フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Excelで使用するグラフのアレンジ、調整、わかりやすく見せるための操作方法等を学習するムービーアプリです。 パソコンスクール アビバの教育ノウハウを詰め込んだ、映像で学ぶ学習コンテンツです。 パソコン操作を映像で視聴し、グラフ表現のテクニックや、調整方法等を覚えることができるで、実務で役立つ実践的な活用方法を理解することができます。 「Excelグラフ」は、「パソコンスクール アビバ」の受講生学習サイト「アビバクラブ」などで配信、開講している人気講座をiPadアプリ版として開発したものです。 【特徴】 ・全国に展開する「パソコンスクール アビバ」...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Microsoft® Excel® 2010 from Microsoft Corporation is the unchallenged market leader and is used by the majority of companies around the world. Master in 24h - Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Edition (formerly Microsoft® Excel® 2010 - Mastering in 24h™) is the easiest way to HELP you getting up to SPEED on Microsoft Excel 2010 like never before! You just need to spend 24hours and follow the clear, simple, easy to practice instructions in the app! A streamlined interior with large font and screenshots, makes this GUIDE easy to follow for ...
[ ビジネス ]
◇ Absolutely free of charge; ◇ No Ads; ◇ File limit of 150 pages; ◇ File limit of 25 MB; ◇ Doesn’t support password files; ◇ Convert PDF to XLSX files; ◇ Doesn’t recognize scanned files/without OCR. This state-of-the-art program was designed with the following goal in mind: To dramatically accelerate the document conversion process and save even more time for every one of our users. You no longer need to look for special software for editing spreadsheets in PDF format. Now you can simply transform your PDF to Excel in just a few m...
[ 教育 ]
*** 25% OFF *** Microsoft Office is the unchallenged market leader and is used by the majority of companies around the world. Master in 24h for Microsoft Office is the easiest way to help you getting up to speed on creating professional Microsoft Office documents like never before This app includes INSTRUCTIONS (with more than 1500 pages) to help you learn how to master: * Microsoft Word 2010 * Microsoft Excel 2010 * Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 * Microsoft Outlook 2010 * Microsoft Access 2010 * Microsoft OneNote 2010 * Microsoft P...
[ 教育 ]
Struggling with spreadsheets? Tearing out your hair over creating formulas? Frustrated with conditional formatting? We can help. This app will guide you through the new features of Microsoft Excel 2010 to help you easily create professional-looking spreadsheets in no time. Whether you are new to Excel or have used it for years, everyone will learn something new in this tutorial. Features: ✓ Includes 21 lessons with informational graphics and 29 tutorial videos. ✓ Lessons conclude with Challenges! which encourage hands-on l...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The absolutely best way to convert PDF tables into Excel spreadsheets. Easy-to-use app and powerful converting engines with the latest OCR technology. Accurately convert PDF to Excel from anywhere on your device, Google Drive, Dropbox, Gmail, iCloud, Box and OneDrive. • No limits on the file size or number of converted files • Excellent PDF to Excel conversion quality • Rows and columns are recognized perfectly • Scanned PDF to Excel conversion • You can convert Gmail attachments and files from iCloud, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive ...
[ ゲーム ]
  E杀,也称Excel杀,优秀的单机三国策略卡牌游戏,马峰窝工作室六只蚂蚁设计,是一款单机杀人桌面游戏,可以在PC和智能手机上进行体验,做到可以随时随地玩桌游。它是拥有类似于流行于欧洲的BANG、国内的三国杀、英雄杀、水浒杀的相关游戏规则,由玩家朋友们一起创作和设计相关的武将智能和游戏模式,简称E杀、蚂蚁杀。   Excel杀最初是在Office Excel上进行设计和体验的,曾受邀参加微软Office2010产品的推广活动,以其独特的创作魅力,赢得玩家的美誉,被玩家誉为Excel游戏的巅峰之作。手机版的Excel杀被玩家认为是手机游戏中难得的精品游戏,被各应用市场收录入精品游戏...
[ ゲーム ]
风靡桌游世界的三国背景的杀人游戏,你是否喜欢? 你是否上网OL被人虐? 玩Wi-Fi,信号不好,等待其他玩家加入? 面对各种蛋疼的出招,你是否气恼过? 意外事故发生,放弃一局非常精彩的战斗,你是否懊恼过? 在这里,一切都是浮云!Excel杀给你真正的单机体验!超高智能的AI会让你大呼过瘾! Excel杀是三国杀玩家六只蚂蚁在2010年圣诞节推出的一款可以进行单机开杀的杀人游戏,迅速被办公室白领、学生一族所喜爱,新浪、网易等大网站第一时间就做了报道,并被玩友们广泛传播到各个网站、论坛中,Excel杀以其单机游戏的超好体验、高智能的AI设计赢得玩友的高度评价,用户体验非常好。 2011年Excel...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
PDFをExcelに変換(PDFをXLSおよびXLSXに変換)すばやく編集可能! PDFを編集可能なExcelファイルに変換します。 PDFフォーマットは、サイズが小さく、多くのデバイスとの互換性が高く、フォントを含み、コピーや編集ができないので便利であるため、現在非常に人気があります。 ただし、PDFファイルのテキストコンテンツを他のテキストエディタに使用したり、PDFコンテンツを編集したりしたいユーザーにとっては困難です。 pdfをExcelファイルに変更しますか? PDFをExcelに変換する方法このアプリは、PDFをXLSおよびXLSXに変換するのに役立ちます(PDFをExcelに変換)。 アプ...
[ ビジネス ]
Documents Unlimited for iPhone allows you to view and edit almost any document format including Microsoft Office® and OpenOffice documents on your iPhone. On your iPhone, you can view, edit and create Microsoft file formats including Word®, Excel® & PowerPoint® documents. Documents Unlimited also supports the creation, viewing and editing of LibreOffice and Open Office Documents based on the Open Document Format with Documents Unlimited Office Apps suite. Documents Unlimited works by bringing your the power of the cloud to your ...
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