フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Weed Finder is “The World's LARGEST and Most Comprehensive Medical Marijuana and Recreational Cannabis Resource.” View local marijuana dispensaries, marijuana delivery, 420 doctors, grow shops, seed banks, lab testing companies, attorneys, head shops, higher education, wholesale distributors, menus with pics, deals and lots more! Over 16,000 cannabis-industry connections in your pocket wherever you go!
* Download our newest version now to search for your favorite cannabis strains! *
Browse Weed Finder...
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[ ナビゲーション ]
Find A Carwash In Your Local Area
Looking for a reliable carwash? Carwash Finder helps find the right carwash for you with our ever-growing list of carwashes across North America.
General features:
- Find the closest known carwash, or your closest favourite carwash, the moment you launch the app.
- View a list of additional locations nearby, or search for specific washes in a different town or city.
- Flag your favourite carwashes so they’re always readily available.
- Trigger turn-by-turn navigation to your selected carwash.
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[ 旅行 ]
Over 650,000 locations in 144 countries worldwide!
Quickly and easily find FREE or paid Wi-Fi when you travel with the JiWire Wi-Fi Finder for iPhone and iPod Touch. Download all of the locations offline, so you know how to stay connected when you are on the road.
Using the GPS function on your iPhone, the Wi-Fi finder will tell you exactly where the closest Wi-Fi hotspot is, and how to get there.
If you prefer certain providers such as Comcast, you'll be able to see which hotspots are served by those providers. You can also f...
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[ 旅行 ]
SpeedSpot WiFiファインダーのオフラインマップ機能を使って、世界のどこでも高速WiFiを検索しよう。オフライン機能は、旅行先のWiFiスポット情報を前もってダウンロードして、どこでもオフラインで高速WiFiスポットの検索を可能にします。WiFiファインダーは、世界中の数十万ものWiFiホットスポットをSpeedSpotのクラウドデータベースから直接データを取得します。WiFiファインダーは、ホットスポットの接続速度でランク付けされたWiFiの検索が可能な唯一のデータベースです。
- 近所のWiFiホットスポットを探しましょう。
- 世界中のどこでも、高速WiFiを見つけよ...
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[ 旅行 ]
Uncover the mysteries of live air traffic in one beautiful and easy to use app. Is it a bird? Is it a plane?! If it’s the latter, Plane Finder can tell you exactly which plane it is.
Plane Finder is incredibly easy to use and utterly fascinating. It enables you to see live air traffic patterns with real-time tracking of almost any plane you’re interested in, and in addition to the aircraft’s location you can see its current altitude, its speed and where it’s heading.
Get live information on flights - super handy when travelling...
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[ ナビゲーション ]
Ship Finder shows live moving ships on a worldwide map.
You can even use Augmented Reality (AR) view to identify ships out at sea using your device camera.
Ship Finder has been top rated and top ranking since 2009 and covers most of the world, tracking 30,000+ ships simultaneously.
Our incredible app performance means that you can see all tracked vessels at once.
Simply tap on a ship to see it's name, type and destination. Colour coded icons make identification easy too.
If you like this app you'll love the full version of Ship...
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[ 旅行 ]
Track planes in real time on a worldwide map or use your camera to identify planes in the sky!
• Holiday makers, business travellers and their friends and families
• Aviation enthusiasts
• Pilots
• Cabin Crew
• Aviation Professionals
• Airlines
• See live air traffic patterns and track flights in real time on a detailed map.
• Search by flight number, create a custom filter or just browse. Tap a plane to see detailed information such as
• Live fli...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The All-New Athan is HERE
Simplify your daily spiritual Islamic lifestyle with Athan's new features. Complete the following Daily Goals and earn Hasanah:
- Log Your Prayer / Salah Progress
- Listen to Al-Quran / Ayah / Ayat
- Complete a Daily Tasbih / Dhikr
- Optional Tasbih / Dhikr (Tasbih Counter)
- Give Sadaqah (Optional)
- Offer Nafl Prayer (Optional)
- Customize Daily Goals as per your need
Athan is the most trusted prayer time app for accurate Salah times and also includes features:
- Prayer Times with Azan Alarm:
- Athan...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Magical Finderは同じネットワークに接続された LAN DISK、ルーター、アクセスポイント、ネットワークカメラなどのI-O DATA製デバイスを簡単に検出して、設定変更することができるアプリです。
Magial Finderを利用するにはこのiPhone, iPad, iPodをあらかじめルーターまたはアクセスポイントにWiFi接続しておく必要があります。
このアプリを起動したiPhone, iPadが接続しているネットワークを探索して、同じネットワークに接続されているI-O DATA製のデバイスを検出することができます。検出可能な製品は下記をご参照ください。
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。
Presents by $$308413110 スマホからのアクセスにはQRコードをご活用ください。 →
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