フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Autocad is the World's most used 3d design software. It's used by designers to create details drawings of mechanical parts to complex projects and everything in between. Electricians create circuit diagrams and much much more. There are hundreds of functions and techniques to learn and this collection of over 500 video lessons will quickly help you get started and up to speed. This app will serve as a reference manual so you can come back when either you need to remember something or find out something new! App features: ** ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
- GpsSlope program calculates of Slope and Degrees from your last position between start point. The program uses; - Delta Height is Start point altitude and your current altitude difference - distance between Start point coordinate and current point coordinate for calculate slope and degrees of two different location - Also program has manual slope and degree calculation page (slip your finger left to right or right to left on the screen to open manual calculation page) Graphic Screen shows history of slope, altitude,delta h...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This is the only IOS app which can calculate ΔE directly from RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSV and HSL coordinates! The ΔE Multi Color Space Calculator determines the Eulerian path (linear difference) between two colours, each specified by RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSV, HSL, XYZ, L*ab and L*uv coordinates. The color difference, ΔE, is calculated using the following standards: CIE 1976 CIE 1994 for Graphic Arts CIE 1994 for Textiles and CIE 2000 (current standard). ΔE was first developed by the graphic arts community in the 1970's as a means of nume...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Everything you want to know about the available FONTS in your device but were afraid to ask. Font Info is a small and useful utility that lets you see detailed information about installed font families and faces in your device. SHOW SYSTEM FONT • Detect the fonts used for standard interface items that are rendered in regular / bold / italic type. • Detect the fonts and sizes associated with the text style (headings, body, footnotes, captions, etc) and scaled appropriately for the user's selected content size category. SHOW BUIL...
[ ユーティリティ ]
The Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system was developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in the 1940s. The system was based on an ellipsoidal model of Earth. For areas within the contiguous United States the Clarke Ellipsoid of 1866 was used. For the remaining areas of Earth, including Hawaii, the International Ellipsoid was used. The WGS84 ellipsoid is now generally used to model the Earth in the UTM coordinate system, which means current UTM northing at a given point can be 200+ meters different from the old...
[ スポーツ ]
The CZ Rally app is designed for a particular type of automobile rally called a Control Zone Rally or for any rally with a single stage having a single average speed the must be maintained over the entire stage. In a Control Zone Rally you are given some combination of time, speed, and distance required to traverse a course from a defined starting point to a finish line. Your starting time will also be assigned as some minute or half minute after the hour in which the race begins. Set these conditions by touching the Setup butto...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
ORGANIZE CHORES EASILY • Chorma is an easy and fun way to organize chores with your partner, kids or roommates. It's free, so give it a try today! - Featured by Apple in 'Whats Hot' and 'New and Noteworthy' - Details magazine describes Chorma "a clean, simple way to keep organized", Daily Details - Over five million chores organized COORDINATE WITH HOUSEMEMBERS • Chorma synchronizes between devices, so it's easy to coordinate who does what even when no one's home. Simple signup get's everyone in the household connected. EAR...
[ ブック ]
Lecture 01. AutoCAD Training 0101 What You Will Learn Lecture 02. AutoCAD Training 0102 Introduction To AutoCAD Lecture 03. AutoCAD Training 0103 Installing AutoCAD Lecture 04. AutoCAD Training 0104 Turning On AutoCAD For The First Time Lecture 05. AutoCAD Training 0105 A Quick Run Through Lecture 06. AutoCAD Training 0201 User Interface File Tabs And The Command Line Lecture 07. AutoCAD Training 0202 XRef Management Enhancements Lecture 08. AutoCAD Training 0203 The Cloud Autodesk 360 Tab And Settings Sync Lecture 09. AutoCAD ...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Altimee is the ultimate Altimeter for Apple Watch and iPhone. Never get lost again when mountain biking, hiking or travelling. With Altimee you always receive vital informations like you altitude and your GPS coordinate. Altimee displays you GPS coordinate with the best accuracy on your Apple Watch and iPhone and shows your exact altitude, not depending on weather, pressure or signal coverage. Altimee also shows you the map of your location with mobile internet connection. With Altimee, you'll have the world's most accurate Alti...
[ 教育 ]
Prepare to achieve the ACT scores you need to get into your top choice schools. Get ready for the test day with this most comprehensive app on ACT Math : Geometry. Features include: ** HIGHEST QUALITY and QUANTITY Over 480 questions and 48 revision notes in all just for Geometry. High quality content written by experienced ACT tutors. ** MOCK TEST Mixed questions from all topics. ** INSTANT FEEDBACK Know instantly if your answer was right or wrong. ** REVIEW WITH EXPLANATION Review each question at the end of the test...
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