フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Feather アイコンフォント集 リファレンス ■■■ 説明 ■■■ Feather のアイコンフォントを見やすく探しやすくしたアプリです。 アイコンフォントを利用するウェブデザイナーの方々にオススメです。 表示サイズを画面下部のスライダーで調節できますので、用途に合わせてお使いいただけます。 詳細ページではHtmlに埋め込むタグを確認することができます。 ■■■ 特徴 ■■■ 1. 操作がシンプルで直感的でわかりやすい。 2. シンプルなインターフェース。 3. 埋め込み用HTMLタグ表示。 4. アイコンフォントサイズ調節可能。
[ ライフスタイル ]
Feather allows you to control all of your Nest devices from your Apple TV. With support for the Nest Thermostat, Nest Camera, and Nest Protect you can control and monitor your home from the comfort of your couch. Please read the full description! ** Feather provides snapshots of your cameras to the fullest extent that Nest allows. This *does not* include streaming video/audio. Please note that the majority of our negative reviews are due to this misunderstanding. ** General - Choose from over 30 different backgrounds - Easy login...
[ ゲーム ]
Do you remember when you were a kid and you found that lonely feather and turned it into a game of how long you can keep it in the air? Well, we brought that excitement back without you running all over the place and running out of breath. This is a fun, exciting and addicting game of keeping your feather alive and steady! In this game you have a feather and it is flying in the air due to the windy weather and you have to save this feather from hitting airplanes, buildings, trees and lots of other exciting obstacles. This is ...
[ ゲーム ]
Välkommen till Catch A Feather!! Catch A Feather är äventyrsspelet med en karta över centrala Sandviken som spelplan. Spelet går ut på att du ska fånga in så många fjädrar som möjligt. När du tagit dig till en plats med en fjäder så möts du av olika utmaningar. Tex. quiz, hitta hemliga platser, musik- ljud- och bildgåtor mm. Klarar du utmaningarna sopar du hem ännu fler fjädrar. Spelaren med flest insamlade fjädrar vid spelets slut vinner. De första fjädrarna läggs ut kl 12.00 måndagen den 29 oktober. Varje dag kommer nya fjädr...
[ ゲーム ]
How many rings can you pass the feather through? Make the feather float up by tapping the screen. Don't hit the ground or run into a ring or else it is game over!
[ ライフスタイル ]
By Michelle Newten This deck comprises a beautiful combination of 'Colour Energy' and 'Angelic Guidance'. The app assists you with performing and interpreting your Angel Feather readings. It provides additional meanings for each Coloured Feather along with an accompanying affirmation. These cards have a beautiful energy and can be used in conjunction with other Angel Oracle card decks. You can use this app as a full-featured, ad-free and time-unlimited "Lite" version, or unlock the full deck for a small fee. Use the deck daily ...
[ ゲーム ]
Flying Feather is a tribute to Flappy Bird and we created it as part of the Flappy Bird Game Jam at http://itch.io/jam/flappyjam The goal of course, is to navigate the feather through the pipes. We hope you enjoy it!
[ 仕事効率化 ]
With Feather creating websites is as easy as writing a document. It's simple, fast and fun. And unlike other editors, Feather has no limitations when it comes to your creativity. Whether it is the website of your company, your club or your very private. You simply add your text, images and shapes and format them. And iCloud is supported to keep all your website up-to-date accross all your devices Create amazing Websites • Insert text, images and shapes anywhere in the web page • Insert pictures from other services like Dropbox ...
[ ミュージック ]
伝説の無料音楽プレーヤーがiPhoneにやってきた!! 多彩なエフェクトで、音楽をもっと楽しく!! 「ハヤえもんはふりかけである」 あなたにこのアプリを紹介できることを、とても嬉しく思っています。 このアプリは、音楽プレーヤーです。普通の音楽プレーヤーというのは、たった1つのことしかできません。それは、音楽を再生すること。たった1つのことが、音楽を再生することなのです。 ぼくには悲しい過去があります。かつて、ぼくにはたくさんのお気に入りの曲がありました。そう、「あった」のです。しかし、無くなってしまいました。 なぜかって? 飽きたからです。あ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
***** "Transforms your iPad into a drawing tablet !" ***** "Painting has never been so easy, the ink engine is fantastic, lines are looking smooth, the feeling is amazing" Working with fullscreen RETINA support for new iPad. This is a Drawing application that let you sketch and paint with water colors, feather, pencil, brushes... The engine is Really Fast ! There is No delay between the touch and the following line. All the engines are customizable, you have all the control over the drawing line, which means : Size, Opacit...
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