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[ 教育 ]
"A positive quality of this book is that it seeks to inspire children to notice the magnificent natural world in their own backyard or neighborhood." - School Library Journal, (c)Reed Business Information Inc Could a tulip be a good place for hide-and-seek? Could a bit of dandelion fluff be a pillow? They could be, if fairies live nearby. This book invites kids to have a backyard adventure searching for the tell-tale signs of fairies who might be residing all around them. This is a fun book that is sure to delight the kids. The T...
[ ライフスタイル ]
基于找啥儿的商家管理系统 “找啥儿”APP商家端正如她的名字,无论你经营的哪个行业,在这里总能为你带来最真诚的客户。 想你所想,找你所找。 搜索周边,便捷生活,一站式购物,满足您的需求
[ ライフスタイル ]
[ ビジネス ]
Stay in touch with your Hot Office messages no matter where you are.
[ ブック ]
Mądre Książki to niekomercyjny serwis poświęcony literaturze popularnonaukowej. Zarówno tej w klasycznej papierowej formie, jak i w postaci e-booków. Księgarnie i biblioteki pełne są kolorowych książek popularnonaukowych o chwytliwych tytułach oraz entuzjastycznych recenzjach umieszczonych na obwolutach przez specjalistów od marketingu. Niestety część z tych publikacji zawiera błędy edytorskie, merytoryczne lub promuje pseudonaukowe teorie i nierzetelne badania. W gąszczu tysięcy dostępnych książek coraz trudniej znaleźć te, któr...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Are you hungry? Do you want to search for a Chinese restaurant in the Greater Vancouver, Canada area quickly and call by one touch to book a reservation? It is FREE, easy to use and so convenient. You will never need to call a directory number or search web to find a restaurant telephone number. You will never need to find a piece of paper to jot down the phone number in order to call for reservation. You do not even need Internet Data to search restaurant. Once the list of restaurants are downloaded once, you can use the inform...
[ ミュージック ]
BD Note Maniac is designed for music students who wants to improve their sight reading or sight singing skills. Sight reading requires daily practice to improve. The application is built on the iPhone platform which is very portable and convenient for students to practice anytime and anywhere. Special features include: * Solfège (fixed `Do` to Note C) system * Tonic sol-fa (movable `Do`) system * Music Note Reading * All Major Keys * All Minor Keys * Bass and Treble Clefs * Accidentals on/off * Combination of different ke...
[ ブック ]
Answers to the enduring questions of human existence—a book about life's purpose, the nature of reality, God, science, and life after death. Quietly, with little fanfare, this unusual book came about more than half a century ago. No person is credited as the author. Reviews from www.amazon.com: "Both otherworldly and down to earth, both simple and sophisticated, both soothing and shaking... I can describe it using a thousand words and still not begin to describe it. There is nothing like it in print, that's for sure." "A monumen...
[ ブック ]
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Release your creativity and capture your unforgettable moments in specially designed Blossom Flowers Photo Frames. In this popular photo frame and montage editing application you will find latest photo frames and top photo effects to beautify your pictures and make them perfect. The first step in your new photo editing adventure is to download Blossom Flowers Photo Frames app for free and install it on your smartphone. Relax yourself, bring happiness and joyful in your life and let spring and summer photo frames brighten your day. ...
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