フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 仕事効率化 ]
AI Fish brings you a new and interesting color recognition and code generation tools. Through the camera you aim at the color you need, click "Take" button could change the color of water in the left side bottle, the pretty fish in the bottle will automatically identify the color of the water, and displayed on the screen. At the same time will generate a variety of language and a variety of color code format, you only need to paste the text where you can paste the current code pattern color code. For example: the code patter...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
This App includes a wide Variety of Tutorials to learn Adobe Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6! Very easy to video training for everyone. Want to learn all the tricks, tips? Features in app: - Photoshop Cs6 For Beginners - Photoshop CS6 Playlist - Photoshop CC Beginners Tutorial - Photoshop Camera Raw Tutorial - Photoshop to HTML5 CSS3 - Photoshop To BOOTSTRAP 3 - Photoshop Web Design Tutorials
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Code. Anywhere. Tired of remembering & writing all of the tags/attribute options when coding? Just click or Talk-to-Tags, and they will be generated for you instantly. HTML Designer makes coding simple with an automated workflow style intended to make life easier when writing code on any device. By self-generating all the code you need instantly, the app saves a ton of time building web pages, creating HTML email newsletters, making snippets for your projects and more. Add tags even easier with Speech Recognition tagging. Simply s...
[ 教育 ]
web前端网页制作整体分为三个阶段: 基础div+css+实战 中级javascript+jquery+ajax+实战 高级html5+css3+响应式布局+实战
[ 教育 ]
EK编程语言教程 HTML5,CSS,HTML, PHP,iOS,sql,数据库,WEB,iOS,swift,oc, JavaScript,JS,w3cschool,css,css3,教程,jQuery
[ 教育 ]
看段子学编程可以帮助你在坐公交、赶地铁、等面试的零碎时间中完成IT笔试面试的复习准备,正是“临阵磨枪,不快也光”; 学习累了还可以看看段子,放松一下心情。 看段子学编程包括: Web 开发- Html 、 CSS、 CSS3、 Sass、 Bootstrap、 JavaScript、 ECMAScript 6、 AJAX、 JSON、 JQuery、 ReactJS、 AngularJS、 Vue.js、 BackboneJS、 EmberJS、 RequireJS、 Webpack、 SVG、 HTTP 简介、 TCP/IP 简介、 网站主机简介、 前端面试宝典 App 开发- iOS、 Swift、 React Native、 Ionic、 jQuery Mobile、 App Store 应用发布 Server 开发- PHP、 NodeJS、 Python、 Python3...
[ ブック ]
Namo ReaderはEPUB2, EPUB3ですべてサポートします。 使い方が簡単で直観的で, 正確で速い速度で電子書籍を表現します。 1. IDPF EPUB 標準を順守します。 - 可変型策と固定型策をすべて支援します。 - Html5, Javascript, CSS3を完壁に表現します。 - 他のリーダーに正しく表現されない電子書籍(可変型縦書き本,固定型本)をNamo Readerで確認してください。 2. 多様なユーザー利便機能を提供します。 - 目次, しおり, メモ, 蛍光ペン機能を提供 - テーマ変更, フォント変更, フォントサイズ調節, 線間隔調節, 明るさ調節機能提供 - 画面回転ロック機能を提供...
[ 教育 ]
Felix-ITs’ exclusive app for students and mentors is designed to help our students leave valuable feedback & maintain attendance for their courses. Description This app from Felix-ITs is specially built for our students, candidates, and faculties. This app will help you maintain attendance for your classes for our courses as well as leave feedback from time to time. We have decided to leave the physical systems behind and move to a modern app for your Apple devices to maintain attendance and leave feedback. New to Felix-ITs? Felix-...
[ ビジネス ]
Dedicata a commerciali, agenti di commercio, e chiuque abbia la necessità di fare presentazioni e mostrare cataloghi di prodotto o progetti presso clienti, Drag & Show consente di visualizzare i propri file su iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch. Il pieno supporto all'HTML5 Css3 e javascript permette di utilizzare Drag & Show anche per testare e mostrare siti o webApp, anche responsive, ancora in fase di sviluppo, semplicemente copiando all'interno dell'app l'intera struttura a cartelle del sito. I file vengono caricati in modo semplice e ...
[ ブック ]
Namo ReaderはEPUB2, EPUB3ですべてサポートします。 使い方が簡単で直観的で, 正確で速い速度で電子書籍を表現します。 1. IDPF EPUB 標準を順守します。 - 可変型策と固定型策をすべて支援します。 - Html5, Javascript, CSS3を完壁に表現します。 - 他のリーダーに正しく表現されない電子書籍(可変型縦書き本,固定型本)をNamo Readerで確認してください。 2. 多様なユーザー利便機能を提供します。 - 目次, しおり, メモ, 蛍光ペン機能を提供 - テーマ変更, フォント変更, フォントサイズ調節, 線間隔調節, 明るさ調節機能提供 - 画面回転ロック機能を提供...
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