フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
The perseverance medal - Nick finds out what perseverance is (The tale of perseverance) Motto: Kids, get ready for success! Through this story, the child will learn how to manage their emotions! Many times, in life, we can lose if we give up too fast, if we don’t believe in our power to succeed. This is why perseverance is important. If we learn how to persevere, we will overcome obstacles, we will beat pessimism and discouragement, and we will always believe in the possibility of success. Parents know how important it is to pers...
[ ゲーム ]
In the endless sea, there dotted with countless islands that hiding tempting treasures waiting for people to discover, however, if you no enough courage and wisdom, you may be trapped in the island forever ... Remember your Dream to be the King of Pirates , so what are you still waiting for? Go sailing, find the buried treasure on those mysterious islands, let the courage and wisdom to prove you are worthy the honor. The whole game is cartoon adventure style, function keys are integrated with rich picture units, which make the pl...
[ ブック ]
New EPIC story for KIDS released! Sometimes courage comes in small packages. Join Dasha as she races against time to save her village and confronts the dark forest, whispered to contain giants, wolves, witches and other monsters. Feel the magic pulsing as the adventure unfolds, and help her complete her quest! ► WITH THIS APP: - Leap into a MAGIC world of SURPRISES! - Help SAVE the village!! - Can you solve the RIDDLES and find the grain? - Stuffed with TRICKY games, can you win?! - Meet exotic BEASTS from myth and legend! ► F...
[ ゲーム ]
Nobody would believe that the immensity of the universe was created based on 5 elements (faith, courage, freedom, wisdom and love) and God has created every living creature on it from water. In a galaxy far, far away called Sibull... There was peace and harmony until it was invaded by dragons. Like any living space, Sibull requires of these 5 elements to maintain the stay of its own citizens to a life of peace and harmony. A lack of one of these elements or all, Sibull residents have suffered drastic changes in the functionin...
[ ライフスタイル ]
**** Prix réduit pour fêter le lancement : 0,89€ // Durée limitée **** Tout s'apprend, même la séduction ! ... Vous en doutez ? Smart Séduction propose aux hommes des conseils, des réflexions sur la séduction en un seul et même endroit. Cette application est destinée aux hommes de tout âge, souhaitant en apprendre davantage sur la séduction. Pour vous aider dans votre aventure, trois thématiques vous sont proposées : • Dix principes de séduction • La newsletter • 200 citations soigneusement choisies. ********************** *...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
You are not alone. Millions of people right now beating cancer, they are living, breathing, thriving and surviving. Everyone needs a gesture of support, once and a while. Cancer Quotes is a way to give you faith, friendship, the spirit of hope, support for the day. This app gives you a kind word, a warm thought, a well needed hug in the palm of your hands, peace of mind at your fingertips. It’s hope for the day. Everyone is affected by cancer these quotes are a way to give you a warm hug, a stroke on your arm, a kind word, a simp...
[ 教育 ]
The patience medal – Dia finds out what patience is (The tale of patience) Motto: Kids, get ready for success! Through this story, the child will learn how to manage his emotions! We know how hard it is to develop patience. We live in a world where everything happens at the speed of light, where every problem must be fixed as soon as possible (because more problems will arise soon enough). But studies show that patient people gain more in life. Researchers found out that the ability to postpone things, to not rush, and to weigh u...
[ ライフスタイル ]
***Scribble Test patent has been obtained. To celebrate this, the new LITE version is alike and complete as the FULL version and has no ads!!! How Hungry and Foolish are you today? It takes just 20 seconds to find out. A scribble is an X-ray of the soul - the Scribble Test - Don't think about anything, don't draw anything. Without taking your finger off the screen, scribble a continuous line for 20 seconds. - Your scribble will be analyzed using an innovative and revolutionary method based on a system of artificial intellige...
[ ゲーム ]
Word Guess is a very simple, easy to play but fun word game. Your aim is to guess all the missing words from the given phrase. These popular phrases by world-known persons are especially curated. See, what some brilliant minds have said: "All our __ can come true, if we have the courage to __ them." "Never give up! __ and rejection are __ the first step to succeeding." To know the complete phrases, download this application right now! Gameplay: --------------- -> Start guessing words to complete the given phrase, for e....
[ ゲーム ]
Yes, anything is possible! Play this awesome MULTIPLAYER running game - Prince Cave Escape! Your mission: Prince Ethan is in trouble throughout his quest as he runs to avoid being caught by the Evil Witch Sercy . He was raised and trained as a brave and courageous warrior with a mighty ambition to help his people prosper. Unfortunately, Prince Ethan has been cursed to be paranoid and fearful by the Evil Witch. You must guide him through the horrifying cave to build up his confidence and regain his courage. In this quest, avoid...
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