フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ゲーム ]
Duke A.Blizzardo, an evil pirate King, terrorizes the Caribbean. You seek revenge, as he was the one who took your father away.
Now it is your time to become a great leader and gather a party of hardened pirates to take his place away from him.
On your journey you will have to master difficult battles with barracudas, mermaids, strange undead, monkeys, Indians and fearsome pirates.
You start on an lonely island with a small boat. Over time your party and town grow until you are powerful enough to encounter A.Blizzardo.
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[ ゲーム ]
Duke A.Blizzardo, an evil pirate King, terrorizes the Caribbean. You seek revenge, as he was the one who took your father away.
Now it is your time to become a great leader and gather a party of hardened pirates to take his place away from him.
On your journey you will have to master difficult battles with barracudas, mermaids, strange undead, monkeys, Indians and fearsome pirates.
You start on an lonely island with a small boat. Over time your party and town grow until you are powerful enough to encounter A.Blizzardo.
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[ ファイナンス ]
Get in the habit of successfully managing your money! Learn how to Invest in the Stock Market. Get a better picture of income & expenses. Set your Bill Reminders, calculate your Rental Property Return of Investment & Mortgage Payments.
This is the Home Screen, it highlights the application features and an Epic animation of our beloved logo
What if you wanted to learn how to trade stocks but didn't have the money or capital to start? Why are these financial statements look so complicated and overwhelmed?
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[ カタログ ]
Welcome to Epic UGM 2013: Deep Space. With this app, registered attendees have access to:
- Their personal session agenda
- The complete UGM session schedule and session descriptions
- Maps and shuttle information
- Events and activities schedules
- Real-time announcements and updates
NOTE: The Epic UGM 2013: Deep Space Mobile App is for attendees of the Epic UGM 2013: Deep Space only. Login information will be provided by Epic Systems Corporation.
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[ ゲーム ]
20以上のゲームオブザイヤー&トップAppを獲得! 無料追加コンテンツ準備中! 詳細は下記を御覧ください。
Epic Gamesグループのスタジオとして高い評価を得ているChAIR Entertainmentから、iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad専用タイトル『インフィニティ・ブレード』がリリース!
**JOYSTIQ:5点満点中5点 「コンソールマシン並のゲーム体験をiPhone上で再現するという点で、Infinity Bladeに勝るものはない」
**GAMEPRO:5点満点中5点 「まさに次世代の携帯ゲーム」
**SLIDE TO PLAY:4点満点中4点 「シリアスなiOSゲーマーにとっては...
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[ ゲーム ]
無料のターン制RPGでAngry Birdsを放ち、全世界にいる8500万人以上のプレイヤーコミュニティに加わろう!
Angry Birds Epicのやりがいあるたくさんのレベルで、ピギーアイランドの常夏のビーチ、凍てつく山々、奥深いダンジョンへと、あちこち冒険に出掛けよう。大量の武器を集めたり作ったり、パワフルな魔法を巧みに使ったりして、恐ろしいボスピッグと仲間のミニオンどもをやっつけよう。バトルで嫌な敵ピッグを叩きのめして素晴らしい戦利品を獲得し、もっとパワフルな武器を作り、パーティをレベルアップしよう。勝利に向かえ!
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Enter Epic Citadel, the dynamic fantasy setting of the award-winning Infinity Blade.
From the circus bazaar to the sweeping cathedral in the center of town, Epic Citadel dazzles with a visual parade of special effects, as only imagined by Epic Games and powered by the critically acclaimed Unreal Engine 3.
Are you ready to explore the realm of the Epic Citadel and all the beautiful secrets it holds?
Epic Citadel was created using the same tools and technology used to develop high-end console games, now delivered for iOS devices!
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[ ゲーム ]
You craft the epic weapon of your choice and test it in battle.
Select your weapon and put the epic stones to unlock skills. Then get ready to test your abilities in a fight. Your weapon might be weak against some foes, so make sure you put all your imagination into it.
To opt out of CrazyLabs sales of personal information as a California resident, please visit our Privacy Policy: https://crazylabs.com/app
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[ ゲーム ]
Download Epic Truck for big jumps, awesome shocks and crazy impacts and go off-road at scenic and dangerous locations including Desert Ridge, Snowy Peak, and the newest location Magma Mountain! Epic Truck now has over 2 million players!
•GAS- touch right side for gas, down for speed
•BRAKE- touch left side for brake
•REVERSE- hold brake to back up
•TILT- Tilting the screen Left/Right makes the truck lean Forward/Back. Tilt works in the air and affects grip
•RESET- Reset if you flip or drive into an abyss.
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