フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ライフスタイル ]
The Bar in your hands, anytime, anywhere.
Thousands of drinks recipes from the best mixologists around the world.
Want to know what drink can be prepared with their ingredients?
Cheers allows you to select the liquors and brands you have available and the application will suggest drinks that you can prepare.
Cheers is unique, fast and easy.
Key features:
- A full index of thousands of drink recipes to access at anytime, anywhere.
- Define the liquors you have and browse through the drinks suggested.
- Share drinks and cockt...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
In Cheers is iedereen welkom en voel je je direct thuis. Hier ontmoet je in ongedwongen sfeer je vrienden of collega’s. Een plek waar je kunt genieten van een drankje en een hapje, waar met grote regelmaat live muziek is maar je ook met regelmaat gezellig mee kan doen met de ‘Pub Quiz’. Ook worden bijna altijd alle belangrijke sportwedstrijden op grootbeeld uitgezonden. In Cheers vindt je vaak een internationaal gezelschap in combinatie met sportieve Assenaren.
British Pub Cheers ligt in het centrum van Assen aan de Kerkstraat 27....
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Too much negativity on social networks? Join Cheers and get happy!
”The world's happiest iPhone app” — C|Net
”Addictive” — The Next Web
“A fun, happy, highly addictive place to spend time.” - AppSafari
Cheers is not just an app. It’s a community of optimistic, creative people sharing what makes them happy. What makes you happy? You can cheer anything: your spouse, your favorite restaurant, or a quiet moment in a busy day. By celebrating cheerful moments, you increase your own happiness and help spread cheer to others!
• Join a c...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
** By downloading this app, you agree that you are of legal age (21 or older) to purchase alcohol **
Cheers Liquor Mart is the most award winning liquor store in Colorado Springs. We strive to provide Colorado Springs with the largest selection of spirits, wines and beers at the lowest prices in Southern Colorado.
Upon entering Cheers Liquor Mart grab a big green shopping cart and shop away! Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is available to assist you in finding everything from the perfect bottle of wine for a candlelight di...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Experience a totally new way to share your selfies with anyone, anywhere!
Meet amazing people by sharing a toast with them, and it's totally free (even better: no ads)!
Send your selfie to a total stranger while raising your glass, and get his picture in return.
Your selfies don't belong at a dinner table, they belong:
• to the FUN friends
• to the HOT memories you want to remember
• and the WTF memories you hope they forget
Great toast should be remembered, how will your friends remember you?
• Have a friend just getting of...
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[ ショッピング ]
《Cheers 鵲兒》由鵲兒所成立的官方行動購物APP,貼心的滿足每一位喜愛鵲兒的妳手機不離身、方便購物的慾望。
透過下載,你將可以輕鬆地掌握所有鵲兒Cheers的最新優惠訊息,透過推波訊息,你不需要再擔心錯過優惠活動,Cheers APP與商城、官網同步上架新品,並且你也享有七日鑑賞期等相關服務。
要怎麼擁有Cheers APP呢?
* 使用Facebook帳號可快速加入會員
* 完整購物機制,手機/平板可同步收藏商品、共享購物車,切換使用無障礙
* 完整的加密保護系統,可用信用卡刷卡付費,讓你享受愉快購物輕鬆付的服務
* 可使用超商取貨付款,貼心的服務忙碌的你
* 即時LINE線上克服,有...
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[ ビジネス ]
* Career 築夢生涯
* Happy working 快樂工作
* Enable 提升能力
* Enrich 開拓視野
* Relationship 豐富關係
* Success 成功人生
* 書櫃:依封面顯示陳列在你的書櫃,動動你的手指,拖曳書本封面輕鬆排列你想要的順序。
* 閱讀:擺脫傳統PDF閱讀方式,圖片與文字清晰可見,圖 / 文 / 音 / 影 內...
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[ ゲーム ]
Dear girls, everytime when you hear the word "Cheerleader", what will come into your mind? Pretty face, changeful appearance, beautiful skirt, shining arena, energetic dance, countless cheers and applauses from audience, chase after by thousands of boys, idol of many young girls, fashion icon in your school, or you'll think about some other positive things related to the cheerleader.
Cheerleader is such an attractive honor that almost every girl has the dream of being a cheerleader during her student period. So, if you really have...
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[ ゲーム ]
Girls, have you ever dreamed of being a shining star, standing in the center of a grand stage, singing the most beautiful song to audiences all over the world? If your answer is Yes, you'll absolutely feel excited about our new app, Star Girl Salon!!!
Here you can make all your star dreams come true, no matter have so many fashionable dresses, clothes, and high heels, own a huge variety of famous-brand makeup, or possess plenty of luxury jewelries.
Here you can also experience the real live of your dreaming star, such as walking ...
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