フリーワード アプリケーション検索

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[ ニュース ]
红板报,发现全球好内容,感受阅读之美。 目前看新闻常常遇到的「问题」: -标题党太多,只为吸引眼球,没有干货; -关注太多,每天打开不同的app和公众号来看,浪费时间; -信息量大,难以发现好内容。 「红板报」解决方案: -小编精心挑选优质内容,拒绝标题党,严格审核; -聚合权威文章和优质媒体,全球内容,触手可及; -邀请各个领域数百名专家kol推荐热点,分享各个圈子有价值的内容和观点。 「特色功能」 1、全新小馆,正式上线,小想法解锁大世界。 小馆是红板报全新的兴趣主题社区。我们相信,人与人之间交流碰撞出的火花,足以照亮每一间小馆。这里有乱侃杂谈馆、...
[ ライフスタイル ]
The Flipboard app is a personal magazine app. Used by millions of people everyday, it’s a single place to keep up on the news, follow topics you care about and share stories, videos and photos that influence you. This app will provide you with the following features. FEATURES: • Information • How To’s • Education • And many more Explore the app with family and friends! Download This MagazineMaster for Flipboard, Edition This app is not associated with the actual app Flipboard.
[ ミュージック ]
Aweditorium reimagines what a music experience feels like on iPad. It takes all of the disparate content surrounding an artist -- beautiful photography, lyrics, high definition video, interviews -- and ties it all together into a fun, intimate experience on a multi-touch display. For announcements, questions, and feedback: http://twitter.com/Aweditorium "This one is a winner and I hope to see more. I call it the Flipboard of music, but that’s really unfair. Flipboard is the Aweditorium of social news." - Robert Scoble "An incred...
[ ユーティリティ ]
★ FOR A LIMITED TIME, THE FULL VERSION OF ALARM CLOCK PRO IS FREE! ★ Alarm Clock Pro transforms your iPhone or iPod into a fully featured digital alarm clock with various themes that will play your favourite songs, artists, albums or playlists! Alternatively, choose from a variety of built-in sound effects, or have it activate the vibration mechanism in your device. It's finally time to throw away your static-plagued bedside alarm clock and wake up feeling soothed. Choose between two gorgeous clock faces: a flipboard, or the one ...
[ ステッカー ]
--- VISIT www.sticker10.com FOR MORE AWESOME STICKERS --- Amazing flipboard letters for your iMessage chats. Decorate your conversations with flight numbers and your own expressions, surprise your friends and improve your chats!
[ ニュース ]
Browse is completely free for a limited time to celebrate our launch! Browse offers a new way to read your favorite websites like: • Blogs on Blogspot or WordPress • News sites like Huffington Post and The Verge • Social sites like Reddit and Hacker News • Any site with an RSS feed Simply subscribe to your favorite websites in the app and then use the next button to read through them faster than ever before. FEATURES • Raw speed through our proprietary hyperloading™ algorithm • No tab management or typing in URLs • No scrollin...
[ ニュース ]
Nouvelle version de youmag !! Nous avons revu pour vous la personnalisation. Vous pouvez maintenant personnaliser plusieurs magazines thématiques, avec des thèmes ET des sources !! Une interface magnifique et très intuitive (Antoine G.) Sans doute le meilleur agrégateur de news (Jimmy J.) Revue de presse très complète et surtout totalement personnalisable (Geraldine L.) YOUMAG, VOTRE REVUE DE PRESSE PERMANENTE DE L ACTUALITÉ > La Une de l équipe éditoriale, pour une vision exhaustive de l actu grâce aux revues de presse du jo...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Wikipedia reimagined through beautiful design and smart algorithms! FREE for a limited time! Wikero presents Wikipedia articles in a beautiful Flipboard like layout with crisp text and images. As you read them, it recommends related Wikipedia articles you might be interested in. In addition, Wikero provides curated content similar to Flipboard for major categories. Wikero is the most complete Wikipedia app featuring: - Easy to read 3 column pages Each page is formatted in a crisp and clean 3 column layout similar to Flipboard to ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Meteorの速度テストではインターネット速度をより良く理解する為、Wifi又は3G & 4G/LTE及び5G接続上でのモバイルデータ接続でのインターネット接続を確認します。どのようにインターネット接続がビデオや音楽のストリーミング、ゲーミング、ブラウジングに影響を与えているのかを理解する為でもあります。Meteorはモバイルインターネット接続がお気に入りアプリのパフォーマンスにどのように影響を与えているのかについても示す事ができます。 3G&4G&5G接続用の速度テスト Meteorのインターネット速度テストを行う事で、モバイルネットワーク事業者の接続速度が直接モバイルア...
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