フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
*** FREE *** A new Italian word (with audio pronunciation) for each day to eternity! * A new Italian word or expression every single day. * High quality native-speaker audio pronunciation * Meanings in clear and simple English. * NEW! Bookmarking allows users save words for future review. * NEW! Share today's word of the day on Facebook and Twitter. Bookmarking is a NEW feature in version 3. Users can now bookmark up to 14 words. This saves words which would otherwise be overwritten as the next “word of the day” arrives. S...
[ 教育 ]
*** FREE *** A new Spanish word (with audio pronunciation) for each day to eternity! * A new Spanish word or expression every single day. * High quality native-speaker audio pronunciation * Meanings in clear and simple English. * NEW! Bookmarking allows users save words for future review. * NEW! Share today's word of the day on Facebook and Twitter. Bookmarking is a NEW feature in version 3. Users can now bookmark up to 14 words. This saves words which would otherwise be overwritten as the next “word of the day” arrives. S...
[ 教育 ]
*** FREE *** A new Chinese word (with audio pronunciation) for each day to eternity! * A new Chinese word or expression every single day. * High quality native-speaker audio pronunciation * PinYin (in English letters) pronunciation. * Meanings in clear and simple English. * NEW! Bookmarking allows users save words for future review. * NEW! Share today's word of the day on Facebook and Twitter. This is the Simplified Chinese version. A version using Traditional characters is also available. Just search the App Store for "De...
[ ゲーム ]
「Dragon Eternity」はGame Insight によって開発された無料MMORPGのファンタジーゲームです。クロスプラットフォームなのでPCやラップトップのブラウザやデバイスでプレイ可能です。 2つの偉大な帝国、サダーとバーラーはタルトゥ大陸の支配権を争ってきました。 しかしかつての敵は手を結び、古の敵である闇の神シャーブのスポーンと戦うことを決意しました。敵はドラゴンの世界を蹂躙し破壊の魔法をかけてきます。 帝国を選択すると、美しくも危険なアダンの世界へと導かれます。 魅力的なストーリー、意志を持つキャラクター、不思議なモンスターとの戦闘、他プレイヤーと...
[ ゲーム ]
Your magic orbs draw energy from eternity, but so do the ones belonging to your opponents. Take on huge battles against multiple opponents and tweak your tactics to outsmart them! WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT THE GAME PhoneDog.com: "Orbs of Eternity is fun, addicting and smart." "If you're someone who likes fast-paced tactical strategy games, then Orbs of Eternity needs to be on your download list." Appszoom.com: "It's terribly addictive once you try it out for the first time." "a smart game which makes you think and is also quite en...
[ ゲーム ]
スペイン語のことばのパズル スペイン語の単語を見つけることでブロックが消えて行く。陽が沈む前に壁を壊さないとゲーム終了! スペイン語の定義や日本語への翻訳も可能 * ラテンアメリカとスペインを背景にした37個のステージで何時間も遊べる。 * デイリーチャレンジの!毎日新しいスペイン語の単語で挑戦してみてください。 * iOS14でデイリーWidget。今日のチャレンジの言葉一覧が確認できる。 音楽: Blippy Trance by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5759-blippy-trance License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Eternit...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
This app is a visual feast of amazing Aion artworks and concept designs. If you are a fan of Aion and the art involved, you'll definitely love it. Why Choose This App? 1. 800+ High-Res artworks and concept designs for FREE. 2. Support multiple modes and personalized configurations for browsing. 3. Easily save artworks into your photo album, set them as wallpaper, or share them to social media. == Contact Us == Follow us on twitter (@OneStep_Studio) to get the latest news of our products and promotion activities. If you have an...
[ ステッカー ]
More than 135 stickers of Luca Giordano Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge ! - The Good Samaritan - Crates - Virgin and Child with Souls in Purgatory - The Sacrifice of Elijah Against the Prophets of Baal - Heraclitus and Democritus. Left Panel - Heraclitus and Democritus. Right Panel - Philosopher - Aristotle - Cynic philosopher - Democritus - Heroclito - Christ and the Adulteress - Christ before Pilate - The Ec...
[ ビジネス ]
Das Magazin behandelt Themen rund um das Bestattungsgewerbe. Es versteht sich als ein Medium, das neben branchenspezifischen Beiträgen (Betriebsführung, Verordnungen, Statistiken etc.) auch Themen von allgemeinem lnteresse (Wissenswertes aus Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur) sowie Verbandsmeldungen und Berichte zum Thema „Leben und Tod“ veröffentlicht. Weiterhin werden neue Produkte oder Dienstleistungen für das Bestattungsgewerbe präsentiert. Insbesondere sollen durch die Vorstellung von Neuheiten und Trends neue Impulse geweckt ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Eternity Brand and the New Earth Symbol have been created to encourage the discussion and sharing of salvation, God's gift and His promise of the New Earth-Heaven available to all mankind. This application was created to fully explain the symbol and the brand to facilitate the sharing of your christian faith and your final destination for eternity, the New Earth-Heaven. Earth as God intended it to be. Your can learn more at www.eternity-brand.com. Display and Share Your Final Destination
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