フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 教育 ]
Micro-Expressions express the seven universal emotions:
anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise
They are brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face according to emotions someone is experiencing.
They can occur as fast as 1/25 of a second which makes them very hard to see.
With this trainer you will improve your recognition of facial expressions and the interpretation of all seven expressions.
In your training you will see all expressions with many different characters. You can modify the exp...
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[ 教育 ]
As humans we always express what we need. With expressions one can emote himself/herself in a better way. Children with autism spectrum disorder usually don’t understand how to express themselves in different situations. To address this developmental issue, we have developed What's the Expression, in order to help children with special needs learn to express different emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise.
What’s the Expression is designed and developed by WebTeam Corporation as part of autism management.
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[ ゲーム ]
Expression is a word game for several players (at least 4) that blends the best of Taboo and hot potato.
The game is to guess the words, in alternating turns, you go knocking on your team before the phone gets to blow up in their hands, in this case a counter sound when the time is up.
Expression is a game for at least 4 players divided into two teams (red and blue) with the same number of players.
Sit way interleaved between the two teams (red player, player, blue, red player, player blue ...). Pump up t...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
넥서스 일본어 표현사전으로 이제, 일본어 회화와 문법을 동시에 잡는다.
하고 싶은 말이 다 있는 일본어 표현의 결정판!
표현 문형 사전류 최다 수록 생활 속 사용 빈도와 수준을 고려한 고급 일본어 표현
자연스럽고 매끄러운 한글 번역문.
Ⅰ. 서적
인덱스를 あいうえお순과 용도에 따른 기능별 두 가지로 실어 필요에 따라 찾아가기 쉽게 하였습니다. 약 700개의 다양한 표현을 엄선하였으며, 실생활을 중심으로 한 재미있고, 위트가 섞인 회화문을 용례로 실었습니다.
우리나라 사람이 어려워하는 일본어의 미묘한 뉘앙스까지 자세히 설명하고 있으며, 표기 형태는 같지...
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[ 教育 ]
Très complète, elle réunit 4 applications en 1 :
- un dictionnaire français/anglais et anglais/français, spécialement conçu pour les francophones
- une grammaire pour approfondir ses connaissances
- un guide d’expression pour s’exprimer en toute situation
- des exercices pour se perfectionner tout en s’amusant.
Pratiques, ces modules s’utilisent indépendamment selon vos besoins du moment.
Le Dictionnaire bilingue anglais-français
Pour maîtriser le vocabulaire de base, sont présentées plus d...
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[ ショッピング ]
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[ ニュース ]
Découvrez une application gratuite, qui permet de consulter l’information en continu, de partager avec vos amis les derniers articles par mail, de les publier sur FaceBook ou Twitter.
Une option d’agrandissement du texte est également disponible, pour vous permettre un meilleur confort de lecture. Le dossier favoris vous permettra de garder précieusement les articles choisis dans votre application, une fois l’actualisation effectuée , plus besoin d’être connecté , profitez librement de l’Expression en mode Offline…
Après des se...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Expression58 is a missions base in Los Angeles, CA for many types of ministry all birthed out of a deep sense of community centered on the first and second commandments of Christ.
We have a passion for God and a passion for people. Here is a little of what we do:
- Develop a deep community of affection that we call a local church
- Be a catalyst for healthy families
- Host events/conferences, meetings
- Host creative symposiums
- Train and Equip through internships for leadership, the arts, justice and missions
- Produce writing,...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
* Expression capture is funny application ,by which you can get your all expression image in every situation.
* In this application you can get a surprise image,which can change your facial expression.
* At this time your expression will be capture automatically & just click on 'USE' button to save your photo in photo library and in application also.
* Easy to share your fuuny expression photo on facebook & can mail to your friends
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