the latest changes in the competitive exams like GMAT and GRE, this app is designed to meet the standards and guide through the systematic way of learning. Features of GMAT Quants are * Provide...
[ 教育 ]
GMAT Flashcards from Manhattan Prep, the #1 GMAT Prep Provider! Pocket GMAT contains 350+ unique GMAT flashcards focused on math content to help you succeed on the GMAT Quantitative Section. Developed by the 99th percentile GMAT instructors and curriculum team at Manhattan Prep, these flash cards cover all the essential quant topics you need to know including algebra, geometry, fractions, exponents, percents, and more. Track your progress with real-time statistics and dive more deeply into the content areas that are giving you tro...
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