フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
Sale!!! Save $$$! For a limited time, take advantage of the Camping, Garden and Doll House sound boards! Bugs and Dolls is a super fun interactive/educational sound box application. Combining beautifully-rendered drawings with engaging audio elements, this new app will surely be a hit with children of any age. * Over 100 different sound effects! * Beautiful hand drawn illustrations! Comes FREE with the farm animals level - 4 others are available through in-app purchase. ������ ***Thanksgiving level is available now!!!*** �...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Sale!!! Save $$$! For a limited time, take advantage of the Camping, Garden and Doll House sound boards! Bugs and Dolls is a super fun interactive/educational sound box application. Combining beautifully-rendered drawings with engaging audio elements, this new app will surely be a hit with children of any age. * Over 100 different sound effects! * Beautiful hand drawn illustrations! Comes FREE with the farm animals level - 4 others are available through in-app purchase. ������ ***Thanksgiving level is available now!!!*** ���...
[ ゲーム ]
Meet Pickle, a little girl with a collection of paper dolls from around the world. Inside Pickle's Paper Dolls are six adorable girls to dress up with hundreds of fashionable styles and accessories. Each doll comes from a different country and includes vocabulary words for various items of clothing in their own language. Erika, from Brooklyn, New York speaks English. Maria from Buenos Aires, Argentina speaks Spanish. Sinqi from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia speaks Amharic. Emma from London, England speaks British English and Chloe from Pa...
[ ゲーム ]
Meet Pickle, a little girl with a collection of paper dolls from around the world. Pickle's Paper Dolls comes with one doll named Erika, from Brooklyn NY and 40 stylish accessories to dress her up with. Additional dolls are available via in-app purchase, each doll comes from a different country and includes vocabulary words for various items of clothing in their own language. Maria from Buenos Aires, Argentina speaks Spanish. Sinqi from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia speaks Amharic. Emma from London, England speaks British English and Ch...
[ ゲーム ]
Welcome to the world of charming matryoshka dolls! "Nesting Dolls: Color Puzzle" is an addictive game that will challenge your mind and give you hours of fun. The goal of the game is simple: clear the field of colorful nesting dolls by collecting them by color into the empty cells below. Connect three nesting dolls of the same color and they will burn, making room for new ones. But it's not that simple! You'll need to think carefully about your moves, using the limited number of empty cells. It won't be boring! There are many ex...
[ ゲーム ]
首都、東京ーーー 変わらない風景、穏やかな日常。 その裏で人知れず戦い続ける少女たちがいた。 DOLLS 今をときめく人気 アイドル グループ とは仮の姿、その正体は国家所属の戦闘組織だった! 数年前から東京に潜み、陰で人々を喰らってきた異形の存在「ピグマリオン」 その浸食域は都内広域にまでおよぶも記憶と感情を喰われている人間は、その事実を知る由もなかった…。 ピグマリオンに唯一対抗できるのは、選ばれた9人の適合者のみ。 命と超常の力の代償として感情と記憶を捧げる事で彼女たちは人形(ドール)として生まれ変わる。 己の死を超え、過酷な戦いを強いら...
[ ゲーム ]
Doll Dress Up creates a very serene and beautiful environment for you to design your dolls! You are free to alter them in many ways! Make chic and adorable dolls! Be a doll designer and let your creativity soar! Dress up your doll in your own unique way, make your own characters, select your ideal clothing, accessorize with the coolest face, and bring your beautiful dolls to life! HOW TO PLAY: - Click to makeover with your finger - Put on suitable cosmetics - Dress up in a variety of clothing and items - Arrange the scenario - ...
[ ゲーム ]
■世界観 遥か200年前、高度な産業発展を遂げた人類を嘲笑うかのように、謎の鉱石状の生命体「災獣(リセッター)」が突如出現し破壊と厄災をもたらした。「絶縁層」と呼ばれる特殊な防護壁を備えた彼らの前に通常兵器では歯が立たず、防戦一方の人類は生活圏を奪われ、蹂躙されていった・・・ 存亡の危機に瀕した人類は、一つの要塞都市「City(シティ)」に身を隠した。そして「City(シティ)」の支配権を獲得した「灰燼教会」は「災獣(リセッター)」に対抗し得る黒鉄の武装を身に纏う人造生命体「DOLLS」と呼称される少女達の研究開発に成功し、反撃の銅鑼を鳴らす。 産まれな...
[ ゲーム ]
Rhythmically pop the gun to knock down the dolls! Use your gun to destroy dolls by knocking them down, crushing them, dropping them, or blowing them up! Sometimes you can clear the way by destroying objects on the stage with your gun. This game is a great stress reliever! Relieve your daily stress with this game. You will be addicted to it!
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
"Matryoshka makes photo sharing fun again!" The iPhone App Review (theiphoneappreview.com) With Matryoshka you can easily create and share beautiful virtual Matryoshka dolls (also known as ‘nesting dolls’ or 'Babushkas') from your iPhone's camera or picture library. A doll made from your family photos, nested inside each other, or a series of dolls encapsulating your latest trip, Matryoshka allows you to quickly create amazing looking personal e-dolls and send them as a digital postcard via email. Create as many dolls as you li...
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