フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Big fan of Sudoku, Picross or other brainteasers? Then you’re going to love Color Cross! Color Cross is a new type of picture puzzle where you use logic to reconstruct an image. Journalists love Color Cross: • TouchGen.net: EDITOR’S CHOICE - 4.5/5 - “Quite frankly, Picross on the iPhone doesn’t get any better than this.” • 148Apps.com: 4/5 – INSPIRED! - “I’m hooked, and it got my wife interested in this kind of puzzle, which can’t be a bad thing.” • Mobilegamesfaq.com: 83% - GOLD AWARD – “Overall, a great game for fans of this ...
[ ゲーム ]
The KING of BRAIN TEASERS! Starts off easy but gets challenging fast. Can you beat the game? Word Cross - A word search & word guess brain game. Word Cross is a fun and relaxing word game in a crossword style format made for the smartest brains! Swipe the letters to find and guess the hidden words in a crossword style grid Word Cross - A word search word guess brain game is the first of its kind. Guess and search letters on the word plate to find different word recipes. Solve the anagram puzzles by searching for all the words...
[ ゲーム ]
ヨーロッパでレースゲーム1位!ヨーロッパでスポーツゲーム1位! ヨーロッパで爆発的な人気を誇るレースゲームをダウンロードしてください!FRS Ski Crossは最高峰の高速レースゲームです。HDの高品質グラフィック、 Head®社とVölkl®社のプロ用ギア、 圧倒的迫力を誇る50のスキークロストラック。 **2015年の最新要素** ワールドチャレンジトーナメント - 世界中の選手たちとレースが可能!ランキングに入って賞品と国際的な名声を勝ち取ろう。 だが、このゲームはそれだけじゃない! - ヘアピンターンやビッグジャンプを特徴とする50のスキークロストラック - ビギナーに...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
"Perfect CrossProcess Film For Your Photos" CrossProcess adds color and contrast to your photos by emulating the look of Cross Processing film. CrossProcess turns your ordinary iPhone shots into beautiful, one of a kind images with unique colors and contrast. Based on looks from real film stock. Features: Red Green Blue, Extreme and Basic filters emulate different film stock. Pick your favorite or use them all. Perfect Processing Technology: We studied REAL cross processed film and developed an app to emulate it perfectly. Re...
[ ライフスタイル ]
東京のトップサロンを中心に流行りのヘアスタイルを紹介するヘアカタログ【CROSS HAIR】 【CROSS HAIR】 is a hairstyle catalog from Tokoyo, Japan. vol.1 TOKYO SALON "THE 5" ¥85 <今号のサロンラインナップ> SHIMA BEAUTRIUM CIRCUS by BEAUTRIUM ZACC GARDEN Tokyo Xel-Ha afloat-f <注意> ※ヘアカタログコンテンツを初回インストール時に85円で購入していただき、ダウンロードしていただく必要がございます。ご注意くださいませ。
[ ゲーム ]
Enjoy doing Cross-Stitch patterns on your Tablet or Mobile device without threading a needle or risking a pricked finger! Cross-Stitch World comes with over a thousand beautiful patterns to work on, just select the right color thread and click to place stitches - it's simple! Featuring incredibly realistic graphics, this is as close to the real thing you can get - see a Cross-Stitch design come to life as you build it up stitch by stitch! Features: - A large collection of beautiful Cross-Stitch patterns to play - Create your own...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
### Featured in iTunes in 140 places around the world. ### ### Cross Stitch Camera is ranked 7th in Photo & Video category in Sweden. ### *** 世界初のアイフォン用クロスステッチデザイン製作アプリケーション発売!*** “Check out this amazing iPhone app - you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!”  by Sarah Trevor, Editor, Cross Stitch Crazy Magazine. "This is a must have app if you’re into cross stitching, but it’s also a great addition to the photo arsenals of picture editing enthusiasts." by Juli Clover, Writer, AppAdvice.co...
[ ミュージック ]
*** IMPORTANT: to access In-App Purchases again, please update to 2.2 version *** The best pro DJ app on iPad. Mix tracks in perfect sync on a powerful audio engine. "Loved the sleek interface and functionality" (Digital Dj Tips) "Clean, simple and professional look and feel" (Best DJ Software) “As a radio DJ, I use this app daily” (DTongSports) FEATURES • 2 decks, 3-band EQ, crossfader, realistic scratch, large pads & controls • Mix SoundCloud: your SC account, in Cross DJ, for free. Fast loading of tracks. • iTunes integrati...
[ メディカル ]
Michigan Blue Cross® members, use our app to log in, find a doctor and see your account info. With convenient access to your health plan details, you’re more informed when you need care. If you’re a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan member, you can: -- View your deductible and other plan balances -- See what services your plan covers -- Check claims and EOBs -- Check your HSA and FSA account for users that use our Health Equity partner -- Pay your plan bill for users with non-employer coverage -- Find doctors and hospitals in yo...
[ エンターテインメント ]
幻想神域 -Cross to Fate-の最新ニュースやまとめなどの関連情報を毎日更新! イベントの攻略速報や新キャラ情報、裏ワザまでこのアプリ1つでオッケー! 【主な機能】 ・お気に入り機能で重要な記事は保存可能 ・シェア機能が搭載されているのでSNSへのシェアもらくちんです! ・人気記事の一覧も見れるので忙しい方も重要な情報をもれなくチェックできます。 ・ブログリスト機能が搭載されており、読みたいサイトのみ表示することも出来ます。 このアプリは幻想神域 -Cross to Fate-の非公式アプリです。運営会社とは一切関係有りません。
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