フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ビジネス ]
The Euler Hermes Economic Research app delivers the research and analyses performed by our economic team to you.
We provide you with unmatched insights to help you gauge risks and opportunities to trade with confidence.
Our publications cover the world trade environment through the analysis of global macro-economic, sector trends, country risks, corporate insolvencies worldwide and more forecasts to help companies grow their business confidently and strategically.
At the heart of our service is our exclusive knowledge – Our kno...
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[ ビジネス ]
The Euler Hermes Collections ‘Land of Payment’ app provides you with in-depth knowledge of collections practices across the globe. Learn about the local payment culture, legal proceedings and insolvency proceedings of different markets to help guide your decisions and manage your expectations when trading internationally.
What you can do with our app:
· Read and learn about the collection practices across the globe in our Collection Profiles
· Discover the Euler Hermes Collections Complexity ratings
· Find out more about Euler ...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Die momentane internationale Finanzkrise zeigt sehr deutlich, welche Verflechtungen zwischen den weltweiten Finanzsystemen und Zahlungsströmen existieren. Hier helfen aktuelle und weltweite Länderrisikoanalysen die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Profitieren Sie direkt von den Analysen und Prognosen der Länderspezialisten der Euler Hermes Country Risk Unit, die ständig die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen rund um den Globus überwachen und die Ergebnisse in relevanten Kennzahlen zusammenstellen.
Mit der interakti...
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[ ビジネス ]
Die Euler Group gehört zu den zehn größten BMW Handelsunternehmen in Deutschland mit sieben Standorten im Rhein-Main-Gebiet sowie in der Pfalz. Es werden Neuwagen sowie Gebrauchtwagen zum Kauf angeboten.
Desweiteren bietet BMW Euler eine ganze Reihe hochwertiger Service-Leistungen. Zum Internetauftritt bietet die Euler Group nun auch eine eigene Mobile-App für Smartphones an. Sie können über diese App alle Informationen zum Unternehmen einsehen, direkt Kontakt aufnehmen und z.B. Terminanfragen versenden.
Natürlich kann der aktuel...
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[ 教育 ]
With this app students learn about the life and contributions to mathematics made by Leonhard Euler. It discusses his major mathematical discovers including his identity theorem which is considered to be one of his most significant accomplishements.
Leonhard Euler is considered to be the greatest mathematician of the Eighteenth Century. He was born in Basel Switzerland, where he eventually completed a masters degree from the university there in just three years.
Early in his life Leonhard Euler's parents wanted him to join the cl...
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[ ファイナンス ]
Mithilfe dieser App können Belege, Dokumente und andere Schriftstücke schnell, sicher und komfortabel an die Meiners & Euler Treuhand GmbH gesendet werden.
Machen Sie einfach ein oder mehrere Fotos von den Belegen und versenden Sie diese mit einem Klick direkt aus der App heraus an Ihren Ansprechpartner bei Meiners & Euler.
Meiners & Euler Treuhand GmbH
Siegburger Straße 223
50679 Köln
Beleg anbei
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[ ユーティリティ ]
HiCalc - Calculator for iPad will make all your calculations become simpler than ever.
► Scientific calculator: sin, cos, tan, deg/rad/grad, Pi, sin-1, cos-1, tan-1, sinh, cosh, tanh, log, ln, sinh-1, cosh-1, tanh-1, Dec->Deg, Deg->Dec, XY->R, Random, nPr, nCr, Differential function, Evaluation function,...
► Necessary functions for your popular daily calculation:
• Currency Converter
• Unit Converter
• Date - Time
• Finance
► Engineering & Finalcial Calculator:
• Graph
• Statistics
• Equation Solver
• Finance
• Base Conversion
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[ 教育 ]
Help cute birds in this running game that challenges your math skills! Keep your wits and reflexes sharp as you run, glide, slide around obstacles and tackle math problems along the way!
Aligned with the Common Core State Standards, this app provides training at various levels in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Great for children or adults who want to practice arithmetic skills while playing a fun reflex-based game!
Detailed educational information for parents and educators: http://www.babycortex.com/math-ru...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
+ Award Winning Calculator Since 2007
+ 800+ formulas in Formula Toolkit In-App
HiCalc - Calculator for iPad will make all your calculations become simpler than ever.
► Scientific calculator: sin, cos, tan, deg/rad/grad, Pi, sin-1, cos-1, tan-1, sinh, cosh, tanh, log, ln, sinh-1, cosh-1, tanh-1, Dec->Deg, Deg->Dec, XY->R, Random, nPr, nCr, Differential function, Evaluation function,...
► Necessary functions for your popular daily calculation:
• Currency Converter
• Unit Converter
• Date - Tim...
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[ 教育 ]
EulerAngles is an interactive tool for learning about Euler angles and other 3D orientations, such as rotation matrix, equivalent axis, and quaternion. The Euler convention can be easily changed by touching the top bar. The three angles can be modified simply by editing their values or by dragging. Simultaneously, a 3D animation of the three frames is shown while the angles are being modified. The rotation matrix, the equivalent axis, or the quaternion can be shown one at a time, along with the Euler angle frames. The viewpoint can...
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