フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Auto Brawl Chess is an auto battler strategy RPG game, in the royal battle genre. Enjoy classic auto chess mechanics plus fast-paced 5-minute matches. On top of that, PvE and PvP mode, exciting Mini-Games, dungeons, and a whole PvE campaign called “Journey”. The unique and complete autochess game where strategy is a key, but luck also plays a role! We explored the whole genre to bring to you all the best features and mechanics, all the auto battles and much more of the new stuff from us: ● Quick matchmaking and Fast 5-Minute Batt...
[ ゲーム ]
Chess is #1 popular game in the world. According to FIDE, about 600 million people play chess and it is the most widespread game on the planet. "The Game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired and strengthened by it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions..." (Benjamin Franklin, scientist) Game features: - HD graphics for iPhone 5 and the new iPad retina display - 5 levels of difficulty - hint option to find out the best ...
[ ゲーム ]
Live Chessで世界のチェス愛好家に挑戦! Live Chessがこれからのチェスの楽しみ方を変えていきます。 DreamOnlineから使いやすくて美しいオンライン対戦型チェスゲームの登場です。Live Chessはより多くの皆さんに手に取って楽しんでいただこうとオンライン対戦を中心に基本機能をシンプルに仕上げました。物足りないと感じるプレーヤーの皆さんにはアプリ内課金をご用意しました。自分好みにカスタマイズしてLive Chessの世界を楽しんでください。 アプリ内課金について: アプリ内課金は『Live Chess』アプリケーション内からご購入いただけます。 ◆クラスマッチ 勝率に応...
[ ゲーム ]
Are you tired of playing chess games that look like they were designed for a Commodore 64 instead of an iPhone? We've got the antidote for you. Chess Free is the best chess game for the iPhone and iPod Touch, and it's free! Chess Free supports both 1 player and 2 player gameplay, so you can play against friends or test your skills against a challenging computer opponent. Chess Free offers a host of exciting features, including: * Great graphics and exciting sound effects * Configurable player names and score tracking * Ou...
[ ゲーム ]
Take no prisoners and protect your King at all costs! Brought to you by the makers of Words with Friends, Chess with Friends Free is the best way to play Chess on iOS. Connect with friends and challenge them to one of the oldest, most popular games in the world. Play multiple games at the same time, track your moves and improve your stats. Download Chess with Friends Free and start playing today! ________________________________________ 

PEOPLE LOVE CHESS WITH FRIENDS • “Chess With Friends is hands down the best Chess game...
[ ゲーム ]
The Awards That Full Version Have Won Won the What We're Playing in May 2009 Won the Best Chess Award in Sep 2009 #9 TOP PAID STRATEGY GAME in US in May 2009 What's More in the Full Version? √ Built-in Chess Clock √ 2 More Difficulty Levels √ New Board ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ This is the Free version of 3D Chess. As an epoch-making product, 3D Chess is the first-ever meaningful three-dimensional chess application in the iPhone history. It is completely based on the development of advanced and professional-strength 3D game eng...
[ ゲーム ]
Mastersoftチェスのフルバージョン。 高精細アートワーク。 強化された機能。 広告なし。 IAPはありません。 サブスクリプションはありません。 「ベストストラテジーゲーム」の優勝者。 世界MCCで4位! マスターソフト・チェスは世界最高のデスクトップPCチェスです! このエンジンは世界マイクロコンピューターチェス選手権で4位の成績をおさめ、他のiPhoneのチェスゲームでは入手できません。マスターソフト・チェスは人間が相手をするかのように、チェスのチャンピオン選手によりデザインされ、初心者から最上級者レベルまで設定が可能です。著名なチェスデザイナーによ...
[ ゲーム ]
** HD Version now on sales : http://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/id378736116?mt=8 ** Standard Chinese Chess game play is same Chinese chess, Standard Chinese Chess is specifically design for iPhone and iPod Touch, This aim of Standard Chinese Chess is make the game fun, and give you a brand new experience in chinese chess. Game features: - very high quality graphics - play against the computer - auto save load - show computer last move - show player legal move - undo Game play: 1. new game with multi level 2. use any tactics to ...
[ 教育 ]
今全世界で6億以上の人がチェスをプレーできると言われています。 あなたも「Learn Chess」(チェスを学ぶ)でチェスをマスターしましょう! 「Learn Chess」(チェスを学ぶ)はチェスのルール、チェス用語、基本的な戦略などを、簡潔に楽しく学べるインタラクティブ電子ブックです。 もしもすでにチェスのルールを知っていても、あなたの今後のチェススキルの上達に役立つこと間違いなしです。 機能: - 118ページにおけるコンテンツ - 91のチェスの図形 - インタラクティブな図形で合法手を試させてくれる機能搭載 「Learn Chess」(チェスを学ぶ)は、評論家絶賛で人気のiPho...
[ ゲーム ]
At last your iOS-device can get the chess app it deserves. Challenge fast and smart chess engine, enjoy detailed and beautiful look in full 3D, play with your friends via Game Center. Features: • Polished 3D look to revel the true potential of your mobile device • 4 different boards • 5 unique chess sets • 5 levels of difficulty when playing against iOS • Game Center Multiplayer • Game Center games are saved automatically and can be easily resumed • Support for high range of devices Important: • Putting your iOS5-device into sl...
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