フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
Que tipo de perfume devo utilizar em um jantar romântico no outono? Que tipo de perfume devo utilizar em uma reunião matinal de negócios em pleno verão? Com que fragrância devo perfumar meu escritório? E o meu quarto? Pensando em facilitar sua escolha para a melhor fragrância a ser utilizada nas ocasiões do dia-a-dia, e também nos ambientes do trabalho e de casa, a Vollmens criou o APP Seu Perfume. Use e descubra ainda mais sobre o mundo das fragrâncias.
[ エンターテインメント ]
The Crate Escape: Seamus Unleashed, allows Seamus, Romney’s now-famous dog, to shatter his crate and get revenge as he skillfully avoids obstacles, captures prizes and picks up coins. Players can use coins or purchases to unlock other famous and beloved pets that will help Seamus defeat challenges along the way. The Crate Escape: Seamus Unleashed is one of the first entries into a powerful new genre of mobile games-as-social commentary – games designed to use humor, satire and fun gameplay to engage players and effect social chan...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Que vinho devo levar? Um vinho velho, uma colheita recente, e de que região? Um vinho robusto, de taninos bem presentes? Ou um vinho mais redondo, onde se percebe a presença de castas que lhe conferem subtileza e elegância superior? Por onde devo começar a minha garrafeira? Que vinhos são melhores para guardar? E quais são as boas compras e os vinhos altamente recomendados? Com certeza que já se deparou com estas e outras questões acerca do vinho. Por isso, a WINE - A Essência do Vinho pretende dar-lhe estas e muitas outras respos...
[ ミュージック ]
マジックソルバーの「本日のみ!無料アプリ」に投稿されました。 DEVOとミュージックを作ろう。 DEVO認可済みのシンセサイザーとロボットメーカーアプリ「DEVOBOTS」登場。 DEVOの未リリースサウンドを含むモジュラーシンセサイザーとパワフルなDEVOロボットメーカー。 1980年代にDEVOによって作られた未リリースのサウンドを含み、ユーザー自身がサウンドをミックスできるアプリをDEVOとの コラボレーションで作りました。1970年代のコルグ、ムーグ、Sequential Circuits,、Arp、ローランド等のアナログシンセサイザーから発想を得て、DEVOをしのばせたシンセサイザーです。De...
[ ライフスタイル ]
A great Video/Audio/Written devotional for each day. Searchable by category. Spending quality time getting to know someone is the key to any real and healthy relationship. This is especially true as it pertains to your relationship with God. This is where My Step comes in. My Step is providing a devotional app that will give people the opportunity to explore their faith more deeply, experience God in new and creative ways and, best of all, be challenged and inspired to share the love of God with others. The daily devotional app wi...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Life Devo for Bridgeway church
[ ブック ]
Do-able. Daily. Devotions. Start Any Day The One Year® Way. This 365-day iPhone/iPad devotional gives you fresh perspectives on the Bible by a woman, for busy women. In the craze of modern life, it’s easy to lose touch with the peace that is freely available to us. Bestselling author Ann Spangler has a deep desire for women to experience greater peace in their lives. She provides an uplifting devotion for each day that includes: Key Scripture verse Devotional reading Suggested prayer for connecting with God. These daily r...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Se você quiser experimentar algo novo todos os dias, de uma chance a O Que devo Fazer Hoje? ***FEATURES*** - Frases engraçadas para cada dia. -Compartilhar frases via email, facebook e Twitter. -Escolher favoritas para acessá-las facilmente. -Sugerir frases para futuras edições. Aproveite!
[ ミュージック ]
iMini offers a level of sound quality never before found on the iPad, as well as over 500 sounds by leading sound designers. iMini is a recreation of the legendary synthesizer created by Bob Moog in 1971, one of most iconic synthesizers of all time. Use it in Tabletop to compose your music. Need help? Have an issue or question? Please email us at support@retronyms.com. The 1971 reference of the iMini was made famous by artists and bands such as Stevie Wonder, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, Keith Emerson, Devo, Jean Michel Jarre and mor...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
あなたは、テキスト、SMSまたは電子メールを退屈なのに疲れていますか?そして、あなたの友達を感心したいですか?ただ、このアプリをダウンロード! これは、5000万を超えるユーザーと24000+グッド評価を持って! What Users Said: [by Gallifreyen assassin] [5-Stars US STORE] This really is a great app, and I feel like i can express my feelings and tell others how im feeling, and its cool. And hey, if you dont like the app, then its cool, but dont discourage others from getting it if they want it. Nobody cares if u hate the app cuz u cant figure...
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