フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ファイナンス ]
Experience a better way of monitoring your business with Alterbook. Access and monitor all your key data in real-time – finances, operations, marketing, and sales – all in one place. Alterbook provides transparency, giving you the independence to take a hands-off approach to efficient property management.
[ ミュージック ]
Official App for 96.7 HITZ FM 96.70 HITZ FM sekarang sudah bisa kamu dengarkan dari iPhone kamu lho teman HITZ !! Banyak banget yang bisa kamu dapetin di sini : 1. Musik dalam dan luar negeri paling update dan paling HITZ 2. News & info paling update dan paling HITZ 3. Video musik HITZ 40 chart paling HITZ 4. Info event - event paling HITZ 5. Tiket konser gratis artis lokal dan Internasional Pokoknya buat kamu yang creative, stylish, young, cool, fun, open minded & ingin selalu up to date, belum lengkap kalau kamu belum down...
[ 教育 ]
Aplikasi tamiang pande adalah aplikasi yang di buat untuk membantu sektor pendidikan di Aceh Tamiang. Aplikasi ini diharapkan mampu mendukung proses pembelajaran harian para siswa/siswi tk, sd, dan smp se Tamiang, dan kebutuhan edukasi lainnya.
[ ニュース ]
About SWA Online SWA Online (swa.co.id) is a business portal that contains various information related to business marketing, management, CSR, corporate action, good corporate governance, business profiles (businessmen and professionals), personal investment, information technology, exclusive interviews with the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), as well as research data. Not just the latest news, business information presented in SWA Online also contains about learning from the successful business, successful company, management, ma...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Muslimlife adalah platform pembelajaran untuk umat muslim di Indonesia yang dapat membantu para muslim lebih dekat dengan Allah SWT, bertujuan membantu umat menjadi tauladan dengan sifat pembelajar, gemar berbagi, dan juga produktif. Kami punya fitur Video Pembelajaran, di sini, tersedia beragam video seperti pembahasan tajwid yang disiapkan khusus oleh para ustadz bersanad, juga materi keislaman lainnya. Belum yakin sholat Anda diterima? Kami punya fitur Klinik Al-Fatihah, di mana Anda dapat mengecek apakah bacaan surat Al-Fatih...
[ ビジネス ]
"I am an exhibitor for this event, this app is very useful to get analytics for visitor" "When I was visiting exhibitor booth, I can easily checkin via barcode. And also there is interactive floorplan in this app, wow!" Come and participate on Indobuildtech Expo 2014 at Bali, Surabaya, Jakarta, Makassar, and Bandung. Indonesia Building Technology (Indobuildtech) Expo is an annual event focusing on the development of building material and technologies. It is the biggest and the most influential international building material exhibi...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Hello Good People, Welcome to Global Sadaqah, a platform dedicated to making a positive impact in the world. With Global Sadaqah you can Donation: Easily donate to causes you care about, supporting charities and initiatives that matter to you. Campaign: Join or create campaigns that rally the community around important issues and make a collective impact. Activity: Stay informed about your giving history and the causes you've supported, all in one place. News & Articles: Stay updated on the latest news, articles, and stories abo...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Aplikasi Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh adalah Aplikasi Terpadu dari berbagai program yang diantaranya untuk keperluan Infaq & Zakat, Portal Berita, serta Video Edukasi yang disajikan oleh Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh untuk umat. Adapun Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh terbentuk dalam rangka pelaksanaan Syariat Islam dan mengoptimalkan pendayagunaan zakat, wakaf, dan harta agama sebagai potensi ekonomi umat Islam. Hal ini tertuang dalam Qanun Pemerintah Aceh No 10 Tahun 2007. Pada Tahun 2018, Komisi VII DPR Aceh merampungkan pembahasan Ranca...
[ 旅行 ]
Jakarta is a huge, sprawling metropolis, home to 9 million people with incredible unique diversity of tribes, languages, cultures, and traditions. Jakarta recognized as the tenth-largest city in the world. Jakarta also known as a fascinating city that can be viewed from many different perspectives. Jakarta’s vibe offers you a unique style, one of a kind experience. A colorful changing kaleidoscope of different and often contrasting colors, cultures, backgrounds and lifestyles, Jakarta is certain to be a topic for any animated discu...
[ 旅行 ]
Indotravelshop menawarkan pemesanan paket perjalanan wisata dari Indonesia ke China, Hongkong, India, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, dan negara lainnya.
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