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[ ファイナンス ]
Asobi CoinとCielo Coinを初期状態でお取り扱いできます。DS-WALLETはBitcoin、Ether(イーサ)やERC20トークンの管理と送受信ができるウォレットです。また、高いセキュリティはもちろんのこと、操作方法がシンプルで動作が軽いのが魅力です!
[ エンターテインメント ]
问问塔罗,专业塔罗星盘问答,一对一语音咨询,不辜负每一份倾诉! 在问问塔罗,有数千名塔罗星座达人陪伴您的成长,一起畅聊塔罗星座与情感生活。 与其自己纠结,不如问问塔罗! 【各路老师,线上集合】 我们邀请了将近两千多位塔罗师入驻,来自海内外不同的领域:塔罗、占星、心理、八字...她们会尽自己所能帮助妳解答心中的困惑,安抚妳受伤的心灵。 【匿名提问,语音解答】 您的提问都是私密的,每次提问至少会收到2个语音解答,自己的提问只能自己收听解答,我们非常注重隐私的保护。 【高阶牌阵,挽回爱情】 应用软体中包含爱情、事业、财富运势等高阶塔罗牌阵,可以一键...
[ ゲーム ]
US Role Playing What's Hot #17! Join over 100,000 players in Valkyrie combat and smash your way through hordes of evil minions in this epic fantasy adventure! ••••• Pretty darn good - Very likely the best free-to-play game app I've downloaded. -EgoVox ••••• 5 stars! - Some games with less impressive graphics are the best. This is an example. -Mikityo • Awesome on iPhone 5, 5S • Great on 3GS, 4, 4S and iPads • NOT A "FREE-IUM" GAME! The game is completely FREE to play! You can complete the game - over 20 hours of content, withou...
[ ファイナンス ]
Download the CoinList app and start securely trading crypto in minutes. With the CoinList app, you can: - Buy and sell bitcoin, ether, filecoin, and other leading cryptocurrencies with U.S. dollars or stablecoins - Securely store, deposit, and send your crypto using our best-in-class custody partners with no fees - Earn yield on proof-of-stake assets like Celo, Algorand, and Tezos - Convert your bitcoin into wrapped bitcoin and start participating in DeFi - Coming soon: new assets like FLOW EARN $10 IN BITCOIN Invite your friends...
[ ゲーム ]
Let's be the savior of the Fortune world. "Defense of Fortune : The Savior" is Episode 3 of The Fortune Chronicle Series. "Rebirth of Fortune" and "Sorcerer of Fortune" are in The Fortune Chronicle Series, these games were SRPG and Puzzle. The Defense of Fortune is a new challenge as a defense style game. The goal of the game The goal is defending castles with request of every lord of castles in the world. You have to defeat all of the enemies before tearing the castles down. Save all of the castles from enemies and upgrade unit...
[ ゲーム ]
** Updated 3/7 with iPhone 5 support, new content, new character, new power-up and new Time Trial mode! ** Check What's New for full details! 91 Metascore on Metacritic! “Once again, Adult Swim delivers with a miniature mobile masterpiece.” -GameTrailers.com “You won't play a more experimental, risky, fun and flamboyant endless-runner this year.” -Modojo.com Burrow out of the Big House with power-ups like hammers and rockets, stockpile gems to upgrade abilities (or bribe the judge), and do whatever it takes to stay ahead of the...
[ ゲーム ]
ストーンヘンジ博物館での資金集めのイベントで起こった突然の爆発の後、あなたは地下にある隠された施設に閉じ込められてしまいました。ここから脱出するための唯一の方法は、他の場所に閉じ込められているもう一人の生存者に向けて、周囲の写真を送信することです。しかしすぐに、不穏な真実が暴かれ始めるのでした… 受賞歴のあるBAFTAの名士が揃ったチームとAAAのベテラン、合計で60年にものぼる経験年数を誇る人材によって作成されたこのゲームであるThe Bradwell Conspiracyは、高度に定型化された、語り主動の一人称体験を提供します。幅広い革新的なパズルと知識が濃縮...
[ ファイナンス ]
Group Bitcoins, Ether, Monero, Ripple and Neo coins together to pop them. Blast your way through to the moon. The more coins you manage to group together, the more points you get. You will earn "Pump It", "Lambo" and "To the Moon" badges depending on how many coins you blast. The fewer the coins you end up having when you reach the end of each stage, the higher the bonus we give you.
[ ユーティリティ ]
CoinDash is a cryptocurrency mining monitor and dashboard app that supports many popular mining pools including 2Miners, AntPool, Braiins Pool, Ethermine, F2Pool, Flypool, Mining Pool Hub, NanoPool, Suprnova, and ViaBTC. That's 10 mining monitor apps in one! It supports hundreds of cryptos including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Monero, Ethereum Classic, Ethereum PoW, Zcash, Dash, and a host of other proof-of-work altcoins. Statistics are displayed in a single scrollable pane grouped by category for quick and easy viewing, incl...
[ ライフスタイル ]
全臺唯一專業八字星盤老師線上占卜App 失戀、復合、出軌、升職,把妳的困惑說出來 八字老師,幫你排盤算命,調理吉凶 【各路老師,線上集合】 我們邀請了將近两千多位八字星盤塔羅占卜師入駐,來自海內外不同的領域:八字、塔羅、占星、心理...她會全天24小時在線,盡自己所能幫助妳解答心中的困惑,給你生活指引方向。 【匿名提問,語音解答】 您的提問都是私密的,每次提問至少會收到2個語音解答,自己的提問只能自己收聽解答,我們非常註重隱私的保護。 【八字命盤,洞悉禍福】 應用軟體中為你免費生成你的本命八字盤,幫助妳更加專業和深度的知曉命運給自身的指引,趨吉避凶...
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