フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 教育 ]
Mit dem offiziellen Fragenkatalog von 2014 und allen original Prüfungsbögen und Inhalten zu Funk, Funkstellen, Sprechfunk, Verfahren und Verkehrskreise
Schnell und einfach zum UKW-Sprechfunkzeugnis
Mit dieser App ist die Vorbereitung auf den UBI ein Kinderspiel, macht Spass und der Erfolg ist garantiert!
Vor dem Kauf KOSTENLOS testen: Die kostenlose Version "Sportboot Demo" zeigt Dir was diese App kann. Schau Sie Dir einfach an und entscheide dann, ob Du diese App kaufen möchtest.
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The ODMP app contains memorials of the 23,000+ fallen law enforcement officers & 200+ fallen canines, provides line of duty death notifications, provides an interactive statistics dashboard to learn about trends in line of duty deaths, and provides interactive mapping features of where line of duty deaths have occurred in America since 1791.
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
If you're set on not falling victim identity theft...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
Who Else Wants To Know All The Different Types Of Identity Theft, Be Aware Of What Actions To Take If You Do Fall Victim, And Become More 'In Tune' With Your Personal Information In Just 5 Days?
It doesn't matter if you've never fallen victim to identity theft a day in your life, or your the protective person in the world... This Identity Theft guide will help you not only get MORE prepared, but make you feel more c...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
"Complete Guide For Minecraft PE" is an unofficial guide for the game Minecraft PE.This app provides blocks,mobs,tools,craftable,food,entity,naturally spawning blocks,renewable,wood,redstone.It also includes cheats,tips,videos.
It includes Andesite,Bed,Bedrock,Block of Coal,Block of Diamond,Block of Emerald,Block of Gold,Block of Iron,Block of Quartz,etc.
It includes Mobs,Baby Mobs, Bat, Blaze, Cave, Spider, Ocelot, Pig, Rabbit, Sheep,Silverfish,Skeleton Spawn Egg,Skeleton...
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[ 教育 ]
Ein absolutes MUSS zur Vorbereitung auf die Mathe-, Physik-, und Englischfragen bei der BU! Zugriff auf einen äußerst umfangreichen Multiple Choice Fragenpool mit weit mehr als 2.200 „prüfungsorientierten“ Fragen. Es werden genau so wie beim Test immer Fragen mit vier Antwortmöglichkeiten angeboten.
Dieser Fragenpool deckt die Bereiche Mathematik, Physik und Englisch komplett ab und baut auf die CBTs des Vimana® E-Learning Moduls auf. Zusätzlich sind über 180 Kopfrechenaufgaben enthalten... Quereinsteiger mit Pilotenschein – Ready...
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[ ゲーム ]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019!
Beginning on 24 February 2018, Great Britain and Ireland were affected by a cold wave, dubbed the Beast from the East by the media, which brought widespread unusually low temperatures and heavy snowfall to large areas. UK weather sees panic-buying shoppers EMPTY supermarket shelves as ‘Beast from the East’grips nation. Shops shelves stripped bare as desperate Brits dash out to stock up on bread, milk and medication. We’re always well prepared for winter, and this year 2019 will be no except...
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[ ブック ]
The ultimate all-in-one app featuring the Books of Enoch, Jubilees, Jasher, Apocrypha, and the King James Bible (KJV 1611)
・Comprehensive Collection: Includes the Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, Book of Jasher, Apocrypha, and King James Bible (KJV 1611) in one easy-to-use app.
・Audio Support: Built-in TTS (Text-To-Speech) to listen to the scriptures while reading.
・Completely Offline: No internet connection required—access all books anytime, anywhere.
・Auto-Scrolling Mode: Continuous reading without touching the scr...
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[ ゲーム ]
- EASY CONTROLS (Tap to shoot)
- 3D Graphics
- Multiple TARGETS
- Increasing difficulty
- Improve your skills and accomplish the mission as you race against the clock to defend your fallen comrade
- Layout fully optimized for smartphones and tablets!
The sniper scouts ahead to find the safest route through the infested city. From the top of a hıgh building all seems quite. The Dead have wandered off. Suddenly the sniper notices a wounded soldier, alone and vulnerable. Alert his comrades via radio, he sets himself up to defen...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Check George Gina & Lucy bags at your fingertips with a fresh iOS7 design. From the very first day, all of our bags have been made with love and are finally packed into one APP. Browse through all your favorite seasons, collections, bag models and colors.
Features you’ll love:
- BAGS – browse and explore by season
- My Kleiderschrank – add your favorite bags and build your own Kleiderschrank (wardrobe)
- SHARE your Kleiderschrank with your friends a...
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