フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
How many times have you: - Passed by a store and said to yourself: « i’ll come back later » and never find it again? - Taken notes of "the best restaurants in the city"/ addresses in your iPhone and then mail it to you so you won't forget? D.O.T is here to help you. D.O.T is your simple tool for saving, organizing and sharing significant places. “D.O.T IT” = Save a specific location and store it with your comments in your own personalized folders. (just as mails!) These DOTS are then available all the time. You can use th...
[ ビジネス ]
D.O.M. magazine is the ONLY publication dedicated exclusively to the business of aircraft maintenance. D.O.M. magazine’s readers include aviation maintenance managers in aircraft maintenance facilities worldwide, including directors of maintenance, authorized inspectors, VP’s of maintenance, purchasing department heads and lead maintenance personnel. D.O.M. magazine is published monthly and provides readers with the editorial content they desire including information about scheduling, supervision, budgeting, leadership, invento...
[ ゲーム ]
D.O.A - tựa game nhập vai turnbase thế hệ mới, chính thức ra mắt game thủ Việt Nam. Bước chân vào thế giới D.O.A người chơi sẽ đóng vai những HERO quen thuộc của DOTA như Invoker, Windrunner, Traxex, Yurnnero... chiến đấu để bảo vệ hòa bình nhân loại. Đồ họa 3D sắc nét, hình ảnh chibi bắt mắt với hơn 50 HERO gần gũi và quen thuộc nhất với fan Dota. Cùng hệ thống tính năng, phụ bản đồ sộ, nhiều tính năng tương tác giữa người chơi với nhau như: boss Thế giới, phụ bản tổ đội, Boss tinh anh, chiếm mỏ, áp tiêu... đặc biệt hệ thống trận ...
[ ゲーム ]
バトルアリーナへようこそ 、本当の世界大戦が始まるのだ! 自分の軍隊を作って、敵を倒して、部隊のリソースを管理して、「D.O.T.S. - Dash of Tanks: Strategy」ゲームの最強の軍隊の一つになろう! 大戦争の勝利を目指すバトルで兵士の数万に参加する準備があるか? するべきこと: !軍隊を操作して戦いに準備させよう! 敵軍隊との戦いがいつ始まりのか、誰も知らない。強力な軍隊を作って、警戒しよう !他の国と強力なアライアンスを結ぼう! 連合軍に参加して、無敵になろう !様々な戦略を使ってみよう! 最強の戦略を考え出して、敵ラインを破壊しよう 「D.O.T...
[ ゲーム ]
The Journey to the Beginnings educational adventure puzzle game allows players to discover the everyday life of four prehistoric communities along the River Danube. Although the story is fictional, the artistic interpretation of everyday life is based on real archeological research done at four prehistoric sites: Százhalombatta in Hungary, Vučedol in Croatia, Lepenski Vir in Serbia, and Gârla Mare in Romania. From these sites, many real heritage objects that are kept in modern museums have been included in the game. Established sci...
[ ビジネス ]
Iščete boljšo zaposlitev? Prebrskajte odprta delovna mesta, izračunajte si neto ali bruto plačo kakor tudi strošek delodajalca ter nas poiščite na zemljevidu. The employment agency of choice in Slovenia. Looking for a better job? Browse through our open positions, use our salary calculator and find us on Google maps.
[ エンターテインメント ]
D.O.A. (1950), a film noir drama film directed by Rudolph Maté, is considered a classic of the genre. The frantically-paced plot revolves around a doomed man's quest to find out who has poisoned him – and why – before he dies. The film begins with one of cinema's most innovative opening sequences. The scene is a long, behind-the-back tracking sequence featuring Frank Bigelow (O'Brien) walking through the hallway of a police station to report his own murder. Oddly, the police almost seem to have been expecting him and already know ...
[ ゲーム ]
Oh boy! this is a treat for all the Children that simply love Cars. If your kid loves airplanes, trains, trucks, motorcycles, police cars and space ships, then this is the best learning painting app for them. Finger Painting helps them to express their creativity while developing more precise and controlled hand and finger movements - all this while having fun coloring amazing pictures of all sorts of vehicles. As all the other games in our sticker painting series, this one too is appropriate for children with autism. It featur...
[ 旅行 ]
El 3er Concurso de la Tapa Córdoba Gastronómica tendrá lugar del 14 al 23 de noviembre 2014. Tras el éxito de las pasadas ediciones, Córdoba vuelve a celebrar este concurso para que pruebes las últimas creaciones de su cocina en forma de tapa, ¡no te las pierdas! Bienvenido a Córdoba Gastronómica El 3er Concurso de la Tapa Córdoba Gastronómica está dedicado a los excepcionales productos Denominación de Origen de Córdoba y, como no podía ser menos en el año en que Córdoba es Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura Gastronómica, a ...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Esta aplicación es un localizador de Mieles de Tenerife con Denominación de Origen Protegida (D.O.P.) que permite encontrar los puntos de venta de las distintas variedades de mieles más cercanos a su ubicación; al mismo tiempo, ofrece información sobre las distintas variedades de Miel de Tenerife D.O.P. y persigue impulsar su difusión. Las mieles de Tenerife son un producto de producción limitada y carácter artesano, que se caracterizan por su gran diversidad, y que se comercializan normalmente de manera directa por sus productor...
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