フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
Your best pal in Translate, Language learning, Wiki explore, Travel abroad. #Copy to translate overall situation #Designed for iOS7 UI #1st Runner up of Black Berry Achievement Award 2013 in 'Putting Customer First' category! Functions: 1. Google/Bing translate, full function on hand 2. Fun and up to date language learning tool 3. Wikipedia easy in mobile, much more fun to see local Wiki in map 4. Conversation with foreign local people in comfortable and convenient 5. Copy to translate overall situation Case Study Video: www.yo...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
The Great Conversation App helps you get the conversations started with anybody by suggesting personal introductions that are tailored to fit your surroundings. Select from different options such as the gym, a social environment like a party, a professional work environment like school/job, a public environment, the store or restaurant. Not only does the Great Conversation App help you get the conversation started, it also helps to keep the conversation going by giving suggestions on over 700 conversation topics. Select from diffe...
[ 教育 ]
Chinese Conversation gives you a rich list of phrases used in daily Chinese. This app contains: - View basic conversation by topic - Sound tracks for each phrase and word - Bookmark phrase - Searching of the phrases/words - Record and compare your pronunciation - Test your knowledge (Listening test and phrase test ) Have fun and learn best your Chinese.
[ 教育 ]
Russian Conversation gives you a rich list of phrases used in daily Russian. This app contains: - View basic conversation by topic - Sound tracks for each phrase and word - Bookmark phrase - Searching of the phrases/words - Record and compare your pronunciation - Test your knowledge (Listening test and phrase test ) Have fun and learn best your Russian.
[ ライフスタイル ]
The first requirement of a dream relationship is safety. If conversations feel unsafe, we feel anxious. Anxious conversations result in fear. Anxiety and fear ruptures connection. When conversations are safe, we feel connected. Connected conversations result in joy. Safety and joy sustain connection. After 40 years of research, we know something about "Safe Conversation!" There are 3 conditions for creating safe conversation: Zero Negativity Dialogue Appreciations *Safe Conversation will help you create your dream relation...
[ 教育 ]
Using conversation starters will conquer that awkward silence which so often happens when we are timid or nervous. Starting a conversation with a stranger could be daunting but it doesn’ capital t have to be extremely hard. Every conversation runs its course similarly: making first contact, opening paragraphs, speaking with one another and then ending the conversation – hopefully along with plans to meet once again.
[ 教育 ]
Using conversation starters will conquer that awkward silence which so often happens when we are timid or nervous. Starting a conversation with a stranger could be daunting but it doesn’ capital t have to be extremely hard. Every conversation runs its course similarly: making first contact, opening paragraphs, speaking with one another and then ending the conversation – hopefully along with plans to meet once again.
[ 教育 ]
Thai Conversation gives you a rich list of phrases used in daily Thai. This app contains: - View basic conversation by topic - Sound tracks for each phrase and word - Bookmark phrase - Searching of the phrases/words - Record and compare your pronunciation - Test your knowledge (Listening test and phrase test ) Have fun and learn best your Thai.
[ ライフスタイル ]
Tired of having the same conversation with your kids? Try the Make Every Day Count app. Filled with conversation starters for parents and kids, this Focus on the Family product is designed to strengthen family talk time with a fun and easy way to communicate with kids. Whether your kid is in elementary school or attending college, any parent can use Make Every Day Count for ideas on how to engage in conversation and build relationships. Personalize the app by creating profiles for everyone in your family and filter questions by ...
[ 教育 ]
*********** It's the best Learn Languages app*********** + Advanced functions - Practice the skills of listening, speaking, writing... - Reading Sentences English conversation - Speaking Sentences English conversation - Voice record, create sentences.. - And more.. •Do NOT copy this app, or the intellectual property of the idea of this app… You will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
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