フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ メディカル ]
OUCH! Your foot hurts and you don’t know why? Well you need to diagnose your foot condition before you can treat the pain fast! The Dr Foot’s Foot Pain Identifier is what you need. Simply point on the part of the foot that hurts and tap, you will be presented with a list of possible conditions. Taping further will provide a summary of the foot condition together with treatment options to stop your foot pain quickly and easily! A list of foot conditions is also available to choose the appropriate condition. New and improved! 1. E...
[ メディカル ]
Foot ID uses your iPhone's system of sensors, cameras, and a dot projector to create a detailed 3D scan of your patient's foot & ankle and order custom orthoses with incredible accuracy and speed. Automatically upload your patient's 3D scans, manage and upload photos and videos of your patient and submit orders to KevinRoot Medical. The TrueDepth camera system will detect your patient's foot and lower extremity with a flood illuminator. An infrared camera will then take an image, and a dot projector will project out over 30,000 i...
[ スポーツ ]
Téléchargez gratuitement l’application Foot123.fr pour iPhone, la référence des applications de foot ! Retrouvez toute l’actu du foot, son Histoire et ses petites histoires sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette : - Accédez aux derniers articles et aux dernières brèves de Foot123.fr - Suivez l’évolution des scores de tous les matches en directs - Entrez dans le Hall of Fame de Foot123.fr et retrouvez le classement, les portraits et les fiches complètes des 500 plus grands joueurs de l’Histoire Foot123.fr, une certaine idée du foo...
[ ライフスタイル ]
***** Featured on CoolMomTech.com ***** The fun and fast way to measure your child’s foot to determine his/her shoe size. Foot Fairy is to be used on the iPad 1, 2 or 3 - NOT the iPad Mini. Simply put your child's foot up against the iPad to get an immediate and fun reading of your child's shoe size. Your kids will love it and you will be comfortable knowing your child's proper shoe size. Hi, I’m Dr. Sylvie, AKA Dr. ShoeMom®. I’m a podiatrist and a mom to two beautiful girls. One night I was having dinner with my friend Nicole a...
[ ゲーム ]
High heels always cause many foot problems for girls. This is an ASMR game for fixing foot problems. Remove Plantar Warts, calluses, and corns, which are common symptoms of pain and fatigue in the soles of the feet and ankles. Run a foot clinic to fix all kinds of feet. Oddly satisfying and hyper addictive.
[ スポーツ ]
サッカーニュースポータル機能を実装! 「サッカーキング」「スポーツナビ」「NumberWeb」「フットボールチャンネル」の最新のサッカーニュース記事をまとめてチェックできる! 「FOOT×BRAIN SOCIO」になって、番組をもっと楽しもう! 「FOOT×BRAIN SOCIO」とは、視聴者の皆さまに「番組を視聴して頂く」ことで、日本のサッカーを更に発展させていきたいとする組織で、このアプリが「FOOT×BRAIN SOCIO」の会員証となります。 番組OA中や一部のTVCM中に、本アプリのマイル「GET」ボタンを押して音声キャッチすることで、番組マイルが貯まる仕組みとなっており、貯まったマ...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
。・゚・。。・゚・。。・゚・。。・゚・。・゚・。。・゚・。。・゚・。 健康から美までをトータルでサポートする 【 Dr.Foot 】公式アプリです! 。・゚・。。・゚・。。・゚・。。・゚・。・゚・。。・゚・。。・゚・。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− アプリ機能紹介 メイン機能 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ▼最新情報お届け 最新のお知らせはもちろん、限定のお得情報がアプリに届きます。 会員のみなさまに合わせた情報をプッシュ通知にて配信します。 ぜひプッシュ通知の受取はONに設定してください! ▼予約もカンタン! アプリ内の予約アイコンから店舗の予約が簡単にできます。 ご家族ご友人など、複...
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[ ゲーム ]
This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true X-Ray. XRay Fracture Foot Prank - simulator joke app which is ridiculous to spend time with friends! Test your foot or leg fracture friends as a joke! This is a very funny and fun! This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true X-Ray. Place your camera on his leg, and then click Start Scan button and you will see the result of X-ray! ATTENTION! The game is created just for fun and entertainment! Real X-rays in the phone d...
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