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[ ゲーム ]
THIS IS NOT A GAME! This is HERO STORIES FOR DOTA2 Utility App. Application allows you to: - FanFiction, Stories about Dota and Warcraft universe! - Track news and comments from Official forums. - Explore Heroes. - Track official YouTube Channel of Dota2. Some features requires internet connection. For more information on DOTA2, please visit the official website at http://dota2.com/ To set up a STEAM account, please visit the official STEAM website at http://store.steampowered.com/ All images, Dota and the Dota logo are ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
最佳DOTA应用,视频,资讯,直播,战绩查询,攻略数据库一应俱全,DOTA玩家必备! 上线至今已四年,持续更新改进,努力打造最好用的DOTA/DOTA2辅助App! 【玩家评价】 “非常好用的DOTA视频软件 用了2年了,个人感觉最好用的dota视频app.祝愿越来越好” “好不错的软件 这是少有的dota软件,专业打造,全力支持” "好激动呀 第一次评论,好激动呀。给力!" 主要功能包括: * 在线观看最新DOTA/DOTA2第一视角,教学视频,各种比赛视频解说 * 新鲜热辣的资讯新闻,让你随时随地了解DOTA圈动态 * 各路刀塔大神直播(2009,情书,大熊,YYF胖头鱼,LongDD,OB战队) * 视频观看记录,...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Armory for DOTA 2 is for you to read news and updates about DOTA 2, check game data, watch gallery. You can use it anytime anywhere. This free version contain Ads. Optimized for iPhone 5 and iOS 6. Features: =All Heroes= - Stats - Abilities - Bio - Portrait - Filter heroes by Role, Attack type and Hero Name. =All Items= - Stats - Prices - Lore - Recipe - Filter items by Type =All heroes and items data are Offline= =Gallery of heroes= =Latest News and Updates (need internet access) = How to use: 1. In the Heroes' grid view...
[ ユーティリティ ]
WardTimer for DOTA2 times the wards(Observer/Sentry) and Roshan/Token. The wards can be placed and moved anywhere on the map. User configurable Pre-Alerts for the wards at different intervals. We have also included TeamConnect. TeamConnect is the ability to connect 2 to 5 people on a team. Wards placed on the map will be placed on all members of your team's map. Also included are the timers for Roshan/Token. Tap the Roshan/Token button to begin the timers so you know when the Token will expire on whomever is holding it, also ...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Finally a Dota 2 app that is worthy of Dota2, and it’s FREE! Essentials for DOTA 2 presents comprehensive information about all the heroes and items in Dota 2, and provides direct access to the most popular Dota 2 YouTube channels. You can also browse your Dota 2 game history in the App and view specific details for any match played. Its smooth well-designed user interface guarantees the best user experience. Features: All Heroes - Stats (adjustable by level) - Abilities - Bio - Sound (double tap hero portrait) - Video demo...
[ エンターテインメント ]
dota高清超清视频大集合。10000多部视频,随便你看。各位名家解说,比赛视频,教学视频,免费奉献给你。 非常齐全清晰的视频,种类多,数据全,内容精彩。快来体验吧,dota迷。
[ ユーティリティ ]
D2 in One - is the biggest mobile app based on Dota 2 online game! All the best services, sites, channels, blogs. All the players need and much more. All in one place! Browse your favourite players streams, read the most recent and relevant news, find the best video, watch the the most beautiful pictures, and all this in one place based on the Dota 2 game! STREAMS + Stream videos from Twitch NEWS + Four selected news sites o On Gamers o Join Dota REDDIT + Full Reddit channel: dota2 + Additional Reddit channels TWITTER + ...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
每周DotA TOP 10精彩集锦 每周最搞笑DotA视频集锦 支持离线缓存,方便离线观看 每周更新
[ ゲーム ]
2009Dota视频合辑是游久网与2009伍声合作,独家打造的一款2009Dota/Dota2视频观看应用,它收录了2009的全部创作视频,包括09从零单排系列,09dota提高班系列等等,让酒粉第一时间了解大酒神的最新动态,观看大酒神的最新视频。 【产品特色】 *最快速的视频更新,由游久Dota视频站Dota.uuu9.com/v/提供专业视频支持,发布最快最全的Dota视频 *视频下载功能,让你随时随地流畅看视频 *弹幕/原版任你切换,手机也能吐槽 *内置MOBA社区,DOTA玩家最喜爱的社区 *内置2009淘宝店铺,游戏外设装备一网打尽 【联系我们】 官方网站:http://dota.uuu9.com/app/2009 联系我们:janychen...
[ エンターテインメント ]
DotA是Defense of the Ancients的简称,可以译作守护古树、守护遗迹、远古遗迹守卫, 是指基于魔兽争霸3:冰封王座(由暴雪公司出品)的多人即时对战、自定义地图,可支持10个人同时连线游戏。DOTA2整个游戏将会保持原有风格不变。从某种程度上来说,DOTA2是现有DOTA的技术升级版。脱离了魔兽争霸的平台,DOTA2拥有更好的画质和游戏效果。 【产品简介】 1.专门为dota的粉丝们定做的视频工具,方便快捷。 2.收录dota现有全部视频,并且及时进行更新。 【建议反馈】 有产品意见或者问题反馈联系我们,可以发邮件给我们weihelei@shiwan.com 也可以登陆我们的论坛给予更多支...
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