フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ビジネス ]
This is an app about values across the globe. It is also an app that reflects the future and people’s attitudes towards it. Learn about differences between views, opinions and perspectives from the Chinese, Scandinavians, the British and Indians... Compare views of men and women, young and middle-aged, Asians and Europeans. The Global Attitudes Lite App is brought to you by Kairos Future, an international futures research and management consulting firm. The data comes from a global survey about peoples values, lifestyles and opin...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Future AR is the official augmented reality viewer for Future US. Bring your pages to life, discover new content, and trigger exciting new features in your copies of Future US magazines.
[ ミュージック ]
音楽、ポッドキャスティング、ナレーション、映画制作などのためのモバイルレコーディングスタジオ。オーディオの録音またはインポート、さまざまなサウンドのマイクの交換、スタジオの変更、編集、カラーラベル付け、並べ替え、共有、保存をどこにでも行えます。 この無料版には、17個の無料マイクが3つ付属しており、他のマイクを試して購入することができます。 MicSwap Proをサブスクライブするか、外部マイクまたはインターフェース、すべてのマイクとスタジオ、無制限の録音、およびGarageBand、FL Studio、Auria、Cubasis、Multitrackなどのプラグインとして使用する機...
[ ユーティリティ ]
前に聞いたことのないように、あなたの周りの世界を、より強く聴かせてください。Hear Boost を使用すると、遠隔の会話を簡単にキャプチャするためのスーパーヒアリングとレコーディングが可能になります。あなたのマイクロフォンが通常どおりに提供するものを最大200倍聞き、記録します。 ジャーナリスト、学生、両親、または聴覚を改善しようとする人のためのツール。 私たちのマイク入力と言語フィルタは、ジャーナリストがインタビューや学生が講義を録音するのに理想的なツールです。 Hear Boost はバックグラウンドで動作するので、モニターや録音中にディスプレイをオ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
即座にあなたの動画の音声を改良、音量アップ、音源抽出や消音。ビデオをインポートするだけで、即座にそれの音をきれいにしボリュームを最大化できるアプリ。いますぐ無料ダウンロードで音質を確かめ、試してみてください。 定期購読するかわりに、AudioFix Proを購入すれば購読の心配はいりません。 AudioFix ProとMicSwap Proを購入するとついてくる複数のビデオのための一斉オーディオ・プロダクションもぜひチェックしてみてください。 「比較」ボタンを長押しするとオリジナル音源との違いを聞きながら比較できます。フィルター自体を長押しすると音量の変化だけを聞く...
[ ゲーム ]
*** Episodes 2-5 are available to purchase individually or save 15% by purchasing the 'Ep 2-5 Multi-Pack' in-app *** NOTE: Not compatible with iPhone 7 devices and iPad Pro devices. ***** PLEASE NOTE the release of this new universal base app replaces Episodes 2-5 apps of Back to the Future: The Game which will no longer be available for direct download on the App Store. Ownership of these episodes cannot be transferred to the universal app, so if these episodes were not backed up to the iCloud or kept on the device, they can no...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Real-me is a leading photo editing app designed to unleash your creativity and provide endless fun with its advanced AI technology. Whether you want to see what you’ll look like when you’re older, swap genders, or predict the future appearance of your baby, Real-me has you covered. With just one tap, turn your selfies into stunning portraits and share your amazing results on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, and Pinterest to get tons of likes! **FACE AGING EFFECT** Curious about how you’ll look in the future or see ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The Flux Capacitor is what made time travel possible in Back to the Future, one of the most brilliantly inventive, wildly entertaining motion picture triumphs in Hollywood history! Now it's your turn to launch into the past, fine tune the future, and disrupt the space-time continuum! Features: ● Striking visuals and sound that reproduce time travel scenarios from each of the three Back to the Future films ● Fully functional Time Circuits that accurately depict your travels ● Lightning strike location triggered time travel (using ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Welcome to Astro Future! Discover the astrology app that empowers you to see the good in the stars! Navigate the universe to understand yourself more deeply. Gain incredible insight into the astrology of your life and discover how the planet positions and your birth chart impact your life and your future. Astro Future helps you focus on the positive and empowers you to make your own life choices. Features Include: Birth charts with free detailed horoscopes where you can tap on aspects to understand their meaning in astrology. R...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Know the future and hidden secrets about yourself and others with accurate palm readings and analysis. Read the Life line, Head line, Heart line, Success Line, Fate Line, Travel Line, and Marriage line. Know more about love life, quality of life, health, personality, married life, etc. for your loved ones. Totally Free fun app. Be the center of attention in any party or group of friends by reading their palms. The ancient practice of Chiromancy can help you reveal a lot about your past, present, and future. Aren't we always eager ...
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