フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Five Card Quest is a tactical role playing game designed to offer lots of challenge and replay value, while also being easy to control with one thumb. There are five cards in your hand, and every card you play is a different move for your team of heroes to carry out. Dungeons and battles are randomly generated, making every game different. Create a party of adventurers out of 5 different character classes, each with their own strengths. Plan out your moves in a game about decisive turn-based combat and working out strategies aroun...
[ ゲーム ]
Five-O is your favorite word game, minus the words! Instead of letters, the tiles are numbers, and instead of forming words, each sequence of tiles has to add up to a multiple of five, and no sequences may be longer than five tiles. "This is a great must have iPad game. And I love the fact that it really works your mind muscles. It is a very simple game but it will get you hooked." - tcgeeks.com "The price is right, and the game is fun as well as educational. I’d very much recommend it, especially if you’re looking for something...
[ ゲーム ]
勇敢なジャーナリスト、ローラが奇怪な現象の調査を専門とする秘密結社と共に、ニューヨークに続発する奇妙な殺人事件を捜査!エキサイティングな犯罪ミステリー!閃光と共に発生する危険な犯罪を解決しよう! 1950年代、ニューヨーク。謎の連続殺人事件が発生し、人々を恐怖に震え上がらせた。犯罪現場に残されているのは灰の山だけ…目撃者は閃光を見たと言う。そのような犯罪は人間に可能なのか?謎めいた殺人事件の背後にいるのは何者なのか?シンシン刑務所で死刑執行中に起こった「ある出来事」と関係があるのだろうか?まったく答えを見つけ出せないでいる警察に代わり、...
[ ブック ]
Dive into 5 exciting interactive book apps featuring the Five Little Monkeys- a group of clumsy but well-intentioned little monkeys who don't always get things exactly right, but always have a good time! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize each story with your own narration. Enjoy Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake, Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car, Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree, and Five Little Monkeys With Nothing to Do, all in one convenient place. Explor...
[ ゲーム ]
悪しき魂に騙された君。何世紀にも渡る人々の多大な努力と失敗の中、今、全てを正す時が来た! 「ダークネス・アンド・フレイム:鏡に潜む敵」はアイテム探しを題材としたアドベンチャーゲームです。多彩なミニゲームやパズル、印象的な登場人物と挑戦しがいのあるクエストの数々が楽しめます。 炎の力を取り返し、闇の勢力から逃れたアリスと彼女の友人達。束の間の休息を求め、少し変わった平野を訪れ羽を休めることにしたのだが… この残酷な世界では、一瞬たりとも気を緩めるのは許されない。油断の報いはすぐにやってくる。アリスは闇よりも歴史の古い邪悪な者との戦いに...
[ ゲーム ]
-> Highly recommended for Education by the App Store, as well as teachers and parents around the world! "My Kids LOVE This App" --by Father of 3 (Under 4 yrs.) "Perfect. Great fun for a toddler. My best toddler buy yet." --by Ro-dub _____________________________________________ "Mama Called the Doctor and the Doctor Said, "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!" Designed by parents of young children for young children (pre-toddler to preschool), Five Little Monkeys is a fun, interactive musical counting game based on the pop...
[ ゲーム ]
Gomoku is a famous board game, which is played by two players. First player chooses the colour of the stone and they play one by one. Winner is player who places five stones of his color consecutively in any horizontal, vertical or diagonal line and also in case of filling the entire board. This is a strategic board game that's simple to learn, fun to play, but difficult to master. The goal of the game is to connect 5 pieces in a row while stopping your opponent from achieving the same objective. Features: - Single player ca...
[ ゲーム ]
Five or most classic strategy game, known as "a person under the Go." Five or a result of the hot, especially now launched an improved version, the new version added four different game difficulty, from easy to difficult, so you can feel the joy of scores. Game Features --- HD display, beautiful screen --- 4 kinds of difficulty, from easy to difficult --- 4 kinds eliminate lines (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)
[ ゲーム ]
Road of Mahjong is a new and free game in the world of Mahjong! Polished by centuries simple thus interesting mechanics, that combines wisdom and refinement of the Ancient East.  Solitaire Road of Mahjong will fascinate you and provide an opportunity to spend your leisure time with pleasure. The game explores world full of adventures, where every  step is a different level in Mahjong. It will capture your attention and allow you to rest from the daily routine. Each level has a unique style; and some of the featured game mechanics...
[ ゲーム ]
魅力的な世界を探検しながらオオカミ人間の命を救い、残酷な魔女が支配する土地に正義をもたらしましょう。 Legendary Tales: 奪われた人生」は、隠しオブジェクトのアドベンチャーゲームで、様々なミニゲームやパズル、記憶に残るキャラクター、難解なクエストがあります。 ウルフとルチアは、両親が失踪して後見人が死んだ後、酒場で働きながら暮らしていました。しかし、ウルフが18歳になった時、人生が一変しました。ウルフがオオカミ人間であることがわかり、その夜、ウルフは魔女に拉致され、謎の場所に連れ去られてしまいました。ルチアは、いつも面倒を見てくれていた...
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