フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
One Dropは、糖尿病、糖尿病予備群、高血圧、高コレステロール血症の人向けの、受賞歴のある無料アプリです。One Drop は健康を維持することを容易にし、あなたの能力を最大限に引き出すことができます。すべての健康データを1か所でモニタリングし、協力的なコミュニティに参加して、健康に関するニュース、レシピ、情報を得ることができます。 世界中に300万人近くいる私たちのコミュニティに参加して、One Dropで何ができるかを考えてみてください。 ー 無料の機能 健康データのモニタリング 血糖値、薬、食事、運動、体重、血圧などをすべて1か所でモニタリングできます...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
ransfer files the easy way, just drag & drop the file and we will handle the rest. Like Apple AirDrop, but works and on all major platforms and computers that don't support AirDrop. With millions of downloads in the App Store, thousands of happy users and millions of photo and file transfers, this app is a necessary tool for your iOS device. SIMPLE FILE SHARING You don't need to be tech-savvy to share files, photos or videos. AIRDROP SUPPORT FOR OLDER DEVICES It adds Airdrop-like transfer capability to older devices without off...
[ ゲーム ]
Zombie Drop is only the coolest physics based puzzle game available. Built from the ground up with a team of artists and programmers to bring you the best game experience possible. Object: Drop the Zombie down onto a metal block by destroying all the other blocks. Once all the blocks are gone and the zombie is on a metal block press the ZAPPER button to fry the zombie! But watch out, hit the ground and it's all over and the zombie will eat you. Features - 90 well crafted levels - A zombie Zapper to destroy the zombies - 3 Wor...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Prices Drop Monitor for Amazonはあなたが興味を持ったすべてのアイテムをモニタリングし、値下げをお知らせします。 Amazonは頻繁に価格を変えます。価格は絶えず上下します。買い物にこのアプリケーションを役立てませんか?今は買い時か待つべきかを知りましょう。 とても簡単です。サインアップや設定は必要ありません。ドラッグ&ドロップでお金を節約しましょう。 このアプリケーションは世界中のAmazonで利用できます。そして無料です。 Note: The free version allows you to monitor up to 20 items at a time. But if you need more, through the In-App Purchase ...
[ ゲーム ]
DropFour A brilliantly brain challenging version of the classic game... In STANDARD mode enjoy the classic simplicity of this game and battle your opponent to be the first to connect 4 in a row. In DROP ROW mode prepare for a twist! Filling the bottom row makes it disappear from play so you can scupper your opponents attempts to win the game by eliminating their counters. Features: - Choose between STANDARD and DROP ROW game play - In each case you need to connect four in a row - 7 difficulty levels versus iPhone/iPod Touch - ...
[ ゲーム ]
Over 5.5 million players globally! Thanks to everyone who has made the game such a success! Drop The Chicken is a super cool, fully animated, addictive, and challenging puzzle game. THE STORY Our hero 'Chuck The Chicken' has been captured by the circus's evil monkey ring master and he must perform his way through each of the levels to win his girlfriend back. YOUR MISSION Your mission is to cunningly plan Chucks journey to the dive pool while catching all the bugs along the way. Drag the acrobatic tools into place, swipe the sw...
[ ゲーム ]
The rules for Tile Drop are simple: Swipe. Match. Remove. Win! 1) Swipe to move ALL tiles in the swipe direction 2) Match colored tiles to remove them 3) Remove all colored tiles within the move limit to win. Sound easy? The give it a try. This first update comes with 3 Challenge Puzzle Packs containing 24 puzzles each. Complete these to unlock the Mini-Pack generator and create you own mini-packs to earn hints. The fun doesn't stop there. Tile Drop also includes the editor that I used to make the game so you can add your own p...
[ ゲーム ]
A new game from "Leung's work" Games can be free series. Let's save the endangered Donuts! Move the Donut Bouncer to bounce the different coloured Donuts across the screen and onto the Donut Saver. There will be different surprise Donuts and some extra items too that will help you to save Even More Donuts! There are two different mode in Drop Stop. First, Deluxe Mode which have 50 levels and Drop Stop will save the levels that the player complete. Second, Lite Mode which have 10 levels that user have to complete with one chance a...
[ ゲーム ]
毎日がエブリデイ楽しいクリスマス! クリスマスとハロウィンをモチーフにした落ちゲーアプリです。 モードにより特色あるブロックで面白さアップだ! 突然ですがここで問題です。 タイトル画面である事をすればスクリーンショットのようにサウンドモードに入り、クリスマスBGMの再生/一時停止/次の曲/前の曲などの操作ができるようになります。 わかるかな? ▼収録ゲームモード ・スノーDrop ・トリックorTreat ・スノーDrop vs Com ・トリックorTreat vs Com ・プレイヤー対戦 ▼特徴 クリスマスをイメージした形のブロックが出現したり、 ハロウィンモードではチョコレー...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Location Notes makes your iPhone and iPod Touch to remember & share your memories by locations. This app allows you to make notes by GPS locations, taking pictures, images on photo library. You can also view list of notes by distance, dates and map points. Moreover, you can share your notes by email. Drop Pins & Move Around & Write Notes! Also, Location Notes will update location only when user wanted so that GPS won't drain your iphone battery. Notice To Drop Pins: Switch to Map View and Tap Pin Button Upcoming Update: - B...
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