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[ 教育 ]
A must have App for anybody and everybody that owns or drives a 4WD vehicle. This 4WD Training App is packed with 20 x Instructional Videos all filmed with the Eureka 4WD Training instructors PLUS 39 x pages of essential off road driving information and techniques. Videos of recovery techniques and self-recovery are included. Key Start Recovery (Stall Start Recovery) is demonstrated. Snatch Strap use and demonstrations. How to use an “Air Jack” and “Traction Boards”. We set up and demonstrate on video how to tackle a water crossi...
[ 教育 ]
Kerapkali kita belajar tentang sains dan matematik, konsep atau idea utama sukar untuk mengingatinya kerana ianya amat sukar untuk di gambarkan atau difahami. Aplikasi ini akan menjawab segala kesukaran ini kerana animasi 3D membolehkan para pelajar mengatasi masalah tersebut. 'Eureka.in' merupakan pemenang anugerah produk terbaik diperingkat anugerah global seperti 'Worlddidac' dan “World summit”. Ianya juga Berjaya memasuki ke peringkat ‘anugerah Codie’ pada tahun 2012. 'Eureka.in' juga merupakan perpustakaan digital yang mengan...
[ 教育 ]
Oftmals wird bei der Wissensvermittlung in den Naturwissenschaften oder in der Mathematik ein bestimmtes Konzept oder eine Idee nicht klar, weil sie schwer bildlich vorstellbar oder schwer verständlich ist. Diese Anwendung bietet eine Lösung, die es den Lernenden durch ihre interessanten 3D-Animationen ermöglicht, diese Hürden zu überwinden. „Eureka.in” ist ein preisgekröntes Produkt, das bereits weltweit verliehene Preise wie den „Worlddidac Award“ und den „World Summit Award“ gewonnen hat. Außerdem war es 2012 Finalist für die „C...
[ 教育 ]
Often while learning science and mathematics’, a particular concept or an idea does not fall in place as it is difficult to visualize or understand. This app is an answer to these barriers which through its interesting 3D animations enables student in overcoming them. 'Eureka.in' is an award winning product with global awards like 'Worlddidac' and “World summit” to its name. It was also a finalist at 'Codie awards' 2012. 'Eureka.in' is a digital library of 3D animated content catering to K12 curriculum of Physics, Chemistry, Biolo...
[ ニュース ]
The brand-new Eureka Times-Standard mobile app is the most comprehensive, accurate, and content-rich source of local news for the communities of Eureka and the North Coast. Here are just a few of the many features of our new app: • Improved push notifications for Breaking News • Attractive layout for ease of use • Convenient sharing capabilities • Frequent updates to ensure the latest news is always at your disposal
[ 教育 ]
Souvent, lors de l’apprentissage des sciences ou des mathématiques, un concept particulier ou une idée ne se mettent pas en place parce qu'ils sont difficiles à visualiser ou à comprendre. Cette application est une réponse à ces obstacles, en permettant aux élèves de les dépasser grâce à ses animations en 3D passionnantes. «Eureka.in» a remporté de nombreuses récompenses avec des prix mondiaux comme le «Worldidac» ou le «World Summit» à son palmarès. Elle était également finaliste aux «Codie Awards» 2012. «Eureka.in» est une biblio...
[ 教育 ]
É frequente, quando se aprende ciência e matemática, um conceito ou uma ideia em particular não fazer sentido por ser difícil de visualizar ou compreender. Esta aplicação é uma resposta a estas barreiras que, através das suas interessantes animações em 3D, permite aos estudantes ultrapassá-las. O “Eureka.in” é um produto premiado com prémios globais tais como o “Worlddidac” e “World summit”. Também foi finalista nos “Codie awards” 2012.
O “Eureka.in” é uma biblioteca digital de conteúdos animados em 3D a juntar ao currículo da K12 ...
[ ファイナンス ]
EuTrend – An exclusive, first of its kind Mobile App, gives you free access to Advisory, Information, Data, News and Knowledge related to Stock Markets, an initiative from Eureka Stock & Share Broking Services Limited. In today’s Stock Market, Advisory and Guidance play crucial role in service to clients. With the rise of Index, the complexity of the stock market also rising fast. This changes the whole dynamics of the Stock Market. Here comes the importance of effective and honest advisory along with proper guidance. Along with T...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Intelligenz is India’s leading health and hygiene brand. A part of Shapoorji Pallonji Group, Eureka Forbes’ product portfolio encompasses water purifiers, vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, home security solutions and health conditioners. Eureka Forbes Customer App is an official app from Eureka Forbes Electric Water Purifier customers which allows them to connect with Eureka Forbes for his/her after sales service needs. The app has lots of features which will help customers engage with the Brand and keep track of all of their after-s...
[ 教育 ]
在学习理科和数学学科时,经常会有概念或者思想难以形象化或者理解,学生不能掌握。通过有趣的三维动画,使学生能够克服这些障碍,从而解决了难题。备受赞誉的“Eureka.in”荣获了多项国际大奖,例如“世界教具联合会奖”和“世界信息峰会大奖”。本软件还是2012年“科迪奖”的入围产品。 “Eureka.in”是针对物理、化学、生物和数学学科K12课程的三维动画数字图书馆。本应用程序的每个主题都是文本、视频、测验、web链接、图像和关键词组等创新学习资源的独特组合。其引人入胜的形象化教育视频有助于更好地理解和更有效的记忆。即使是抽象的概念,例如DNA的结构,复杂的物理定律和化学键...
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