フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
FunA2Z is an intuitive educational app targeted towards toddlers and preschoolers. It teaches English alphabets and numbers in a fun way. It uses pictures as well as simple animations to make learning engaging. For alphabets, both capital and small letters are presented along with words and animating pictures to invite interaction. To learn about numbers, each number is illustrated and pronounced. To illustrate the quantity a number represents, a corresponding number of objects is progressively shown and counted a loud. To impro...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
App Manya Baibuli Yo: Zuula obugagga bwa Baibuli mu Luganda ng'oyita mu App yaffe ekwata ku Bayibuli Study App. Ekoleddwa eri abo abaagala okutegeera ennyo Ebyawandiikibwa, app yaffe ekuwa okunoonyereza okutegekeddwa ku buli kitabo n’essuula, ng’ekulungamya okuyita mu Baibuli. Nnyika mu njigiriza za Baibuli n’obugonvu bw’okusoma n’okuwuliriza nga tolina mukutu, okufuula Ekigambo kya Katonda okutuukirika essaawa yonna, wonna. Ebikulu Ebirimu: Ebiwandiiko bya Baibuli & Amaloboozi: - Funa Baibuli enzijuvu n'ebiwandiiko n'amaloboozi...
[ 教育 ]
FunA2Z Lite is an intuitive educational app targeted towards toddlers and preschoolers. It teaches English alphabets and numbers in a fun way. It uses pictures as well as simple animations to make learning engaging. For alphabets, both capital and small letters are presented along with words and animating pictures to invite interaction. To learn about numbers, each number is illustrated and pronounced. To illustrate the quantity a number represents, a corresponding number of objects is progressively shown and counted a loud. To ...
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