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[ ライフスタイル ]
「もっとcoop+」は、もっとコープ(広島大学生協)を活用するためのアプリです! とりあえずダウンロードして「持っとco!」 「もっとcoop+」は広島大学生協の組合員がご利用いただけます。 ご利用には広島大学生協マイページの登録が必要です。 「もっとcoop」+でMYpleの情報を確認 - MYpleのカード残高を確認できます クエストクリアでマイプラポイントをゲット - クイズに正解してマイプラポイント獲得のクエストを発見 - クエストをクリアするとマイプラポイントをゲット マイプラポイントはMYpleへチャージ - マイプラポイントがたまったらチャージ申請 - 申請したらレ...
[ ゲーム ]
Chicken Coop is a top-down puzzle platformer that introduces dual analog controls to iOS. You play the game with both your thumbs. Chicken Coop includes retro-style graphics, catchy tunes, and incredible gameplay...read on... STORY It's another morning and Carl's woken up only to not know where he is. He's done it again. He has sleepwalked the entire night and the problem keeps getting worse. Each night he finds himself farther and farther away from the chicken coop...and he needs your help. Your job is simple: successfully ge...
[ 天気 ]
Access weather data of all the NOAA COOP Stations directly to your iPhone and iPad. The National Weather Service's (NWS) Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) is the nation's largest and oldest weather network. More than 11,000 COOP stations, nearly 5,000 are climate stations (1,200 are Historical Climate Network sites), while more than 6,000 cooperative stations support hydrology requirements. Climate stations report 24-hour maximum and minimum temperatures, liquid equivalent of precipitation, snowfall, snow depth and other speci...
[ 教育 ]
Learn to ace fractions with this suite of hilarious chicken-themed educational games. This resource is already used in thousands of schools to help children develop methodologies for rapidly solving problems involving fractions. Rocket rooster: adding fractions Improve your ability to add fractions as you choose the right set of rockets to fire Ernie into the nest. In this hilarious game there are fifty levels to complete and each one will help you get to grips with addition and multiplication of fractions. Simply-frying fractio...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Kde dostanete najlepšie domáce potraviny? Uvidíte v prehľadom zozname všetkých našich predajní, čo na Slovensku máme. Hľadať môžete podľa abecedne radených miest, alebo rovno zadať názov. Ktoré naše pobočky sú od vás čo by kameňom dohodil a kde presne sú, vám ukáže mapka Najbližších predajní. O každej sa dozviete, kedy má otvorené, ako v nej môžete zaplatiť a aké tu práve prebiehajú zľavové akcie. Prehľad akčných ponúk mate s touto aplikáciou doslova pod palcom. Stačí zobraziť všetky a vyberať, čo sa vám kde najviac páči. Teraz...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Con Coop e WIB la tua spesa giornaliera non è più un pensiero! Acquista e prenota i prodotti desiderati comodamente con il tuo dispositivo mobile e ritirali alla macchina WIB attiva 24h. L'app ti consente inoltre di salvare gli ordini effettuati e i loro codici di acquisto, consultabili successivamente anche in modalità offline. Il supermercato del futuro inizia con Coop e WIB!
[ ビジネス ]
The Custer Farmers Coop app is the place for coop customers to stay updated on prices and information from Custer Farmers Coop Information Included in the App Relevant to Your Farming Operation and Agriculture Elevator Location and Contact Information Ability to find and quickly contact the people you do business with at your local elevator View current receiving hours for your local elevator Address and map options to navigate to your local elevator Ability to view other company elevators you may do business with or need to conta...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Coop ha realizzato l’App Coop Expo in occasione della presentazione del Supermercato del Futuro in Expo Milano 2015 in qualità di Official Premium Partner. Con Coop Expo puoi divertirti a definire il tuo profilo alimentare (sei un Italian Food Lover? un Wellness Consumer? O magari un Veggie…) e identificare i prodotti consigliati per te presenti nelle diverse aree del Supermercato del Futuro. Tramite la tecnologia dei sensori di prossimità, l’App ti indicherà la mappa dei prodotti consigliati e la tua posizione rispetto a questi. A...
[ ビジネス ]
For innovative firms working in the commercial transport business, look no further than The Coop as a solution to reach your plant, remote, or office employees easily and effectively. The Coop gives you a way to take the lead when it comes to providing the best solutions in the industry. Employees, partners, management, and vendors can all interact with the The Coop mobile solution to: - Stay up to date with company and industry info. - Interact with leadership and management. - Explore exclusive content from industry leaders lik...
[ ゲーム ]
Return to arcade twitch gaming with Chicken Shift, a spiritual successor to 1984’s arcade coin-op of the same name. Chicken Shift: Back to the Coop -- The video game stars four chickens: Rosie, Maddie, Bertha, and Gertie. You must help them navigate their eggs through various mazes of pipes and “shifters” and to drop their eggs safely into the egg cartons without breaking them. Fill the egg cartons and move on to the next, more challenging level to get that hi-score. TRIVIA: Chicken Shift: Back to the Coop was programmed by Bob P...
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