フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Fantasy Conflict is the new adventure game from creators of Modern Conflict that brings the player to the fabulous faraway Kingdom of Baldoria. As usual, there is a petty tyrant King in a dressing gown and his No. 1 enemies are the greedy dwarfs. And there is a crystal, the most valued sovereign possession, without which the alarm clock of the King cannot ring. Add to this wooden ballistic missiles, battle airships, as well as dark and light magic as weapon and you get a fun, entertaining and exciting cocktail called Fantasy Confli...
[ ゲーム ]
Experience living on a farm island side by side with friendly and adventure-loving zombies in Zombie Castaways! Here’s a list of things to never get bored in a zombie universe: - Build your home island: choose from regular zombie farm fields and factories or world-famous landmarks - Eiffel Tower, Egyptian Sphinx, Louvre and more! - Restore a huge pirate island and pursue a career of a zombie pirate with all well-known attributes: a noisy tavern, commissions from sea wolves, and faraway journeys! - Travel through a diverse zombie...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
VK unites tens of millions of people by offering unlimited features for communication, dating, entertainment, business and sharing news from anywhere around the world. On the app, you can listen to music, watch videos and clips, keep track of your health, play games, and shop. Stay in touch with friends and family. In the messenger, you can chat in group chats and private messages with both friends on VK and people from your phone’s contacts. Bring together an unlimited number of people in video calls, all for free with no time li...
[ ゲーム ]
ファラウェイでは、課題と神秘的なパズルの完全な古代寺院の遺跡を探検冒険家です. あなたはあなたの父の足音で歩いています。 彼は10年前に行方不明になった珍しいアーティファクトのコレクターでした。 あなたの旅は神秘的な文明の古い崩壊遺跡砂漠とオアシスから行くことができます。 彼らはあなたが彼らの秘密を知るに値するしているかどうかを確認するためにデバイスやパズルを構築していました。 環境を観察し、アイテムを収集し、デバイスを操作し、複雑なパズルを解いて、寺の迷路を逃れる。 魅力的なパズル パズルを詰めた18の壮大な寺院を探検。 没入型の世界 表面...
[ ゲーム ]
ジャングルエスケープ新たな課題と神秘的なパズルに満ちている:遠景2内のすべての新しい寺院を脱出。 この部屋のエスケープゲームは確かにあなたのパズルエスケープ能力に挑戦します。 100万人以上のプレイヤーがいる最高のエスケープゲームのひとつに続出! 完全にあなたの心に挑戦し、あなたを魅了し、驚くべきモバイルゲームエンターテイメントの時間を提供する部屋エスケープパズルゲーム。 魅力的なストーリー あなたの失われた父親を探して、旅を始めてから約1年が経ちました。 たくさんの思いもよらないパズルを解決した後、あなたが最後に訪れたポータルは、新しい寺...
[ ゲーム ]
Crow is the critically acclaimed, story-driven action-adventure for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Combining unique exploration, combat, and game mechanics, Crow takes the player on an exciting journey to faraway lands where an ancient battle is unfolding. Your choices will forever alter the course of this world. Will you Curse your foes or Spare them and risk the consequences? Created using Sunside's in-house game platform Radiance, Crow delivers stunning visuals and immersion in a fully 3D world. *Featured Benchmark Game for Stu...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
☆Check out FUSIONCAM, the newest app by the creators of Phototreats & Labelbox☆ Capture beautiful memories in a few simple steps. Choose a photo, apply the effect, save & upload! It's powered by Steply making mobile photo sharing easy. Phototreats is a collection of easy to use filters that transforms your photo into a truly memorable and emotional scene that all your friends will want to share and see. Available Free Filter Packs:- My Eats - Reproducing that exotic color of faraway, special places. My Styles - Conveys that spec...
[ 天気 ]
Weesurfは、サーフィン、カイトサーフィン、ウィンドサーフィン、セイリング、SUP(サップ)をいつどこでできるかを、最も信頼できる天気予報と現在位置、およびあなたのレベルに基づいておすすめします。コミュニティのメンバーになって、友達をフォローしたり、新しい知り合いを作ったり、セッションを一緒にシェアしましょう。 *** 私達のお約束すること *** > 波と風、潮の予測 > 信頼のあるデータ > 確実なユーザーエクスペリエンス > 世界中で利用可能 > サーフィン、ボディーボード、カイトサーフィン、ウィンドサーフィン、SUP(サップ)、セイリング、釣りなどすべ...
[ ゲーム ]
Best Adventure Game of 2010 (2nd Runner Up) - 2010 Customer Favorite Awards Explore an enchanted world and search for a way out of a strange dimension in this award-winning adventure series! Upgrade to the full adventure from within the game. The day before her 18th birthday, Lyra finds herself trapped in a bizarre dimension. Not knowing why she was transported there, she follows clues left by her grandfather and flies across the realm in search for the Clockmaker, who will help her restore time to return home. Solve intriguing p...
[ ゲーム ]
The most exciting battle of the king of dinosaurs ,Tyrannosaurus rex or a T-Rex has begun in a faraway island full with dangerous from fierce and frightening dinosaurs in many species. Only the strongest one will survive and become the ultimate king of the dinosaurs. To play this game is just to control T-Rex to fight or attack via joystick. This is realistic simulator game of dinosaur fighting for survival has begun!!! In this dangerous island is full of fierce and frightening dinosaurs such as Carnotaurus have sharp teeth for bit...
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