フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
FIFA 1904 offers fans of the game a diverse blend of the most up-to-date news from FIFA and across the world of football, including fascinating reports on the biggest stars, the most spectacular goals and the latest results, as well as in-depth analysis, interviews, photos, commentaries, debates and much more besides. • Automatic Delivery Once a month, the newest issue will appear automatically on your phone - no need to do anything. • Favourite Articles and Social Sharing Bookmark interesting articles or share them with your fri...
[ スポーツ ]
The FIFA Media App is FIFA’s password-protected media portal, dedicated to media representatives with information and services critical to covering FIFA’s tournaments and events. Users will have access to media accreditation, media ticketing, subscription and media alert services, transportation, key contacts, live streaming of team press conferences, and a regularly updated calendar with details on team training schedules and activities relevant to accredited media. Only media with an approved FIFA Media Hub account will be able t...
[ ナビゲーション ]
FIFA Drive simplifies tasks for vehicle drivers assigned to work during FIFA Events. It aids in managing shifts and efficiently transporting passengers between venues, hotels, and airports. With its user-friendly interface, scheduling and route optimisation becomes effortless. FIFA Drive ensures smooth operations for FIFA events. Access to the application is restricted to selected events and drivers appointed by invitation from FIFA.
[ ゲーム ]
Relive the thrill of the FIFA Women's World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023™ with the FIFA Panini Collection by Coca-Cola! Download the app and enjoy all the memories on the go! The online collection includes all 32 teams of the FIFA Women's World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023™. ENJOY ALL THE BEST PLAYERS AND REMEMBER THE MOMENTS OF THIS MAGICALFIFA WOMEN'S WORLD CUP AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND 2023™ - DOWNLOAD NOW!
[ スポーツ ]
The FIFA Player App provides players participating in FIFA tournaments with all of their official football data in one single place. The app combines: - Physical tracking data - Event data - Video This will give you an overview of your key moments and performance. The data is available right after the final whistle of each match. Disclamer: The data displayed will be collected live and is subject to change following post-processing. If you have any inquiries, please contact FIFA at footballdataplatform@fifa.org.
[ スポーツ ]
The FIFA Weekly football magazine - now available on your iPad. The FIFA Weekly, FIFA’s free football magazine, is available every Friday both as a paper edition and as an intuitive e-Magazine on your iPad. The FIFA Weekly offers fans of the game a diverse blend of the most up-to-date news from FIFA and across the world of football, including fascinating reports on the biggest stars, the most spectacular goals and the latest results, as well as in-depth analysis, interviews, photos, commentaries, debates and much more besides. F...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The FIFA Events Official App is an invitation-only application through which you can access FIFA events-related information. You will have personalised credentials that will enable you to view event-specific content and perform certain actions within the app.
[ ゲーム ]
PVPをフレンドと楽しめるようになりました! エキサイティングなサッカーの試合をFIFA Mobileでお楽しみください!自分だけのUltimate Team™を作りましょう。好きな選手をスター選手に育て上げ、リーグに参加したり、新登場のワールドツアーで650を超えるイベントを楽しんだりしましょう。UEFA Champions Leagueに出場して報酬獲得を目指すことも、週ごとや月ごとのサッカーイベントでランキング上位を目指すこともできます。イベントには、エル・クラシコをはじめとする注目のダービーをフィーチャーしたものもあります。対戦相手がフレンドであれ、マンチェスター・シティやレ...
[ ゲーム ]
2016-17シーズン最速対応! 『FIFA ワールドクラスサッカー 2017』とタイトルも生まれ変わって新登場!! FIFA公認の "本物" だから、本気になれる! 世界最高峰の欧州サッカーシーンを舞台に、FIFA登録選手達が実名・実写で登場、君の采配を待っている! ▽ これぞFIFA ▽ レアル・マドリード、バイエルン・ミュンヘン、マンチェスター・ユナイテッドなどなど、スペイン/ドイツ/イングランド/イタリア/フランスの各国1部リーグに所属する全チーム/所属選手を搭載! クリスティアーノ・ロナウド、マヌエル・ノイアー、ズラタン・イブラヒモビッチ、、、君は、このスター選手達を...
[ ゲーム ]
このアプリはアプリ内購入ができます。アプリ内購入は、デバイスの設定で無効にすることができます。詳細については以下のURLをご覧ください: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4213 本物の選手。本物のチーム。本物のリーグ。App Storeで最もリアルなサッカーゲームへようこそ。新たに採用されたタッチ・コントロールで、全てのパス、シュート、タックルの興奮の瞬間を味わおう。さらに、EA SPORTS Football Clubマッチデイで、現実のリーグの情勢をリアルタイムで体験可能。さあ、今すぐリーグに参加しよう! **このタイトルは、細密なグラフィックを採用しています。ふんだん...
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