フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ビジネス ]
Need info on the go? Download this Clear Admit School Guide to The Chicago Booth School of Business and have all the information you need about your target business school right on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Whether you are just starting your research, already writing your application essays, preparing for an interview or deciding which offer of admission to accept, you will find the Clear Admit School Guides, with their reliable, centralized information, to be a valuable and time-saving resource.
What You'll Find in the ...
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[ スポーツ ]
Descrizione del Solunario
Scopri i periodi migliori per le uscite di pesca, basati sulla teoria del Solunario.
Gratuitamente, e attraverso un’interfaccia semplice e agevole, il Solunario di Clear Fishing ti aiuterà a:
Scoprire alla prima occhiata i periodi migliori di alimentazione del pesce nell’arco di un mese
Avere con un click le informazioni per ogni giorno e posto (i periodi migliori per pescare, gli orari a cui il sole sorge e tramonta, le fasi lunari)
Avere le previsioni meteo per il tuo posto scelto (temperatura, velocità...
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[ ゲーム ]
'I Love A Game That Test My Logic In The Most Exciting Way!'
'This Puzzle Game Tests How Smart My Kids Are In A Fun Way'
'Exciting And Fun My Children Cannot Get Enough Of This'
'I Love It When I Clear Everything Off! I Feel So Smart!'
There are puzzle games that put you to sleep, but Clear 'Em is the total opposite! Clear 'Em is one of the best puzzle game there is. The logic of the game is simple, shoot the spiral ball to the same spiral ...
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[ ゲーム ]
① 卡通情景故事,让您看上去就想玩!
② 卡通三消,快来解决可利兔/Clear 2!
③ 丰富的道具,让您玩翻天!
④ 4大场景,30小关卡,让您不想停下来!
《可利兔/Clear 2》是一款以营救小兔(可利兔)为故事背景,同色消除类游戏。
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[ メディカル ]
Clear Sight Low Vision Kit assists visually impaired users to stay active, independent, and make life easier with the help of this multi-functional iPad app. Following are the prominent features of Clear Sight Low Vision Kit.
Multi-featured application for people having Low Vision! This app has the option to view enlarged Contacts, Camera, Calculator, Clock and Current Location features with bold and low vision friendly color themes to easily access contents from the phone.
Low Vision affects daily living activities like reading...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Clear Cal Free is a partial flattening style calculator,The following classification detail features of this app:
Advertising, resource sharing and the IAP
1. free version into the interface will automatically refresh to display full-screen ads, there is a corresponding "IAP" remove this feature. Although full-screen advertising is part of my income, but there are people interested in one hand, so I offer convenient buttons you want to see some of the full-screen ads.
2.Resource sharing is divided into two parts, the fi...
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[ スポーツ ]
Afla care sunt cele mai potrivite perioade pentru partidele de pescuit, pe baza teoriei Solunare.
Gratuita si cu o interfata simpla si prietenoasa, Solunar Clear Fishing te ajuta sa:
descoperi care sunt cele mai bune perioade de hranire ale pestilor intr-o luna, dintr-o singura privire
afli detaliile fiecarei zile, pentru orice loc, printr-un singur click (cele mai bune ore pentru pescuit, rasaritul si apusul soarelui, fazele lunii)
stii prognoza vremii pe doua saptamani inainte in orice locatie aleasa de tine
identifici noi locuri...
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[ スポーツ ]
Apprenez quelles sont les périodes les plus favorables à la pêche selon la théorie solunaire.
Gratuit et avec une interface conviviale Pêche - Calendrier Solunaire de Clear Fishing
vous aide à:
•découvrir rapidement quelles sont les meilleures périodes de nutrition des poissons durant un mois
•apprendre des détails pour chaque jour, chaque lieu, en un seul clic (les meilleures heures de pêche, le lever et le coucher du soleil, les phases de la Lune)
•apprendre les prévisions météo sur deux semaines, a n’importe quel endroit voulu
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[ 教育 ]
ezPDF CLEAR is the world's first innovative PDF content strategy for flipped learning with the digital textbooks, worksheets, workbooks, and tests & quizzes all combined in one single file.
It's a PDF reader. It's a PDF viewer.
No~ It's the Interactive PDF Quiz and Test Player!
ezPDF CLEAR is an acronym for "Connected Learning Easy As Read, Respond, and Repeat." It provides a pleasant reading experience with PDF documents. Combining with touch technology, reading is no longer limited as a book replacement. It creates a new way of...
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