フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ 教育 ]
This app is made for Engineering and Financial purposes, for all students, scientists and Math fans and who ever thinks this can come in handy some time.
You can use it to:
-Solve a ordinary differential equation system (up to 5 equations simultaneously), visualize the graphical solution for each variable, and send the solution data to an e-mail address.
-Find the value of a definite Integral using the Simpson method, and visualize the graph.
-Find all roots of a Polynomial equation (up to 11º degree).
-Find the roots of any r...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
This Calculator allows you to type directly your calculation in the type box and copy and paste the result anywhere
Very Simple of use.
Examples of valid regular expressions:
"3+4" =7
"5*6" = 30
"4+(3.5*8)" = 32
"100/3" = 33.333333333
"sin(0.5)" = 0.479425538
"2.5^3" = 15.625
"cos(1/20)+sin(1/30)+cos(1/50)" = 2.031877428
"(1+2.2)*(3.1+6.6)" = 31.04
"(2*(3/(4+(5-3))))" = 1
"sqrt(2)" = 1.4142136
All standard operators are supported, as follows:
+, -, *, /
unary -
^ raise a number to the power of the other
% modulus
In ...
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[ ビジネス ]
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[ 教育 ]
Approximation of integrals, made easy.
Considered one of the TOP 50 IPAD APPS at http://www.top10onlineuniversities.org/top-50-ipad-apps-for-e-learners.html
FxIntegrator is a mathematical tool that evaluates the area under a function curve for a given interval. It's extremely handy for math students or engineers who need to calculate integrals using an iPad or iPhone.
Unlike other calculators, its elegant function editor makes it possible to write expressions in natural mathematical notation. It's a dream come true.
* N...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Evaluate™ - powerful scientific calculator with polynomial and system of linear equations solver.
Scientific calculator
- History tape
- radians and degrees angle modes, support for minutes, seconds, grads
- constants: astronomical, atomic, electromagnetic, mathematical, physicochemical, universal
- functions: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, asin, acos, asec, acsc, atan, acot, asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth, log2, log10, ln, logn(n,x) (log x with base n), √, ³√, abs, avg, ceil, floor, round, deg2rad, rad2deg, m...
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[ 教育 ]
Abakus is a computer algebra program which performs not only
arithmetic but even symbolic calculations of mathematical formulas.
The current iOS version 1.0 contains the following functions:
- Exact arithmetic calculations, e.g. handling of integer numbers with "arbitrary" size
- Transforming mathematical formulas, e.g. factorization of polynomials
- Discussing mathematical functions, e.g. integration including solution steps
- Solving mathematical equations
- Vector and matrix calculations
Abakus-Diff is a free version of Abaku...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
CalcPro allows you to enter a whole equation and afterwards calculate the result,if you typed in something wrong, just go back.
Send your Calculations by Mail worldwide!
No need to store copy anything from the calculations by hand.
CalcPro allows it to calculate with variables:
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[ 教育 ]
The most downloaded graphing calculator for the iPhone/iPod is now available for the iPad. The GUI has been completely rewritten to take advantage of the iPad's bigger screen.
Graphing Calculator HD turns your iPad into an intuitive high-resolution function plotter and scientific calculator. Features include the following:
- Includes a powerful, yet easy to use scientific calculator.
- Quickly plot and trace multiple equations on the same graph.
- Pinch to zoom and drag/slide for scrolling the graph in real time.
- Custom keyboar...
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[ 教育 ]
This is a breakthrough application that brings mathematics to life in a visually stunning way.
Apple's powerful, intuitive touch interface makes it possible to see and interact with mathematics.
This app realizes all of that potential in a truly beautiful way that is essential for teachers, learners and researchers.
Math Flyer is so much more than "yet another graphing tool." Drawing on 15 years of experience teaching math concepts to math and science students, Shodor presents this app as the cleanest way to attach meaning to math...
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[ ビジネス ]
iOS7 ready (iOS 3.x - iOS 7.x)
This is the pro version of the calculator.
Check and edit your data during and after the calculation.
CalcPro offers all basic and a lot of scientific and financial functions.
Take advantage of user variables and more.
Fast data entry (integrated keypad) and full edit features for your calculation.
+, -, *, /, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, pow, log, ln, sqrt, fabs, fac, madd, msub, mar, %, &, @, (, ), pi, e
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