フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
Jeder kennt das: Man steht kritisch vor dem Spiegel und fragt sich, ob das, was man trägt, gut zusammen passt. Aber nicht nur der Spiegel stellt dich vor dieses Problem, auch in anderen Lebensbereichen muss man immer wieder geschmackliche Entscheidungen hinsichtlich eines tollen Trends, einer passenden Stilrichtung oder einer harmonischen Farbgestaltung treffen. Passt der Vorhang zur Tapete? Welcher Wein lässt den Geschmack des Sonntagsbratens vollmundig entfalten? Verleihen die Autofelgen meinem Auto einen sportlichen Charakter? H...
[ ゲーム ]
A block puzzle makes you smarter. This game is very simple rule. Play and train your spatial ability. The rules are simple. You only correctly fill in the designated spaces with blocks of various shapes. There are three levels of difficulty in all. Amazingly, there are 1800 different stages. Includes support functions such as hints. Fits is a block puzzle that was created on the basis of tangrams. Tangrams are one of the most familiar of the silhouette puzzles, where you create shapes that are presented as problems. It is a ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Fits – あなたの究極のコーディネートプランナー&クローゼット! 主な特徴: 一つのアプリであなたのコーディネートを簡単に追跡 クローゼットをデジタル化 服をスワイプしてコーディネートを作成 コーディネートのムードボードを使って創造的に 簡単な整理のための個人用タグの作成 効率的なコーディネートの選択のためのスムーズなフィルタリング 先を見越してコーディネートを計画するか、カレンダーで過去のコーディネートを見る Fitsは、毎日のコーディネートを整理するために設計されたクローゼットプランナーです。このクローゼットアプリは、服から素晴らしいコーデ...
[ ファイナンス ]
商品先物取引を行うためのアプリです。スマートフォンアプリから価格、チャートなどの相場情報を入手し、スムーズなお取引が可能です。 フジトミ証券のFITSに口座をお持ちの方ならどなたでもご使用いただけます。 ■主な機能 相場表画面 ログインすると先限の相場表が表示されます。日本取引所グループ(JPX)の大阪取引所(OSE)、東京商品取引所(TOCOM)に上場する取引可能なすべての銘柄の現在値を確認できます。 金、銀、白金、パラジウムといった貴金属市場、プラッツドバイ原油を中心とした石油市場、ゴムが取引できるゴム市場、とうもろこしや大豆などの農産物市場の価...
[ エンターテインメント ]
FITS2019 - Arta de a darui In 1993, un grup de oameni a pornit un Festival. Din dragoste de teatru, de oras, de comunitate. Astazi, o lume intreaga recunoaste cu reverenta ca, vreme de zece zile, in timpul Festivalului International de Teatru, Capitala Culturala Mondiala este in Romania, la Sibiu. Festivalul International de Teatru de la Sibiu reprezinta, dincolo de o celebrare a artelor, o imbinare perfecta intre teatru, dans, circ, film, carte, conferinte, expozitii, performance, muzica, si o ocazie de invatare si perfectionare...
[ ゲーム ]
★★★★★ Does it fit or doesn't it? That's what it's all about in FiTS! ★★★★★ Dr. Reiner Knizia's FiTS is based on Ravensburger's board game of the same name. FiTs challenges your tactical skills, and your luck! The aim of the game is to fill the game board with 16 different tiles. You can play alone or with a friend on the same iPad. Your challenge: find the courage to leave gaps! The right squares should be left uncovered in order to score more points. You should nevertheless block as many free squares as possible. Flip your tile...
[ メディカル ]
The TAILORED-FITS app is a portable and easy to use 3D-scanning solution for lower legs and plantar surfaces of feet. Perform a scan quickly with an attached Structure Sensor (TM) and generate stunning 3D-data of these body parts. After uploading the data, TAILORED-FITS produces 3D-printed customized insoles for your feet only. This app resembles the first link in the TAILORED-FITS digital supply chain for sport shops, to deliver fully custom 3D-printed sports gear. We 3D-print your fit!
[ ミュージック ]
Installing the UE FITS app is the first step in setting up your Ultimate Ears FITS true wireless earbuds. The app assists in pairing to Bluetooth on your mobile device. Once connected, you will be guided through molding your eartips using UE FITS Lightform technology. Once molding is complete, you will have an incredible fit that is customized for your ears only. Custom eartips provide unparalleled long-term listening comfort, a transparent fit that won't fall out, and non-intrusive seal for incredible audio performance, but the ...
[ ゲーム ]
Flappy Iron Fits is a very simple game for iOS devices where the player taps on the screen to make their Iron Fits avatar pop slightly higher into the air. Tap rapidly and the Iron Fits will begin to climb quickly, but stop tapping and the Iron Fits will plummet like a rock. Once this mechanic is mastered the only task is to fly the Iron Fits through narrow gaps in an endless series of pipes. The objective of the Flappy Iron Fits is to fly Iron Fits (by tapping the screen) without hitting pipes. If Iron Fits hit an obstacle, then t...
[ ライフスタイル ]
You measure your kids' height once and then »What fits when?« tells you which sizes fit right now – and when the next ones will fit. You love to travel? Switch to EU, UK, US or Japanese sizes with a single tap. It's that easy: • Add child • Enter birthday • Measure and record body height Even when the last measurement dates a good while back »What fits when?« estimates the growth rate* of your child and tells you, by when the next clothing sizes** will fit. *) Growth rate calculation is based on the WHO Child Growth Standards. T...
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