フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 教育 ]
Every page of the Book of Kells available in high resolution for the first time.
Explore the finest details of 21 of the 9th century manuscript’s most decorated pages at up to six times their original size.
The Book of Kells is one of the most famous illustrated manuscripts and the most elaborate manuscript of its kind to survive from the early Middle Ages. Today, it is on display in the Library of Trinity College Dublin.
Following on from the international award-winning DVD-ROM, this app showcases the amazing decorative skills ...
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[ ミュージック ]
From the makers of Computer Music magazine, Make Music Now is the perfect introduction to music production on your iPhone or iPod Touch! Slice and sequence the built-in samples into a finished song using the intuitive touch interface, set track levels in the Mixer and impress your friends with the results. All sounds come from the professionally produced, royalty-free sample libraries included every month on the Computer Music DVD, while the App itself has been designed to be easy to use, flexible and creatively inspiring. Enjoy!
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
In Nederland komen ongeveer 40 soorten orchideeën voor. Het juiste aantal is niet precies bekend omdat veel soorten zeldzaam zijn en sommige al 50 jaar niet meer zijn gevonden. Al deze soorten worden behandeld in deze digitale gids Orchideeën van Nederland, die deel uitmaakt van een serie mobiele informatiesystemen voor het herkennen van soorten in de natuur. Ze zijn ontwikkeld in het kader van het EU KeyToNature project dat beoogt flora- en fauna-informatie snel en makkelijk toegankelijk te maken.
Deze e-flora bevat:
- Een intera...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Birds of the Western Palearctic – BWP – is the definitive reference for everyone with a serious interest in birding and ornithology. Fifteen years ago we published all 11 printed volumes on DVD-ROM. Now we have fully overhauled this renowned BWPi for iOS and macOS. We have refreshed the design, breathed new life into the plates, added a comprehensive video library, integrated unique breeding birds content and updated taxonomy with new species and splits.
Comprehensive coverage of every species that regularly occurs in the region...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
This e-flora of the British Isles is part of a series of mobile systems for identifying species in nature. They were developed as part of the EC KeyToNature project aiming to provide easy access to flora and fauna information. In addition to this e-guide, others covering plants, birds, butterflies, fish and mammals are available or in preparation.
This e-flora holds information on 3525 (sub)species and includes over 8500 unique colour slides. It is the mobile version of the DVD-ROM ‘Interactive Flora of the British Isles - A digit...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Artigos enciclopédicos e Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa (com e sem Acordo Ortográfico)
Necessita de ligação à Internet
A versão mobile da enciclopédia multimédia de maior sucesso em Portugal está agora disponível na App Store. Depois de mais de uma década de sucesso, a DICIOPÉDIA está agora disponível para iPod touch, iPhone e iPad. Os conteúdos disponibilizados através desta aplicação estão em permanente actualização, razão pela qual, para lhes aceder será necessário uma liga...
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[ ブック ]
BIZ non è una App multimediale interessante per la sua spettacolarità. È la più grande e ricca raccolta di testi della letteratura italiana dal Duecento a metà del Novecento. Testi ricercabili per autore, titolo, per qualsiasi parola presente nel testo, fruibili a tutto schermo e per questo particolarmente adatti all'iPad.
La BIZ (Biblioteca Italiana Zanichelli) è una raccolta digitale di oltre mille testi della letteratura italiana, che vanno dalle origini fino ai primi decenni del Novecento: da Francesco d'Assisi a Gabriele d'Ann...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
●面倒な入力は不要 ドラッグ&ドロップで簡単に検索
●豊富な検索オプションを用意(前方一致 / 後方一致 / 完全一致 / 慣用句検索 / 条件検索 / 漢字検索-画数・部首・読み、JISコード / 人名検索 / 地名検索 / 作品名検索 / 季語検索 / 百科一覧)。
●辞書引きに役立つ履歴表示 / しおり
●縦書き / 横書き表示切り替え
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[ ブック ]
「Windows100%」は遊んで学べるデジタル総合月刊誌です。最新のフリーソフトや無料ネットサービスの活用テクニックや裏技を解説。もちろん、スマートフォンやタブレットの記事も充実しています! 毎月13日発売です。
・助けて! Win8先生(Windows8のギモンを解消!)
・MMD講座(ゲームやアニメの3Dキャラクターを動かせる! )
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[ ニュース ]
A Revista do DVD-ROM evoluiu e virou Revista dos Apps. O nosso compromisso permanece desde a edição número 1 da Revista do CD-ROM: ensinar informática para toda a família, de forma prática e descomplicada. Além de instruções detalhadas e passos para você aprender a usar os melhores softwares, na Revista dos Apps, vai encontrar dicas para aplicativos (apps) de smartphones e tablets. Todos os softwares e apps são cuidadosamente testados e selecionados para você instalar e usar seguindo as instruções da Revista. Basta acessar as ficha...
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