フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ スポーツ ]
ARE YOU A BUNDESLIGA EXPERT?  Prove your football knowledge with the official Bundesliga Fantasy Manager app! Build your team, send your best starting eleven into action, and compete against managers around the world every week! CHOOSE FROM ALL THE TOP PLAYERS OF THE SEASON With the official Bundesliga Fantasy Manager, you have access to all current Bundesliga players. Choose your favorite 15 players and assemble your dream team with a budget of 150 million. The positions your team needs are: - 2 goalkeepers - 5 defenders - 5 mid...
[ ゲーム ]
Geo Slots V, the colorful, fully 3D, energetic slots, with full screen display, softly rotating symbols, festive sounds, 1000 credit max bet, five reels, eleven lines, and lots of action. Designed specifically for iOS devices, Geo Slots V is fully rendered in 3D with animated polyhedrons, lighting effects, and actual spinning reels. Fun sound effects complete the experience, with a festive winnings celebration. Easy to use, just touch and play, set your bet from 1 to 1000 credits, with eleven lines of play. Multiple winning combina...
[ ナビゲーション ]
"Locacity SG" is an application that allows you to find nearby points of interest (POI), such as ATM machines, 7-Eleven stores, petrol stations etc. It's super intuitive and simple to use. All your settings are saved automatically and search is always 1 touch away. New version includes Community Centres, iNets Kiosks & Sam Machines! Do note this is the Singapore edition and includes the following points of interest: 1. 400+ 7-Eleven stores 2. 500+ AXS stations 3. 600+ DBS/POSB ATM machines 4. 20+ Hospitals 5. 200+ Petrol station...
[ スポーツ ]
豊富なコンテンツセレクションを通じて、グローバルおよびローカルスポーツの世界を発見してください。 グラスルーツからニッチプレミアム、ユース、女性スポーツまで、ELEVENは誰にとっても満足できる何かを提供できます。 すぐに飛び込もう... - ライブ&オンデマンド配信で一瞬も逃さない - 常に増え続ける数千のイベントやハイライトのセレクションを楽しもう - 今後のスケジュールを見ながら視聴計画を立てよう 観たいときに、観たいものを… -ウェブ、モバイル、タブレット、テレビで視聴可能 - 映像はあなたのデバイスが処理できる最高の品質で配信されます 登録完了...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
The Fighter Verses Bible memory system was created to help believers persevere in the fight of faith by arming them with God's Word. Designed for children through adults, this system allows individuals, groups, or entire churches to memorize and review at their own pace. The Fighter Verses application includes the following features: • Over 1000 verses preloaded - two complete five-year collections of verses. • Add ANY VERSE you want using "My Verses" and organize them using topics, tags, and categories. Add verses in ESV insta...
[ ライフスタイル ]
透過【icat網路宅急便】手機APP能讓您隨時隨地使用黑貓宅急便快速、便利的e化宅配服務,包括預約黑貓服務人員到府收件或到7-ELEVEN、OK列印託運單寄件,以及貼心的配達完、配送預告通知及包裹查詢等功能。您也可以在黑貓宅急便官網使用這項服務。www.t-cat.com.tw 主要服務功能: 1. 黑貓寄件 ●可線上預約黑貓服務人員到府收件或自行至超商ibon(7-ELEVEN)、okgo(OK超商)列印託運單寄件。 ●除了常、低溫包裹預約,還新增飯店行李、高爾夫、機場等行李預約服務。app內建黑貓合作代飯店、高爾夫球場以及松山機場黑貓櫃台的選單,預計將行李寄往飯店、球場或松山機場的消費者,只...
[ ミュージック ]
A true powerhouse of audio warfare, Grind puts the "damage" in Audio Damage. From subtle tube-style saturation to full-on mangled wavetable distortion, Grind is a Swiss Army Knife of sound design. This effect consists of three main blocks: wavetable lookup, in to algorithmic saturation/distortion/, and finally to a multi-mode filter with eleven different topologies, from your favorite four-pole lowpass ladder filter, to the 18dB screaming acid, to more subtle toolbox filters like notch. Driving it all is a tempo-synced LFO for rhyt...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The Miracle Box is an app used for Spirit Communication and ITC Research. You must use this correctly, responsibly and by using it you are doing so at your own risk. To see the full information and Q&A on how to use this app correctly, you can visit: https://huffparanormal.com/2021/05/the-miracle-box-spirit-communication-app-is-here/ The Miracle Box includes methods used by Steve Huff of Huff Paranormal in his Astral Doorway and Miracle Box full size devices. The app has eleven banks, which are all reversed human speech. There are...
[ ファイナンス ]
OPEN錢包全新推出!可綁定指定銀行信用卡,支付、累點、折抵一次搞定! 【OPEN錢包介紹】 OPEN錢包為統一超商股份有限公司發行之第三方支付業務,目前全台超過五千家7-ELEVEN門市可使用,使用OPEN錢包消費即可輕鬆累積OPENPOINT點數並使用點數折抵消費,優惠回饋享不完。 OPENPOINT為統一超商股份有限公司發行之紅利點數業務,目前可於全台超過六千家通路使用。 【合作通路】 7-ELEVEN及其他合作通路、指定銀行依官網公告為主。 【點數介紹】 消費者持APP中「錢包」功能消費結帳時,即可累積與使用點數。使用錢包進行消費時,可打開點數折抵功能即可直接折抵當次消費金額。趕...
[ ブック ]
Practice reading with Beep! Plink! Boom! Musical Instruments! Join the band! Learn the names of eleven musical instruments and practice making their sounds. Beep! Plink! Boom! Musical Instruments helps your kids learn to read with karaoke-style narration and callouts to discover new words! Touch objects to find out what they are! Touch words to hear how they are pronounced! Read along with word-for-word narration to practice reading! About the book: Join the band! Learn the names of eleven musical instruments and pr...
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