フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to the mesmerizing world of Fit It Classic Puzzle! Prepare to be captivated by the immersive gameplay of this captivating cube puzzle extravaganza. Your mission is clear yet challenging: carefully choose the perfect cubes to fill the grid and conquer each level. With every calculated move, your puzzle-solving skills will be pushed to their limits, offering a thrilling and intellectually stimulating experience. Fit It Classic Puzzle is more than just a puzzle game; it's a portal to endless enjoyment and amusement. Unlea...
[ 旅行 ]
Cabman Mobile – Dispatch is onderdeel van Cabman Cloud Platform en werkt met andere producten, zoals Cabman Online. Deze applicatie brengt vervoerders en uitvoerders dichter bij elkaar. Iedere chauffeur heeft via een iDevice met GPRS verbinding met de server. Met deze applicatie heeft men de mogelijkheid om een ritaanvraag in behandeling te nemen of af te wijzen. Neemt men de rit aan dan heeft men de mogelijkheid om de rit zelf uit te voeren of door te zetten naar een collega/uitvoerder. Degene die ritaanvragen aanneemt heeft be...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Have fun and get closer to friends and family during Christmas. Listen to your favourite carols, discover sacred dates and, most importantly, have a great time with Christmas Guide! • Accessibility. - Adapts the user interface to the available space. - Sizes the text dynamically following device settings. - Exhibits colours with good contrast. • Carols. - Embeds a playable YouTube video for each song. - Links to Apple Music and Spotify when available. - Supplies each tune with reliable lyrics. • Characters. - Accompanies text wi...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Whether it's due to working from home or the reason is physical; a disability; perhaps bad weather conspiring against you; or your fitness regime hard to stick to: Mindimension’s 'Running in your Mind' and 'Walking in your Mind' motion meditations will give you a full sensory experience of being in numerous outdoor settings helping you to visualize the experience. Exploring locations such as walking in a rainstorm, hiking a mountain, running in a race, roaming through a jungle or traversing a desert, you can be transported to surro...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Remember Me is an interactive sound project that records and archives the sonic environment of the Prague Exhibition Grounds. The soundscapes of chosen locations around the Exhibition Grounds are documented through binaural recordings with time/date stamps, and photographs of the artist recording prior to the Prague Quadrennial Festival. Participants can journey to the chosen locations, position and orient themselves according to the photographs, and listen with headphones to their correlating recordings through the mobile Remember...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
React to football news with filters, emoji players, videos and invite your friends to comment with you. Clashfoot helps you to live the game action by immersing yourself in the world of football through augmented reality. DUPLEX: Continue your immersion thanks to the Duplex mode that records you commenting on an action of the match: This mode will help you bring more precision and more wealth to your comments. In three steps you can: - Choose a match action (image or video) in your media oder auf Youtube. - Comment on the action ...
[ ブック ]
TiEcon Delhi- Mecca for Entrepreneurship is recognised as Asia’s Biggest Entrepreneurial Event India is on the cusp of an entrepreneurial revolution. The euphoria is palpable. Young, dynamic & smart founders of today are roaring to succeed and are absolutely irreverent to the idea of failure. Never before has India’s entrepreneurial energy been so mainstream. However, successful entrepreneurship is the ultimate balancing act. Endless optimism, unwavering courage and dogged determination of founders have to be balanced with thoughtf...
[ ミュージック ]
Let us present you an unusual music release. This is the first triplet album containing free music recorded in a newly developed 3plet format. The term "free" here means "available under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 license". All of the tracks from this album can be freely used for any purpose including sale with the exception of the cases that can contradict your country's laws. You can as well modify the pieces of the music it contains or create your own on their basis with the only condition of mentioning the ...
[ ゲーム ]
The Happy Hills lead a joyous existence in the fantastic land of Euphoria. Life is an endless party until nasty blocks start raining down upon their heads and spreading a foul mood throughout the land. You have only a limited number of bombs to remove the blocks from the Happy Hills’ heads. Free the Happy Hills and become their hero! HIGHLIGHTS: √ Happy Hills is a physics-based puzzle game – outstanding physics effects guarantee loads of brain-teasing fun and reward experimentation. √ Intuitive controls: Place bombs with just on...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Welcome to the 2014 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. From 26 March – 20 April, 2014 the Comedy Festival takes over the city for a month full of laughs. The Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2014 iPhone application lets you: Explore the program: - Browse ‘What’s On’ daily and by closest to your location - Browse and search the 2014 program by title, date, venue and category - Browse venues by name, closest to your location (Nearby) and earliest session (Soon) - Shake the app on any program screen for random selection...
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