フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ナビゲーション ]
The App is designed to help people when in an emergency by directing them to the nearest publicly available defibrillator. Welsh Hearts We are the leading heart charity in Wales for placing defibrillators in communities and delivering CPR and defibrillator training in Wales. We are regarded as the heart charity at the centre of saving lives in Wales. Cardiovascular disease accounts for a third of all deaths in Wales, where the death rate is higher than in the majority of countries in Western Europe. Did you know that there are 8...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Читайте в промо-версии журнала Harper’s Bazaar: ПИСЬМО ГЛАВНОГО РЕДАКТОРА Даша Веледеева о трендах и возрасте. ДЕВУШКА С ОБЛОЖКИ Звезда эры супермоделей по-прежнему остается образцом для подражания. Не только для других моделей. АРТ ХРОНИКИ Живописные мазки и штриховка этой весной смотрятся на одежде порой даже эффектнее, чем на картинах. CHARITY BAZAAR Принять участие в Charity Bazaar может каждый, приобретая один из наших мартовских лотов. НОСТАЛЬГИЯ Мира Тодоровская о том, как она стала первым кино-продюсером в СССР и как е...
[ エンターテインメント ]
NEMO Incontinentia Pigmenti Charity is hosting a charity art auction on 28th March 2012 at Piccolino Restaurant in Bristol. This app shows a selection of art for sale in the 'LIVE' auction. We are a brand new charity and appreciate your support.
[ ライフスタイル ]
Convenience at your finger tip! Use YQueue Giving app for charity donations and church giving without the hassle Donate during fundraising events, make church tithes and offerings in just a few seconds. YQueue Giving is not stopping at fund-raising event, charity donation and church tithes/offering, we are looking at bring more services in the near future. Download the app and start giving. Don’t see your church in the app? Tell them to drop us an email at support@jadonsol.com and we will contact them.
[ エンターテインメント ]
Do you want to donate regularly to your favorite organization? Are you tired of carrying around small coins in your pocket? Do you want to remember to give Tzedaka on special days? Get the CoinZ mobile charity app - it's the perfect solution! From now on, donate straight from your smartphone. At the end of the month, the accumulated amount will be securely transferred directly to the organization of your choice. The CoinZ app allows you to: - Donate any amount, any time, anywhere - Set reminders to give charity whenever you ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
SACA is a 100% volunteer UK registered charity organisation and the main organiser of the Annual UK 130 mile ride from Birmingham to London. The aim of the App to support rider safety, assure social communication, improve awareness of the selected Childrens charity and encourage fun. The ride started back in 1989 and has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for both local and national charities,
[ ライフスタイル ]
KNOW OF IMMEDIATE CHARITABLE NEEDS! DO IMMEDIATE GOOD! GET IMMEDIATELY REWARDED! LocalGood is a geo-location enabled charity app that helps solve immediate effects of poverty in urban areas. LocalGood leverages existing well-established charities in zipcodes where the user is located. The more charity you do, the more GoodCredit you earn, the more deals you get redeemable with GoodCredit! LocalGood is currently piloting in cities of Santa Clara and San Jose. We plan on expanding across the Bay Area in the next 6 months and going...
[ ファイナンス ]
More Partnership Fundraising Consultants. And More. Have you ever struggled to explain the UK's Gift Aid tax relief system to someone? Just how much tax rebate does a charity receive? And how much higher rate tax relief might a donor get? What if the gift is spread over more than one year? This simple app gives you all this information at your fingertips. Enter any gift amount, and see immediately how much the gift is worth to the charity. Add the donor's tax rate and see the final cost of the gift to the donor if they pay more th...
[ ライフスタイル ]
買旗? 不買旗? 街上籌款屬真屬假? 3秒即知 - 「捐贈對象我識揀。」 你知道慈善機構如何運用善款嗎? 明施慎選 iDonate 是香港首個慈善機構評級平台, 根據核數報告計算項目支出、行政費用、籌款效益、籌款成本、和員工薪酬等比例,然後給予綜合評分,以量度慈善機構的營運效益。評級結果分5級: 4個心 - 營運效率極高, 3個心 - 營運效率高, 2個心 - 營運效率普通, 1個心 - 營運效率差, 0個心 - 營運效率極差。 亦顯示善款需求的急切程度。 3個$ - 急需捐款維持營運 2個$ - 需要捐款維持營運 1個$ - 12-18個月內需要捐款維持營運 0個$ - 擁有充足資金儲備 Do you know the charit...
[ 教育 ]
Have you ever wished that you could rewind your life to a point in time where you made a crucial decision - and make a different choice? If you had to choose whether to have a genetic test that would tell you if you had a life-changing illness, what would you do? Fiftyfifty, the world’s first charity iPhone app exploring the issues around the genetic condition Huntington’s Disease (HD), is being launched by Scottish charity, Scottish Huntington’s Association. Free to download from the Apple iTunes Store · The app runs on iPod tou...
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